Zeolite & Bioavailable Silica: The Holy Grail of Health?
Zeolite and bioavailable silica are totally rocking my world. In this post, I'll tell you why I think zeolite and bioavailable silica are some of the most game-changing anti-aging health supplements I've ever encountered.
Over this past year, I had a massive biohacking breakthrough. It involves anti-aging; literally turning back the clock on my body.
Guys, I reversed my wrinkles and gray hair. And I went from needing 8+ hours of sleep each night, and still feeling tired, to only needing 4-5 hours of sleep per night, and having energy all day.
In this post I'll also explain how to get started supplementing with zeolite and silica.
This is a long post because I have to walk you through a lot of stuff. Not so easy to explain quickly. Also, I'm kind of all over the place because dang this is just all so exciting. I'll write more polished posts later. I just want to get this out to you.
Anyway, I have included a Table of Contents to help you navigate.
OK, let's get started...
Disclaimer: This site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor or medical professional nor am I giving medical advice. Please talk to your doctor (preferably a holistic minded one) about any health issues you have. I am also not a financial advisor and am not giving financial advice. Also, some of my links are affiliate links. If you buy a product through one of my links, I may receive a commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support to help me to continue my work. Please see my Privacy Policy.
Zeolite & Bioavailable Silica: The Holy Grail of Health?
Table of Contents
Jump down to sections:
My Biohacking Breakthrough
How ROOT Brands Led Me to My Epiphany
What Is ROOT?
Silica and Zeolite in ROOT Products
Zeolite or Silica?
What Is Zeolite?
Zeolite Is Crystalized Clay
Where Does Zeolite Come From?
Zeolites are Formed By a Chemical Reaction
Structured Water, AKA Hexaganol Water
Not All Zeolite Products Are The Same
Why ROOT Zeolite is More Bioavailable
How to Start Supplementing with Zeolite and Bioavailable Silica
How to Get ROOT Products For Free
My Experience with ROOT Products
Which ROOT Products I'm Taking
Get Started with ROOT
Order with ROOT Prime and Save
Learn More About ROOT
Got Questions?
My Biohacking Breakthrough
If you haven't yet, go and read my recent post about my Biohacking Breakthrough.
Here's the short version of what happened in 11 short bullet points... and then I'll get into the meat and potatoes about why I am so excited about silica and zeolite.
- I spent over a decade blogging about health and food.
- Five years ago, I realized that heavy metals and toxins like fluoride and aluminum are some of the biggest causes of health problems we are facing. Two years ago, I learned about the benefits of silica, and how it can remove aluminum from our bodies, and started adding silica to my water.
- A year ago, on March 1st, 2022, in addition to the silica water, I started drinking water with chl0rine di0xide s0lution (what I call "pool water").
- I was blown away that within a matter of days, I stopped needing to sleep 8 hours a night. I was full of energy on just 4-5 hours a night. I also noticed I could run again without getting winded. And I had energy all day long.
- Over the next few weeks, I started noticing my wrinkles were disappearing and my skin looked amazing. Take a look at these photos of my skin from last year... I added my observations below. Note: I am not wearing any makeup or using any photo filters. Feel free to download this photo to look at it up close.
February 28, 2022: Before photo. This was the first day I started on the pool water. I had been adding silica to my water for 1-2 years.
March 15, 2022: Two weeks on the pool water and silica water. You can see my skin is beginning to plump up. My complexion looks more rosy. Lips are less dry and wrinkled. Shadows, bags and fine lines lessening.
April 5, 2022: One month on the pool water and silica water. It was in April – not sure about the exact date – I also started taking Pure Body Extra zeolite. Very noticeable difference! My skin looks a lot younger. My lips are less dry and wrinkled. Bags and shadows under my eyes are markedly lessened. My eyes also look brighter.
May 7, 2022: Two months on the pool water and silica water. I took this photo outside so the lighting is slightly different but you can still see the difference. Massive difference. My face is plumped up and hydrated. The bags under my eyes are almost completely gone. Fine lines lessening even more. It's like I took 10-20 years off my face in 2 months.
6. A few months later, I noticed that my gray hair was going away.
7. Then I noticed that my friends who were also drinking the pool water was having the same results as me. They were having good results, but not mind-blowingly good like mine.
I could not understand why there were not as excited about it as I was.
You see, for meI thought it was just the pool water that was making the difference. I did not connect that I was also adding silica to my water. And I was the only one doing that.
8. Last summer, I stopped making the silica water, which I had been doing for a couple of years, and stopped taking the zeolite, which I had been doing for a couple of months.
I stopped because I figured I didn't need them anymore since the chl0rine di0xide was removing metals and toxins in my body.
Ugh! I am sad that I stopped but also glad because it led me to this discovery.
9. Anyway, this past fall, I noticed that my gray hair started coming back, my skin stopped looking amazing, wrinkles came back, and I was sleeping 8 hours a night again and still feeling tired.
What was happening?
I was going though a divorce so I figured it was just the stress that was causing my gray hair, fatigue, etc.
10. Then a few weeks ago, a friend called me and was talking about a game-changing line of supplements.
I saw silica on the label. And boom! The dots connected.
I realized it was silica AND pool water together that was what was giving me such miraculous results. I believe it is the pool water that made the silica more bioavailable – I'll discuss that below.
In this post, I'm going to explain WHY they work. And why most silica or zeolite supplements alone can't possibly achieve these results.
11. About 3 weeks ago, on January 26, 2023, I started adding the silica to my water again and also started taking zeolite (a different brand – I'll explain why) along with the chl0rine di0xide ("pool water") and BADDA BING I'M BACK BABY!
Sleeping just 5 hours a night again and full of energy all day long. And I feel amazing!
How Root Brands Led Me to My Epiphany
Okay, in order for me to explain why I think this is working, I have to walk you through how I figured it out.
Science is all about observation, then noticing patterns. As you start to notice patterns, you come up with hypotheses. And then you test the hypotheses. That's how you figure stuff out.
Like I said, this friend of mine called me a few weeks ago... she is a writer and health coach whom I respect very much. She called to tell me she found a line of groundbreaking supplements from a company called ROOT Brands.
She told me these products are a game-changer – in the fight against the C0V1D quackzine injuries. Yes, they have products that can help reverse the effects of the jibberdy jabberdy thingie. The thing we cannot mention.
Anyway, I have to tell you about this company, ROOT Brands because:
1.) their products are helping me understand why the silica and zeolite and "pool water" work together synergystically, and...
2.) I think their products could actually be a shortcut on-ramp onto the fast lane for a lot of you who are perhaps apprehensive about making "pool water" and silica water – or maybe you just don't have the time to research it and get started making it.
You see, it's a bit of a learning curve to get started with the DIY silica water and pool water. Although I maintain it's easier than making sourdough bread, which is also actually very easy once you learn how to do it.
I say this because of the reaction I get from most of my friends when I tell them about it. They want to try it, they are impressed by my results, but it just seems like too much work for them to learn about it.
Or maybe they don't really believe you can get results like this from literally just DRINKING WATER! It just sounds too good to be true to be believed.
And I know, most of us right now are so burned out, stressed out, and PTSD'd to the gills.
So that's why I'm interested in the company and their products. The results they are getting seem to be similar to what I am experiencing.
So this may be a good jump start for people who want to experiments benefits like I am getting from silica/zeolite/pool water – but want to buy a loaf of sourdough bread without having to learn how to bake from scratch.
OK, so let me explain... and please bear with me. I know it's a lot of information but as I always say, I would write a shorter blog post if I had more time.
What Is ROOT?
The name of the company is Root Brands. It was founded by Dr. Christina Rahm founded and her husband, Clayton Thomas in 2020, just 3 years ago this month. Right when the whole C0VID thing broke out.
Dr. Rahm's background was working for decades as a scientist. She started out in Big Pharma but just couldn't do it anymore.
That said, the fact that she worked in pharma for so long means she knows exactly what is in their products and how to make antidotes.
How to make nutraceutical products that can actually help people, instead of what pharma is doing.
Ahem. We know what pharma is doing; I don't have to come out and say it.
Dr. Rahm's husband, Clayton Thomas's background is in nutraceuticals; he encouraged her to start creating a line of nutraceuticals.
Dr. Rahm said years ago, she had an "Esther moment" (Esther 4:14) and had a vision that she was supposed to be fighting to help save lives in a war.
I know that I am also meant to be fighting this war. And I know many of you who follow me are on the same path.
See my post, Matriarch's Purim.
Silica and Zeolite in ROOT Products
The first product Root Brands created was, Clean Slate, which contains silica.
I found that very interesting, since I have had such remarkable, dare I say miraculous experiences with silica.
As I said in bullet point #10 above, when I looked up the products online, I saw silica on the label.
Then, later, I went back to look at the ingredients... I thought I was hallucinating because I thought I had seen clinoptilolite (a form of zeolite) on the label.
I looked again... nope, I wasn't hallucinating. There it was – zeolite – on the FAQ:
However, I don't see zeolite on the label on the Clean Slate bottle:
Zeolite or Silica?
So which was it? What is in Clean Slate? Zeolite or silica?
So then my friend, the health coach, invited me to do a zoom call to get my questions answered about Root Brands.
I asked whether it was zeolite or silica and this is what they said (these are my notes):
Clean Slate starts out as zeolite and is then broken down to silica, encapsulated in vitamin C — it's 97% pure clinoptinite (zeolite). Dr. Rahm has the patent that breaks it down.
What Is Zeolite?
Okay, let's backtrack.
First we need to know... what is zeolite?
I googled it and this is what I found out:
- Zeolite is a mineral found in natural deposits in the earth. It is composed of hydrated aluminosilicate materials that contain metals.
- Zeolites are microporous, crystalline aluminosilicate materials with a typical diameter ranging from 0.3–0.8 nm (a nanometer, or nm, is one-billionth of a meter).
- Zeolites are commonly used as commercial absorbents and catalysts. They have a honeycomb structure that provides exceptional strength and stability to their framework.
- Zeolite can be used to clean liquid spills such as oils, fuels, mild acids and alkalis, and various other organic toxins. Gases such as formaldehyde and hydrogen sulphide have been shown to be absorbed by zeolite.
I understood most of that but one phrase stuck out: aluminosilicate materials.
What does that mean?
Do you ever find that when you are reading, you get tripped up by confusing words?
Stay With Me – Let's Break It Down
Since this post is a bit science-y, I'm going to slow down and define any confusing-sounding words we come across.
This is a trick I learned from reading L. Ron Hubbard's book, Dianetics.
If you employ this trick, you can learn anything and you won't get tired and brain-fogged when you're reading because you won't get tripped up by confusion.
When you are reading, anytime you come across a word that you don't know, simply look up the definition.
Break things down into easy-to-consume bite-sized pieces and you don't get overwhelmed.
Okay, so let's sart with that word aluminosilicate. What does that mean?
What Is Aluminosilicate?
About 95% of the earth's crust is composed of aluminosilicate clays, silicate minerals, or silica.
Aluminosilicate clays are minerals composed of aluminium, silicon, and oxygen. They are what make up kaolin and other clay minerals.
What Are Silicate Minerals?
OK, so what are silicate minerals? The vast majority of the minerals that make up the rocks of Earth's crust are silicate minerals.
These include quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, pyroxene, olivine, and a variety of clay minerals.
Type any of those words into your Google machine.
You will see that they are all crystalized minerals.
Hang with me here, because this is gonna make sense in a minute.
This actually led me to a big breakthrough, so trust me, it's worth it. It is actually mind-blowing.
Zeolite Is Crystalized Clay
So... zeolite is basically clay. Hydrated aluminosilicate materials is a fancy way of saying clay.
But zeolite is not just any clay. It's like a kind of crystallized clay.
What Is Crystallization?
Okay, so that's another $5 word. Crystallization. What does it mean?
Let's look it up.
Crystallization is the solidification of a liquid substance into a highly structured solid whose atoms or molecules are placed in a well-defined three-dimensional crystal lattice.
Here's another definition of crystals.
Crystals are liquids that turn into highly organized solids:
The honeycomb structure of crystals reminds me of that dress Melania wore when the Trumps left the White House in 2021:
Talk about a wardrobe change. pic.twitter.com/Xuy4Hlbgkq
— Kate Bennett (@KateBennett_DC) January 20, 2021
I read that the Trumps drink Fiji water, which is structured water, very high in silica.
Hang on, I'll explain what I mean by "structured water."
Before I get to the mind-blowing part and how this all connects to WATER, let's first talk about where we find zeolite.
Where Does Zeolite Come From?
Zeolites are in the ground and in the ocean. They crystallize over periods ranging from thousands to millions of years in shallow marine basins.
Natural zeolites form when acidic volcanic rocks and ash layers react with alkaline groundwater.
There are extensive deposits of zeolites occur all oceans. Some oceans more than others. If there's a volcano nearby, you'll find a lot more zeolites.
Natural Zeolites in the Ocean
I was just watching a video the other day... I forget which one or else I would share it with you. I binge watch so many videos, it's impossible to share them fast enough.
Clayton Thomas, the CEO of Root Wellness, was talking about their recent trip to Cyprus and how they were swimming in the Mediterranean Sea. He was talking about how gorgeous and sparkling and blue the water is, even though the land around it is very polluted.
Well, interestingly enough, Cyprus was formed by a volcano that erupted over 90 million years ago.
So that's why the water is so amazing in the Mediterranean. All that zeolite!
And, by the way... it is not lost on me that CLAYton Thomas, a man who is obsessed with zeolite and other minerals, was named after Clay.
Zeolites are Formed By a Chemical Reaction
So this is what is fascinating to me... zeolites come from volcanoes.
The volcanoes spew lava, which turns into rocks and ash. These rocks and ash are acidic.
Groundwater, on the other hand, is alkaline.
So is this what causes the crystallization? A chemical reaction?
You know, like when you combine vinegar or lemon juice and baking soda when you want to clean something.
Vinegar is acidic and baking soda is alkaline.
Salt and Light
The reason this is so interesting to me is because it's very similar to what I call "pool water."
I can't use the real name of what it is – chl0rine di0xide s0lution – misspelled with zeroes instead of Os on purpose – because I'll get censored, so I call it pool water.
If you go and read my posts about pool water, it's essentially a form of acid (hydrochloric acid, which is what is in your stomach) combined with an alkaline salt (sodium chlorite).
Sodium chloride (with a D) is basically just table salt. Sodium chloriTe with a T (like the cross) is electrified salt.
This is biblical, ya'll. Salt and light!
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
(Matthew 5:13-16)
God Designed Us Perfectly
And think about it. God designed us with an acidic stomach – full of hydrochloric acid.
When we eat salty foods, which most of our food was prior to modern refrigeration, it creates a chemical reaction in our stomach. When this happens, parasites are killed, toxins are disabled and removed. This is the way it is supposed to work.
We were designed perfectly not to get sick.
Dogs have 10 times more hydrochloric acid in their stomachs than we do. Vultures have 100 times more hydrochloric acid.
This explains why they can eat rotten meat and polluted drink water in puddles outside and they don't get sick.
And this is why people started getting cancer when they took antacid drugs. Because we need more stomach acid, not less.
Are you seeing the pattern? Look at this:
- Baking soda (alkaline) + vinegar (acidic) = Cleaning solution
- Rainwater (alkaline) + volcanic ash (acidic) + = Zeolite
- Sodium chlorite (alkaline) + hydrochloric acid (acidic) = "Pool water"
When you combine these things (alkaline + acid) it structures, or organizes the water molecules.
Which creates "structured water" inside the body. Let's get into that briefly...
Structured Water, AKA Hexaganol Water
When I started learning about "pool water" a year ago, I thought it was just a way to purify/detox the body from the inside.
The more I read about it and the more I watched videos and interviews, I started to realize that pool water doesn't just help the body by disinfecting and detoxing, it is also about helping the water molecules inside your body organize.
Just like that honeycomb structure in zeolite crystals.
When you learn about structured water, you realize that water (H20) from your tap is not the same thing as water in nature. Natural spring water or rain water is actually H30, or structured water.
Water is structured by nature. When we use modern processing to filter and purify it and run water through pipes, it denatures it.
This is why snowflakes are so beautiful. They are crystallized structures of water. This is what water looks like in nature, before it is deformed by modern processing methods.
Andreas Kalcker talks about structured water in his book, Forbidden Health, which you can't buy on Amazon because they banned it. (You can get it on his website.)
How to know if something is true and it works? It gets banned off the internet.
Here's are a couple of excerpts from Andreas Kalcker's book, Forbidden Health about structured water:
So here's the thing that I am interested in... this is what stands out to me...
The human body is made up of mostly water. You can Google that.
What happens when we drink structured water? The water inside our bodies becomes structured.
And remember what Andreas Kalcker said about structured water? It pushes away or excludes pathogens.
So, when we drink structured water, and restructure the water in our bodies, as a result, we become less pathogenic.
This is the mind-blowing part: We are actually structuring the water inside our bodies.
It's Not Just About Detoxing the Body
When we consume zeolite and/or high silica water and/or "pool water" we are cleaning and disinfecting our cells from the inside.
But it goes way beyond that. Consuming these things may even help to change our frequency.
Do you remember that book, The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto?
If you haven't read it, please get a copy. It's mind-blowing.
Water records our thoughts and emotions. So what does changing the water inside our bodies do to how we hold emotions?
Would it help us release trauma? Would it help us become more psychic and telepathic. I don't know... I'm just spitballing here, but I bet you it would.
Based on years of research on silica, and my incredible biohacking experiences, I now believe that bioavailable silica/zeolites is the single most important thing we can do for our health.
At the end of this post, I'm going to show you two different ways you can get started.
One way is DIY and takes more time, but it's super cheap (less than $5/month). The other way is fast and easy, but it costs more. Still very affordable considering the benefits!
Learn More About Structured Water
I can't really explain all about structured water in this post, because it's just too much (I'll write more about it and make more videos later) but in the meantime, if you want to learn more, I recommend you watch some videos about structured water.
Here, I made you a YouTube Structured Water playlist.
If you just watch the first couple of videos on that list, you'll start to get the idea.
Not All Zeolite Products Are The Same
Okay, before I get into the how-to-get-started part of this post, I need to explain that not all zeolite products are the same, and that is why not all people will get the results they are looking for.
There are a number of different zeolite products on the market, but they don't all work the same.
I promise to write a longer post on this later, and make videos about it, but to say it succinctly, I believe that the ROOT Brands zeolite is the best on the market.
There are many reasons why ROOT Brands Clean Slate zeolite is the best.
Not only that, but the other brands of zeolite on the market are not as concentrated, and one of them is not even natural zeolite – it's marketed as synthetic zeolite. What that means exactly, I don't know. Sounds sketchy though.
The zeolite brand I was taking before is good, and people do get great benefits from it. But based on my research so far, it is not as good as ROOT Brands.
The number one reason other zeolite products are not as good as Root Wellness Clean Slate is they are not as bioavailable — and your body can't absorb/use them as well.
Let me explain why...
Why ROOT Zeolite is More Bioavailable
Okay, I had to write all of that above, so I could get to this part.
From what I learned from Andreas Kalcker, the pool water works because it is a gas with molecules that are a thousand times smaller than nanoparticles. That's why it can go everywhere in our body and penetrate our cells.
I believe that the ROOT Brands Clean Slate can also penetrate the cells because of the patented process Dr. Rahm is using.
Dr. Rahm spent many years working in nanotechnology. She was able to create a patented method of breaking apart the zeolite and extract nano-particles of silica. Which means your body can absorb them at the cellular level.
I don't know for sure but based on this, it is my hypothesis that either of these methods would work – using Clean Slate or using pool water/silica water.
I'm not sure what all Clean Slate can do, but I think this is the only product on the market that can come anywhere close to what this combination of chl0rine di0xide and silica water can do.
Maybe it's not even as good as the homemade stuff, I don't know. But I think it can be a way for people to get started if they don't have the wherewithal to make silica water and pool water.
Again, this is just my theory – I haven't tested myself on ROOT Brands Clean Slate by itself without the pool water/silica water. Yet. I do plan to do that eventually. I'll keep you posted!
Here is a YouTube playlist with Zeolite Comparisons. I'll post more about this soon – but watch the videos in this playlist. It's amazing.
How to Start Supplementing with Zeolite and Bioavailable Silica
I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but I don't think you need to be a doctor or scientist to realize that pretty much everyone should be consuming silica and zeolite.
If you look at what it did for me, it's just mind-blowing. What could it do for you? What could you reverse or improve?
I don't know what kind of results you will get. However, what if your health does get better? Wouldn't it be worth it?
There are two ways to get started:
1. The Inexpensive DIY Way: Make Your Own Silica Water & Pool Water
This is how I started one year ago, in February of 2022.
There are 3 steps involved:
1) Filter your water or buy spring water. Here's my post on How To Filter Your Water.
2) Add silica to your water. Here's my recipe for How to Make Silica Water.
3) Make "pool water" and work up to drinking 1 liter per day of filtered silica water with 30 ml "pool water" added. Here's my recipe for pool water: How to Make Pool Water.
It costs a little bit of money to get a water filter and buy the equipment you need to make pool water. Everything is listed with links to buy in my recipes above. You won't spend more than a few hundred dollars, with the filter included.
And going forward, this method will cost you less than $5 per month and all you have to do is drink a liter of water every day. And use silica water to make your coffee, tea, etc. You can cook with silica water, too.
Not hard to do! But it does take time and energy to learn how to get started.
2. Fast & Easy Way: Start on Root Trinity
The fast track to getting started is getting on the ROOT products.
Like I said, I really don't know what kind of results you will get and how it will compare to my results on the silica/pool water combo.
This is because I haven't tested these products alone (without the silica/pool water) on myself.
That said, I am hearing absolutely amazing testimonials from people, which is why I am now personally taking the ROOT products in addition to drinking my pool water and silica water.
I have so profoundly improved my health in this past year, that I now want to do everything I can to get even more benefits.
If I can get more hours out of my day, if I can be more productive, if I can sleep better and feel happier and more energetic, then the way I see it, spending money on supplements is worth every penny.
The ROOT Trinity box is $275 for one month of the 3 foundational products:
1) Clean Slate - Zeolite/silica detox product.
2) Restore - Adding back nutrients, boosting immunity and restoring the microbiome.
3) Zero-In - Helps with focus and mood, rebalancing circadian rhythms.
If that amount is out of your budget, I would personally start with just the Clean Slate. If you see benefits from that, and I believe you will, you can then add the other products going forward.
How to Get ROOT Products For Free
The way the company is set up, every customer can get money back from referring their friends.
No, it is not MLM. I personally have nothing against MLM – I love the business model.
But this is not that. This is an affiliate marketing model. I have been promoting products as an affiliate for 15 years, and it's something I personally believe we should all do.
Why? Because the idea of companies spending money on social media ads and TV commercials is outdated and a waste of money. We all know the best form of marketing is word-of-mouth. When someone we trust recommends something, we are much more likely to listen then if we see something on an advertisement.
Everyone who joins ROOT gets an affiliate link they can use to share the products and get paid.
That said, what have you got to lose trying the products? If they work, refer your friends, get paid, and your products are essentially free.
30-day Money-back Guarantee
ROOT offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose.
Order the products, give them a try, and if you don't see results, or you are unhappy for any reason, simply send them back for a full refund.
My Experience with ROOT Products
Almost two weeks ago, I started taking the ROOT Trinity Pack, to see what will happen. Even though I'm feeling great on the pool water and silica water, I'm very curious to see what will happen with the ROOT line.
Because while I feel great, why not feel even better? I want to see what happens to my skin, to my hair, etc.
And let's face it, we are going through onte of the most challenging times in human history. Anything I can do to feel better and help me cope with stress and trauma, I'm all in.
Anyway, I'm going to keep ya'll posted with my progress.
Which ROOT Products I'm Taking
I ordered the Trinity Pack, which I've been taking for a week and a half:
Trinity is comprised of 3 things (hence the name):
1) Clean Slate
2) Restore and
3) Zero-In
From now on, I'm going to order the Trinity Pack Plus instead, because it has a full month supply of the Restore – instead of just 2 weeks worth.
A Note on Taking ROOT Products with Pool Water
Be sure to take the Clean Slate separately from the pool water.
Because the Clean Slate has vitamin C (an antioxidant) which will negate the oxidizing effects of the pool water.
No big deal – just take these products at least an hour apart.
Get Started with ROOT
Go ahead and join ROOT as a customer/affiliate. There is no purchase necessary to join.
How To Join ROOT
When you join ROOT as a customer/affiliate, you will be under me, so I will earn a commission from your purchases.
You will also earn from anyone who purchases or joins as an affiliate via your link.
I will also be connecting you with the people I signed up with, which are rockstar health coaches who are extremely knowledgeable. They do regular zoom calls to educate us on the products.
Order with ROOT Prime and Save
I didn't do this for my first order because I didn't know how to do it, but if you're going to order, you might as well sign up with ROOT Prime because you will save money.
ROOT Prime is similar to Amazon Subscribe and Save. It's an automatic monthly delivery. Not only will you get a discount, but you get free shipping after your first order. And there is no monthly minimum.
Benefits of a ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) Include:
• Dedicated Customer Support
• FREE / DISCOUNTED* SHIPPING on 2nd and all consecutive RPS orders. *regional
• RPS Tokens (a $15.00 value) to offset shipping on orders placed outside of the RPS program, should you need a product between scheduled shipments.
• $50 Loyalty Reward (subscriptions up to $175 per month) each time you successfully complete 4 consecutive RPS deliveries. Reward can be redeemed on future orders.
• $100 Loyalty Reward (subscriptions $176 per month and over) each time you successfully complete 4 consecutive RPS deliveries. Reward can be redeemed on future orders.
• RPS Call, reoccurring once each month on a dedicated day and time, specifically for ROOT Prime subscribers. You will not want to miss this call!
How to Order with ROOT Prime
Here's a video showing you how to order with Root Prime:
Change Your ROOT Prime Order Any Time
Don't worry – you can change your ROOT Prime order at any time. And, like I said, there is no minimum order, which is awesome.
So, for example, if all you want is one "Pucker Performance" for $34, you can just add that one thing.
I just created my ROOT Prime account with the following items for this month:
Woohoo! I cannot wait to try the Pucker Performance! Also the Face Lift.
To learn more about the different products available, check out the ROOT YouTube channel.
Learn More About ROOT
Not ready to sign up yet? Want to do more research before you start taking ROOT products?
Check out the ROOT Brands YouTube channel – there are so many videos on there that will give you more information about the products and what they can do for you.
Got Questions?
Ask in the comments below, or email me at annmarie @ annmarie michaels dot com.