Real Food Media, Expo West & the No GMO Challenge
I just wanted to write a quick post to let you know why I have been a little sporadic about posting. And why I haven’t been as good about responding to emails and comments (just in case you’ve commented or emailed and have been wondering why you haven’t heard from me).

I just wanted to write a quick post to let you know why I have been a little sporadic about posting. And why I haven’t been as good about responding to emails and comments (just in case you’ve commented or emailed and have been wondering why you haven’t heard from me).
As I told a friend recently, I’ve been busier than a one-legged man in an a** kicking contest. Turns out launching a blog network takes some time and effort. My weekdays normally run 16-18 hours, working at the computer and on the phone non-stop. Weekends I only log about 6-8 hours at the computer, but then the rest of the time is spent with a toddler — who is in many ways, more exhausting (but more fun).

This Thursday I’m headed down to Anaheim to cover the Natural Products Expo West — the world’s largest natural and organic products trade show. I’m going as press, camera and notebook in tow. So I’ll have lots to share with you when I return. Not only will I be reviewing lots of organic and natural foods and products, but everyone in the Real Food Media Blog Network is going to be doing a lot more contests and giveaways. We’re all very excited!
In addition to that, I’m in the process of setting up ads on our Real Food Media blog network. What this means is you are going to start seeing ads from our sponsors instead of Google ads. You’ll still see some Google ads, but you’ll also see a lot of neat new ads from companies we recommend and endorse. So please, when you see the non-Google ads start popping up, do take the time to go visit our sponsors. These are all companies we believe in and support wholeheartedly.
If that’s not enough, we’re also getting ready to kick off the No GMO Blog Challenge. More to come in the next few days and weeks…
Don’t forget, Kelly the Kitchen Kop is hosting Real Food Wednesday tomorrow. This week’s theme is “Your Best Time-Saving Kitchen or Nutrition Tips”. Visit tomorrow to share ideas, and to read posts from others. (PS: Kelly normally posts before midnight EST tonight — so if you want to get a jump on it, get your post ready to go and head over to her site tonight!)
Photo credit: Assbach on Flicker
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