Webinar: Detox the Vax
In this webinar, I share 9 natural and affordable methods to recover from v@ccine injuries. Important: Even if you are not vaxxed, you still need to detox the vax. You are not safe from getting sick, disabled and dying.

- Were you injured by the C0VID vaccine or another v@ccine?
- Do you know someone who was injured by a v@ccine?
- Are you suffering from transmission of the v@ccine from the v@ccinated to the unv@ccinated?
In this webinar, I share 9 natural and affordable methods to recover from v@ccine injuries.
Important: Even if you are not vaxxed, you still need to detox the vax. You are not safe from getting sick, disabled and dying. This is because the vax is being transmitted from the vaxxinated to the unvaxxinated.
In the webinar, I talk about the epidemic of excess deaths since the vaccine rolled out in 2021 and why we are seeing a huge increase in disability and death around the world.
I also share my personal history of curing my own v@ccine injuries and friends' injuries with diet and supplements, and the detoxification tools we have now that are so much more powerful than just diet and supplements.
Note: This content is for members only. It is totally FREE, but due to the controversial information in this webinar (hello, we are being majorly silenced by the Medical Industrial Mafia) I need to keep this webinar behind a privacy wall for members only.
- If you are already a member of my blog and get email updates, you will be able to see the webinar – just scroll down.
- If you are not yet a member of my blog, sign up for my free emails to get instant access to the webinar. You will receive an email to confirm your subscription and then you will be able to come back here and reload the page and you will have access to the webinar.
(If you have any trouble accessing the webinar, please email me at annmarie@annmariemichaels.com.)
Sign Up for My New Webinar DETOX THE VAX

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