Water Softeners, Fulvic Minerals & Sleeping 5 Hours a Night

In this post, I share with you my latest biohacking breakthrough: water softeners are evil beasts that must be slayed, and this fulvic mineral supplement is a gift from God.

I woke up at 3:45 this morning. I'm not sure what time I fell asleep but I think it was around 10:30. So that means I got a little over 5 hours of sleep.

Instead of waking up sleepy and hitting the snooze, I’m wide awake. No snooze button today. My eyes popped open at 3:45 and I was fully awake, feeling great.

This is after weeks of hitting the snooze all the way to 6:30 am – when I have to get up to take my son to school. On the days he was at his dad's, I was sleeping until 7. And I was waking up groggy, and my eyes felt blurry.

I didn't know why I was suddenly needing more sleep after years of only needing 5 hours a night.

How I Started Needing Only 5 Hours of Sleep a Night

When I started drinking the "pool water" (Chlorine Dioxide Solution" or CDS) and silica water a little over two years ago, that's when I started only being able to sleep 5 hours a night.

It was a revelation. Suddenly I went from needing 8 hours to only 5 hours a night, and I slept like a rock, all the way through the night. And I would fall asleep instantly, as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Over the past two years, I noticed that if I stopped doing one or the other – CDS or silica water – I would need more sleep again, and I'd wake up groggy and tired.

And, anytime I got off the CDS, all the other stuff would come back – runny nose, post nasal drip, dry eyes.

Here's my post with all the details about my sleep biohacking: How I'm Sleeping Only 5 Hours a Night.

Why Was I Hitting the Snooze Again?

Fast forward to today... Ever since I moved into this rental house in January, I was still drinking the CDS and still adding silica to the water.

So I couldn’t figure out why this was happening. Why was I suddenly needing more sleep again?

Yesterday morning, it occurred to me. I had only changed one thing since we moved here in January.

The Beast in the Garage

I remembered the water softener. I walked into the garage and stared the beast down.

I googled it and BANG, there it was. My answer.

Ugh! Of course. The water softener was removing minerals from our water supply. If adding more silica, a mineral, is helping my body function better, which it most definitely is, then the other minerals are important, too.

So right after that, I called the water softener company and asked them, "How do I disconnect this thing?"

They walked me through how to turn off the water supply and unplug it.

Fulvic Minerals to the Rescue

Next thing I did was go grab the box that came last week from Touchstone. I remembered that I had ordered their Fulvic Minerals so I went to go get it.

Touchstone Essentials Fulvic Minerals

I had heard Kerri Rivera raving about fulvic minerals on a recent interview (not sure if it was this one or this one) on Dr. Robert Yoho's show.

If you don't know who he is, subscribe to his Substack; he's a fantastic writer – one of the few people I read regularly.

And I will try not to keep posting this video below in reference to Dr. Yoho.

I can't help it though – it pops in my head every time I say his name. "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!"

Why I Stopped Taking Supplements

After the divorce in the fall of 2022 when I got thrown out of my house, I stopped taking my zeolite and collagen.

Partly it was the stress of moving that got me out of my habit. I had been with my husband for 17 years – so this was a big upheaval.

And I figured, I was doing fine with my CDS and silica water – why spend the extra money?

I lost 90% of my income in 2019 when Big Tech deplatformed me, and now my husband had stopped supporting me. I figured I could get by without these supplements.

But a couple weeks ago, I thought to myself, I am a health blogger. This is what I do. Why am I depriving myself of supplements that will help me function at my best? Why am I being stingy with myself?

Of course, it's stressful losing 90% of your income, and then being cut off of support. My ex kept telling me I needed to go get a job.

But this is what I do. This is what I was born to do.

I feel called to be a health blogger.

And I know some way, some how, God is going to bring my income from blogging back. If I'm going to be successful, I need to take care of myself first.

Burn the Boats

And I keep thinking of what my friend Ellen said. My friend Ellen who is a successful entrepreneur who generates hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue every year from her business.

She said, "Burn the boats!"

So, thanks to Ellen's cheerleading, last week I decided to order more zeolite and, based on Kerri Rivera's endorsement, also get the Fulvic Minerals.

I said screw it, I'm putting it on autoship and I'm actually going to take it every day.

I ordered the Zeolite Fulvic Pack, which is a 3-pack that contains both the Pure Body Extra zeolite spray, the Pure Body Extra liquid drops, and the Fulvic Minerals. And yeah, it's cheaper on autoship.

The reason I got both kinds of zeolite – the zeolite spray and the zeolite drops – is because as my friend Annie from Australia explained, and maybe she didn't say it this way and this is just the way I remembered it, "The spray goes to your cells and the drops go to your gut."

Zeolite Fulvic Pack

Anyway, so yesterday, after I shut off the water softener, I was like, I need to get some minerals in me fast.

Touchstone Essentials Fulvic Minerals

So I grabbed the Fulvic Minerals and added 2 ml to a glass of water.

Touchstone Essentials Fulvic Minerals

It tasted fine – just like plain water.

And boom shakalaka, here we are at not even 5:30 am and I'm writing blog posts. Almost done and haven't even finished my cup of coffee.

So, there you have it. God just helped me learn another lesson in biohacking.

Water softeners = bad.
Fulvic Minerals = good.

Zeolite Post Coming Soon

I promise to write a post about zeolite soon.

My new friend Robert Yoho (mentioned above, the one who interviewed Kerri Rivera) is suspicious of it. Mainly, I think because of what Dr. Christopher Exley said about it. Which is that he doesn't like it.

Dr. Exley, as much of a genius as he is, is not right about everything. For example, he says you can't make your own silica water at home. And I do. Because Dennis Crouse says you can.

And I'll be honest, zeolite is one of those things that I don't really understand how it works. But I will, at least, try to unpack Yoho's objections.

My gut feeling is that zeolite is good, which is why I am still going to take it, and I will attempt to prove that with evidence.

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This content is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with a physician or other health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, product use, diet, or fitness program.

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