The Real Anthony Fauci (Book Review)
I just finished reading The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and I can say without out a doubt, it is one of the best books I've ever read. In this post, I'll share with you why you need to get this book immediately, and buy copies for your friends and family.

I just finished reading The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and I can say without out a doubt, it is one of the best books I've ever read. In this post, I'll share with you why you need to get this book immediately, and buy copies for your friends and family.
I actually bought 2 copies so far and plan on buying a third copy. I have the audio version so I could digest the information the fastest, but I also went and bought the Kindle version so I could reread and absorb everything fully.
And now I'm going to buy a hardcover copy so I can hold it in my hands and refer to it quickly. I love this book that much.
I also sent a copy to my stepmother and plan to buy more copies for other relatives as well.
Just The Facts
Instead of writing a long review which is just a bunch of words that you don't need to waste your time reading, I will outline the FACTS Kennedy lays out in the book.
This book is all facts, and zero opinion.
Let's go over some of them, shall we? The facts I outline below are linked to sources with evidence.
So fact checkers, fact-check away.
Here are just some of the highlights I made:
- The CDC (Center For Disease Control) owns 57 vaccine patents. (Source)
- The CDC spends $4.9 billion of its $12 billion-dollar annual budget buying and distributing v@ccines. (Source) (Source)
- The NIH (National Institute of Health) owns hundreds of v@ccine patents and often profits from the sale of products it supposedly regulates.
- High level officials, including Dr. Fauci, receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help develop and then usher through the approval process. (Source)
- The FDA (Food & Drug Administration) receives 45% of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry, through what are euphemistically called "user fees". (Source)
- Neil Ferguson, with $148.8 million in funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, wildly overestimated US C0VID deaths by 525%, which Dr. Fauci promoted. (Source)
- CDC admitted that only 6% of C0VID deaths occurred in healthy individuals. The remaining 94% of deaths had an average of 3.8 comorbidities. (Source)
- "A Gallup polling showed that the average Democrat believed that 50% of C0VID infections resulted in hospitalizations. The real number was less than one percent." (Source)
- "Regional analysis in the U.S. does not show that [mask] mandates ahd any effect on case rates, despite 93% compliance... 85% of people who contracted C0VID-19 reported wearing a mask." (Source)

I could go on – there's so much more.
But I really don't need to, do I? No, I won't go on.
Buy The Book
Buy the book. Buy it for yourself and buy it for your friends and family members who need to read it.
Do it now.
The proceeds from the book go to support Robert F. Kennedy's legal defense fund.
And no, I will not link to Amazon because they cancelled me. I have been an Amazon associate for over a decade and they cancelled me a couple months ago.
You can order from them, I don't care. But that's why I'm not linking to them.
The Deep State can try to destroy me. They can try to take away all my income – which they have almost done. But I will never stop speaking out.
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