Easy Fermented Dill Pickles I love pickles! When I was a kid, I spent my summers at the pool where I would order a Moon Pie and a delicious dill pickle.
Tahitian Ceviche Tahitian ceviche is raw fish marinated in coconut and lime. In Tahiti, it’s called poisson cru (translation: “raw fish”).
Homemade Creamsicles Creamsicles are not very healthy, but these homemade creamsicles are! Because we’re using grass-fed cream and pastured egg yolks, these creamsicles are rich in vitamin K2, the fat soluble activator that prevents cavities and helps build strong bones.
Ahi Poke Ahi poke (pronounced “POH-keh”) is a classic Hawaiian food. I love making ahi poke in the summertime, because it’s nice and cool. No need to heat up the oven.
Easy Potato Salad Potato salad is one of my favorite summertime dishes. Perfect for a barbecue or garden party, I love potato salad with baked beans and grilled hot dogs or cheeseburgers.
Italian Chopped Salad One of my favorite summertime salads is an Italian chopped salad. We enjoy this at least once a week in the summer.
Homemade Thai Fish Sauce Thai fish sauce, or fermented fish sauce, is a staple throughout southeast Asia (not just Thailand). It makes a great substitute for soy sauce.