Organic Wine Country Weekend in Southern California I’ve been working WAY too much this past several months, and I really needed to take a couple days off to get away and de-stress.
Why I Switched to Organic Wine In this article, I’ll explain why I switched to organic wine, and how to read labels when buying organic wine.
10 Steps for Starting an Organic Garden Whether you want to grow vegetables and herbs for your family meals, or just want to have more flowers and color in your yard, gardening is an easy and fun hobby.
Confessions of a Lazy Gardener It’s been a busy year and I have not had the privilege of spending much time in the garden. And yet it is truly an embarrassment of riches when you consider how little I do.
CNN Says: Organic Food Not Healthier Than Regular Food “What does it mean if organic food is no healthier than regular food?”
Organize Locavores & Support Small Farms with One day — I am not sure how — I stumbled upon the website I searched to see if anyone was using Meetup to promote local foods in my area, and I found Sara and Todd.
Movie Review – FRESH: The Movie by Ana Sofia Joanes I was delighted to catch the new documentary, FRESH, by Ana Sophia Joanes at the Newport Beach film festival last month. FRESH is a movie about modern food production and supply, how messed up it is, the ramifications of industrial agriculture, and what we need to do to fix it.