Happy Father’s Day 2013 Almost eight years ago, I met Seth. It took us a long time to find each other. He was 41 and I was 37.
Planting Our Fall Garden I got inspired to plant a fall garden. It’s especially fun with a 5-year-old, who thinks gardening is fun.
Kate’s First Lemonade Stand Even though it’s officially fall, it’s still warm enough here in LA to have a lemonade stand. Every kid should have a lemonade stand. At five years old, this was Kate’s first.
Moving Again Wow, seems like we just moved to Las Vegas and now it’s time to move again. I guess it seems that way because we DID just move to Vegas.
Getting Grandparents on Board with Real Food I know a lot of you deal with parents and in-laws who are not quite so open-minded. I thought it would be fun to interview my mother-in-law, Nancy, and learn about how she got converted to real food.
A Garden Party in Holland Garden parties are the very best reason to lovely-up your yard. Why have people over and sit around your dining room table? You can do that in the wintertime! A garden is a feast for the eyes.