How to Detoxify Parasites & Heavy Metals: 3 Easy Steps (Video) In this video, I share 3 easy, natural and inexpensive steps to detoxify parasites and heavy metals.
Weekly Health Zoom Replay: Episode 1 (Video) In last Friday's first ever Weekly Health Zoom Call, I met with Charlene and Sheila for a really wonderful discussion. It was so good to reconnect like humans again!
Autism & Kerri Rivera Parasite Protocol (Video) In this video, I discuss Kerri Rivera's protocol for autism spectrum disorders, which includes the use of chl0rine di0xide and anti-parasitic drugs.
News Update: 11/11/23 (Video) In this video, recorded yesterday on 11/10/23, I talked about the significance of the number 11, 11:11 in the Bible, and today's date, 11/11. I also talked about my new company, Eden Revival, and my plans to launch on 11/11.
Reminder: Weekly Health Zoom Call Starts Tomorrow! (Video) Just a reminder to let you know we are doing the first weekly health zoom call tomorrow!
Webinar: Detox the Vax In this webinar, I share 9 natural and affordable methods to recover from v@ccine injuries. Important: Even if you are not vaxxed, you still need to detox the vax. You are not safe from getting sick, disabled and dying.
New Weekly Health Zoom Call & Monthly Giveaway (Video) In this video, I am announcing the first weekly health zoom call which will be happening every Friday afternoon going forward. I want to provide a platform for members to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from each other about how to heal ourselves.