Coconut Oil Lowers Cholesterol, Improves Thyroid Function I got a phone call from my mother-in-law last week. She and my father-in-law were at the doctor’s office and they had just found out that their cholesterol levels had dropped quite substantially.
Healing Autism: Jenny McCarthy & Jim Carrey Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey were on Larry King Live recently. I didn’t catch it on TV but I just watched all the segments on YouTube.
Reversing Diabetes in 5 Days, Plus Anemia Cure: Bison! What’s happening in the world of nutrition news this week? Reports about reversing diabetes with food, eating bison to cure anemia, and how vitamin A protects against vitamin D toxicity and kidney stones.
HFCS & Kidney Stones in Kids & Does Eating Red Meat Cause Cancer? This week in the Nutrition News Roundup I’m covering two stories: the recent increase in kidney stones in kids and its possible connection to HFCS (or high fructose corn syrup) and the recent study reporting that eating red meat causes cancer.
Top 10 Reasons To Eat Sourdough Bread Even If You’re Gluten Intolerant The other day I went to the farmer’s market in Santa Monica and spent some time talking to Jack Bezian of Bezian’s Bakery, the home of Los Angeles Sourdough.
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Bone Fracture, Chronic Pain Last week the United Press International reported a study by the Mayo Clinic showing a link between chronic pain and vitamin D deficiency: Chronic Pain Linked to Low Vitamin D.