Pool Water Zoom Call (March 21, 2022) This is the video replay from the zoom call we did on March 21, 2022 about pool water.
Pool Water Zoom Call (March 15, 2022) This is the video replay from the zoom call we did on March 15, 2022 about pool water.
How to Make Pool Water (Chl0rine Di0xide S0lution) In this post I share with you a simple recipe for how to make what I call pool water. This is the most life-changing thing I have ever done for my health.
Healing From Parasites From The Vaccines We did a zoom call last night to talk about how to heal from parasites from the vaccines.
Are Parasites in the Vaccines Causing Heart Disease? What if it's parasites in the qu@ckzines that is causing all this heart disease we are witnessing? In this post, we take a look at the evidence. The good news is, there is a cure.
17 Ways to Fight the Shedders Where we go one, we go all. And that applies to the qu@ckzines. In this post, I will share with you 17 things we are doing to fight the 💉 shedders.