A Garden Party in Holland Garden parties are the very best reason to lovely-up your yard. Why have people over and sit around your dining room table? You can do that in the wintertime! A garden is a feast for the eyes.
10 Steps for Starting an Organic Garden Whether you want to grow vegetables and herbs for your family meals, or just want to have more flowers and color in your yard, gardening is an easy and fun hobby.
Confessions of a Lazy Gardener It’s been a busy year and I have not had the privilege of spending much time in the garden. And yet it is truly an embarrassment of riches when you consider how little I do.
What I’m Growing: Strawberries, Fennel, Potatoes & Meyer Lemons I am pretty proud of my garden so far this year. Kate and I planted a bunch of stuff back in January: lettuce, thyme, mint, dandelion, shallots, garlic, onion, peas, dill, and fennel.
Winter Gardening in L.A. Here are some photos I took last weekend when Kate and I were gardening. We’ve been having gorgeous weather — in the 70s and 80s all week. We planted lettuce, thyme, mint, dandelion, shallots, garlic, onion, peas, dill, and fennel.
First Seedlings of Spring I was gathering Italian parsley and oregano for my spaghetti sauce tonight, and I was thinking, “There isn’t anything better than this. Being able to just step outside and gather herbs for your dinner.” Then I realized there is one thing that is better. And that’s the first seedlings of spring.