Video: France Day 7 This is another post in a series I am writing about my pilgrimage to France. Due to the personal nature, it is for my premium subscribers only.
Video: France Day 2 This the third post in a series I am writing about my pilgrimage to France. Due to the personal nature, it is for my premium subscribers only.
Video: Why I'm Going to France In March of 2020, I had a spiritual awakening. I know many of us had an awakening in 2020. This has caused a lot of upheaval in people's lives and families. I know many people who have gotten divorced, many people who are estranged from their families (raises hand).
June: The Month of The Sacred Heart of Jesus Many of us have struggled a lot over the past few years. You may have lost family or friends. Whatever is going on in your life, you may need extra strength and support right now. I want to share this Christian devotion with you for those of you.
Best Mother's Day of My Life I thought it was going to be the worst Mother's Day of my life. It turned out to be the best.
When the Saints Go Marching In Happy All Saints' Day. Last night I spent the evening celebrating All Hallows' Eve at La Madeleine, a restaurant chain that started in Dallas, Texas that is kind of like the McDonald's of French food.
Homemade Christmas Ornaments Made with Real Food We had a lot of fun this Christmas making “real food” homemade Christmas ornaments for our Christmas tree.