Real Food Kitchen Tour: Thank Your Body
Welcome to another edition of the Real Food Kitchen Tour. This week we’re featuring Robin Konie, author of the Thank Your Body blog.

Welcome to another edition of the Real Food Kitchen Tour. This week we’re featuring Robin Konie, author of the Thank Your Body blog.
What’s a Real Foodie?
A “real foodie” is someone who cooks “traditional” food. We cook stuff from scratch using real ingredients, like raw milk, grass-fed beef, eggs from chickens that run around outdoors, whole grains, sourdough and yogurt starters, mineral-rich sea salt, and natural sweeteners like honey and real maple syrup.
We don’t use modern foods that are either fake, super-refined, or denatured. This includes modern vegetable oils like Crisco and margarine, soy milk, meat from factory farms, pasteurized milk from cows eating corn and soybeans, refined white flour, factory-made sweeteners like HFCS or even refined white sugar, or commercial yeast.
We believe in eating wholesome, nutrient-dense foods that come from nature. So we shop at farmer’s markets or buy direct from the farmer, or we grow food in our own backyards.
This Week’s Real Food Kitchen Tour: Thank Your Body

This week we travel to Utah to tour the kitchen of Robin Konie, author of Thank Your Body.
Robin is a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist (RSMT) and a Certified Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst (CLMA). She is also an avid researcher. With a deep passion and respect for the human body, she has been exploring ways to help others reclaim their personal power and embodied way of knowing through movement, nutrition, and holistic approaches to health.
Robin is also one of our newest Real Food Media blogger. We’re so excited to have her join the Real Food Media blog network.
Blog Name: Thank Your Body
Blog Author: Robin Konie.
Location: Pleasant Grove, Utah.
How Long Blogging: Almost 3 years.
House or Apartment: Condo
Size of Kitchen: 13 x 10 feet (main kitchen area)
Things You Love About Your Kitchen: I love that the kitchen is such a central feature of our home. It’s so open! I love that you can be in the kitchen and still be part of everything else that is going on. It’s perfect for entertaining (although, let’s be honest, we are not huge entertainers).
Things You Would Change: I’d love a little more space (although its layout really works well). I’d love more room for a second freezer since ours it always full. I’d love a little more counter space for jars, crockpots, etc. And while I love that our kitchen is exposed to a lot of windows from the adjoining family room, I can’t wait for the day when I have an actual “kitchen window.”
It’s the little things, you know.
Favorite Tools & Gadgets: My knife. Seriously, I love my chef’s knife. In fact, when the husband and I got married we really didn’t have much of a honeymoon. Since I was teaching full time and we got married in the middle of the semester, we only took one day off as a “honeymoon.” What did we do? We called Tom’s old roommate who happened to be a really great cook (in fact, he was the one who got me excited about cooking). We asked him if he would come with us knife shopping because we had no clue what to look for. It was awesome! We got a whole lesson on knives and then spent a good chunk of gift money buying a couple of essential ones. Not many
people have such a “romantic” (ha!) memory of their honeymoon, but every time I use my knife I’m so glad we called our friend! Cooking sucks without a good knife… as I’m reminded anytime I try to cook at my mom’s house.
Biggest Challenges Cooking Real Food: Time. I did not grow up learning much about cooking, especially cooking real food. And since becoming a mom to a very energetic girl, there are plenty of days when I wish real food were a little more “convenient.” But most days I find the process of cooking so relaxing, especially if my family is nearby.
Current Family Favorite Meal: Lately, I have been craving soup! I’m so ready for Fall. I love making my own broth. Give me a bowl of homemade chicken taco soup and some sour dough bread slathered in butter and I’m a happy girl. (Especially if it’s finished off with homemade ice cream. Yum!)
Favorite Cookbooks: [easyazon-link asin=”0967089735″ locale=”us”]Nourishing Traditions[/easyazon-link], and the [easyazon-link asin=”0316118400″ locale=”us”] Flavor Bible[/easyazon-link] are two favorites. The first because of the priceless information and recipes. The second because it sparks my creative
juices and helps me find my own voice in my food. I also love my real food blogs!

Check Out the Previous Real Food Kitchen Tour Posts
Real Food Kitchen Tour: McKenzie McCarty
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Dimes2Vines
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Gutsy
Real Food Kitchen Tour: The Wannabe Homesteader
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Nourishing Our Children
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Life Is A Melody
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Too Many Jars in My Kitchen!
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Natural Health at Home
Real Food Kitchen Tour: The Promise Land Farm
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Mama and Baby Love
Real Food Kitchen Tour: The Healthy Habit Coach
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Life From Scratch
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Our Nourishing Roots
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Jody Brantley
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Eating My Vegetables
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Well Fed Homestead
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Farm Food Blog
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Unmistakably Food
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Holistic Health
Real Food Kitchen Tour: The Prairie Homestead
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Bubbling Brook Farm
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Taste is Trump
Real Food Kitchen Tour: CHEESESLAVE
Real Food Kitchen Tour: GAPS Diet Kitchen
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Holistic Mom
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Radically Natural Living
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Amanda Brown
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Pamela Montazeri
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Cracking an Egg with One Hand
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Yolks, Kefir & Gristle
Real Food Kitchen Tour: The Okparaeke Family
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Holistic Kid
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Artistta
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Nourished & Nurtured
Real Food Kitchen Tour: May All Seasons Be Sweet to Thee
Real Food Kitchen Tour: The Horting Family
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Hybrid Rasta Mama
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Granola Mom 4 God
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Real Food Devotee
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Real Food Forager
Real Food Kitchen Tour: The Leftover Queen
Real Food Kitchen Tour: Health Home & Happiness
Let Us Tour Your Kitchen
Are you a real foodie? Do you have a kitchen that you’d like to see featured on CHEESESLAVE?
Please email me at annmarie AT cheeseslave dot com. Either send me a link to a Flickr set or email me your photos (minimum of 5, but more is better). Note: Please send me LARGE photos. Minimum 610 width. If they’re too small, I can’t use them.
Oh, and please send the answers to the above questions (at the very top of this post).
As much as I’d love to include all the photos I receive, I can’t guarantee that I will use your photos in the series. I’m looking for creative, good quality photos.
Some ideas for photos:
- Show us what’s in your fridge or what’s fermenting on your counter
- Take some snaps of some of your favorite kitchen gadgets, or show us how you organize your spices
- Got backyard chickens? Send some pics!
- How about a lovely herb garden?
- Kids or pets are always cute!
- Try to include at least one photo of yourself, ideally in your kitchen
And no, you don’t have to have a blog to be included in the tour.
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