Reader Question: How to Get Started on Chlorine Dioxide, Silica Water & the Parasite Protocol? (Video)
In this video, I answer the question, "How do I get started? Are there step-by-step instructions for getting started on the chlorine dioxide (pool water,) silica water and parasite protocol?"

This post is part of a series answering questions from readers. Got a question? Shoot me an email at annmarie @ annmariemichaels dot com and I will answer your question in a video.
In this video, I answer the question, "How do I get started? Are there step-by-step instructions for getting started on the chlorine dioxide ("pool water,") silica water and parasite protocol?"
Reader Question: How to Get Started on Chlorine Dioxide, Silica Water & the Parasite Protocol?
"Hi, I want to first say thank you so much for your efforts to get life-saving information out to people in this time of great censorship. I have learned a lot from watching your videos and then implementing the heavy metal and parasite cleanse I just wanted to ask for a little advice.
"I’ve been watching your videos and reading your blogs, and watching some of the other videos of the people that you mentioned, but I can’t find a place where the actual step-by-step directions on what to do are in one place.
"My question really is about the pool water and the silica water and using the parasite and dewormer medications. I don’t understand if we are supposed to start the day with drinking the pool water, if we should do that for a week or two before we implement the parasitic and worm medications , and if we need other binders besides the silica water. I’m going to do the enemas as well.
"I’m just not sure about exactly how to start and go about this and I wanted to know if there is a document or a video that you have that explains this from actual step one where you know exactly what to do when you start that first day.
"I did get the Forbidden Health guide, but even that doesn’t tell me how to go step-by-step if I’m doing the pool, water and silica water.
I’m trying to implement Dr. Merritt’s recommendations on using the three different parasite medications so I’m trying to take a little bit of advice from each person. I just want to know how I’m supposed to start and how to go about doing this on a daily basis. I would appreciate any information you could give me and again thank you so much for everything that you do."
Follow Up Questions
She also had a follow-up question which I will post below... (she sent while she was waiting for me to post this video – sorry for the delay!).
"Why do we have to filter the silica water after we make it? I know we’re saying we’re removing aluminum but where is the aluminum coming from? I have a reverse osmosis water filter so I don’t use tap water. If I were to mix this with spring water, but I still have to filter it?"
I will answer this follow-up question beneath the video since I did not include the answer in the video.
Great questions! Thanks for your emails! Answers below...
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