How To Do The Parasite Protocol (Revised & Updated)
Hey, everyone, this is a revised and updated post all about how to do the Parasite Protocol. In other words, how to deworm yourself.

2/23/2024 Note: This post has been updated – however, I have just come across more info so I'm still currently in the process of revising this. I'll resend out to my subscribers when it is completed.
Hey, everyone, this is a revised and updated post all about how to do the Parasite Protocol. In other words, how to deworm yourself.
When I originally wrote this post in May of 2022, I only knew about the Parasite Protocol in Andreas Kalcker's book, Forbidden Health.
Since then, I have been reading more about deworming protocols from Dr. Lee Merritt and Kerri Rivera.
After analyzing the different protocols, I think Kalcker's method, while still good, is a bit too complicated for me personally.
And if you know me, I always like to simply things as much as possible. Because the more simple it is, the more do-able it is.
So I wanted to update this post with different options for doing the Parasite Protocol. I'll also tell you what I am doing and you can choose what works best for you and your family.
Table of Contents
Who Should Do The Parasite Protocol?
Why Do The Parasite Protocol?
Which Protocol Should You Do?
Which Protocol I Am Doing
How Long To Do The Parasite Protocol
Why Cycling is Critical
Dr. Lee Merritt Parasite Protocol
Kerri Rivera Parasite Protocol
Andreas Kalcker Parasite Protocol
Who Should Do The Parasite Protocol?
I personally believe that everyone should do the parasite protocol. This is because we are all infected with parasites.
And it's not just parasites. It's worms. Yes, worms.
I have swaths of evidence to prove this claim. I won't get into it here, or else this blog post will be 50,000 words.
The bottom line is we deworm horses, goats, cats, and dogs. Why aren't we deworming ourselves?
If you are around dogs or cats at all – you need a deworming and so does your pet. We deworm our dogs every single month – so why aren't we deworming ourselves?
When I was growing up in the 1970s, it was very common for pediatricians to give mothers pinworm treatment for kids. Nowadays, most doctors never talk about it.
Chl0rine di0xide (pool water) will kill almost all small parasites in the body, as will zeolite.
But they won't kill worms. Worms are too big and hardy and they need something more powerful to paralyze and kill them.
It's a Family Affair
It also must be stressed that when you do the Parasite Protocol to deworm yourself, you need to get your whole family to do it at the same time.
Why? Because otherwise we will reinfect each other through kissing or even hugging and touching. The worms lay eggs and the eggs get on our skin and on our clothing.
Especially when we let dogs lick us in the face after they lick themselves. Ugh! Remember, you can't see the worm eggs. They are tiny!
Why Do The Parasite Protocol?
I believe it is imperative for everyone to do a parasite protocol, now more than ever. This is because of the mandatory vaxxine roll out starting in 2021.
This information has been very censored by the mainstream media and on almost all online platforms but what we now know is that what was injected into us, and also spread via masks and PCR tests – was synthetic graphene-based parasites. Yes, worms!
There have been a number of whistleblower embalmers finding long "clots" never seen before in human history.
I believe those clots are the synthetic graphene-based worms. I believe they started out small and then grew to mammoth size.
Free Webinar: Detox the Vax
If you want to learn more about this and get a list of videos to watch that go into detail about the "clots" embalmers are finding, please watch my free webinar, Detox the Vax.
Dying Suddenly
The scary thing is, they are very contagious because they start out as nano-size (very tiny particles) and they slowly grow over time.
I think this is why the death count (all cause mortality) keeps growing and why people are "dying suddenly." See my post: Skyrocketing Deaths & Disability Ignored by the Media.
We're All Getting Vaxxed
So even if you didn't get the shot, you got the shot:
- You got it from the masks.
- You got it from the PCR tests.
- And you're getting it from the people around you (80% of the population) who got the shot and are now spreading it.
We're all getting vaxxinated, whether we like it or not. And because these "clots" are essentially worms, they are getting harder and harder to kill. Which means we need bigger guns.
Which Protocol Should You Do?
Read through the 3 different protocols below to help you decide what you want to do for you and your family. The Andreas Kalcker protocol description is longer than the others because that was what I started with when I originally wrote this post in the spring of 2022.
Here's a basic explanation of the different protocols:
- Dr. Lee Merritt's protocol is the simplest and easiest. Most people should be able to handle doing this.
- Kerri Rivera's protocol is really focused on children on the autism spectrum – so it can take the longest but it is the most thorough. And she can support you and your family if you are on this journey (I'll explain below).
- Andreas Kalcker's protocol takes about 3 months, and can take longer if you are more infested. If this one appeals to you, go for it!
Which Protocol I Am Doing
I am currently doing the Lee Merritt Protocol because it is the simplest and easiest for me to tackle. You can see my modifications to her protocol.
I will also start my kids on this protocol this month, but I am only going to give it to them on a monthly basis (on the full moon) instead of starting them with the more intensive protocol. I base this on the fact that they are probably not as infested as I am.
I am also deworming my dog on a monthly basis (during the 3 days of the full moon) by adding Fenben powder to his food. I am doing his protocol on the full moon as well.
How Long To Do The Parasite Protocol
Each of the 3 protocols are different:
- Dr. Lee Merritt's Protocol: This is basically the same thing you that you do for animals (cows, dogs, horses) but it's more intensive in the beginning because most people have not been dewormed in years or even decades. You do it for 3 days, then take 5 days off for the first 8 weeks. After the first 8 weeks, you take it for 3 days, then stretch it to 7 days off, and do the protocol again for 3 days, then stretch the off time to 10 days, then keep stretching the off time until you reach a month in between. Then you would do it monthly. Normally, I personally think we would only need to deworm quarterly or twice a year but since everyone is vaxxed I think it's important to do a monthly deworming.
- Kerri Rivera's Protocol: This is designed for kids on the autism spectrum. You start on the full moon, and do it monthly on the full moon until symptoms subside. This can take anywhere from months to years. If I had a child on the spectrum, or if I were on the spectrum myself, I would follow this protocol. Follow Kerri on Telegram and check out her website for more info. You can also order her book here.
- Andreas Kalcker's Protocol: This is a 3-month protocol with the first 8 days doing anti-parasitic drugs and next 3 weeks just using binders and castor oil. I think this method is totally fine, but it's a bit more complicated than Lee Merritt's protocol. And also, I really do not like the castor oil or the diatomaceous earth. Blech! I am using a different combination of binders, including zeolite and silica water.
Why Cycling Is Critical
As you will see with all the protocols, it is critical to cycle on and off with the dewormers.
The reason for this is because worms lay a lot of eggs – a single adult female worm can lay up to 250,000 eggs per day. And worms can live for 1-2 years in the intestine. So, yeah, do the math... that's a heck of a lot of eggs.
Also, according to Dr. Lee Merritt, the females secrete a hormone that prevents the eggs from hatching... and when she is killed, the eggs will all hatch. I think that's how she said it works.
Anyway, that is NASTY! YUCK! Can you imagine all those baby worms hatching at the same time?! ARGGGHHHH! BLECCCHHHH!!!
So yeah, you HAVE to cycle and repeat the treatments on and off, otherwise, you'll have a "hatch out."
No wonder people have "herxhemier reactions" after starting on antiparasitics.
Dr. Lee Merritt Parasite Protocol
I'll start with the easiest and simplest protocol, because simplest is best, because it's the most do-able.
You can find a copy of Dr. Lee Merritt's parasite protocol here.
Basically, she recommends using the following dewormers, in addition to drinking water with chl0rine di0xide, which she consumes daily (as do I).
- Fenbendazole: goes by weight: pretend you are a horse and use the amount for your weight horse or dog. (Note: I found this with dosage directions by weight. It says 2.3 ml per 100 lb – so for someone who is 150 pounds, that's about 3.5 ml per day.)
- Ivermectin: Average adult 24 mg daily
- Nitazoxanide: 500 mg twice a day
Here are my modifications to her protocol:
- Fenbendazole: I am not using the dog or horse Fenben like Dr. Merritt is. It is only 10% Fenben. What else is in there? I don't know. So I ordered this 444 Fenben on Amazon. I take one 444 mg capsule per day. If you prefer, you can order the 222 mg capsules. I have had no issues with 444 mg. I based this on Joe Tippen's protocol. If you're not familiar with Joe, check out his website. He was the guy who cured his c@ncer taking Fenben. He says to take 222 mg per day but since I don't have any issues with 444, I'm doing that. I also have a friend with 6 kids who is giving everyone in her family – including her kids – the 444 per day with no issues. But you should DYOR (do your own research) and decide what to do for yourself.
- Ivermectin - I bought this one for cattle on the Tractor Supply website. It is not expensive and it lasts a very long time. This one doesn't seem to have a lot of weird additives, which many of them do. So if you can't get Ivermectin in pill form, or don't want to spend a fortune, this is a decent option. This one I got is injectable which I don't recommend. You can use a plastic syringe like the ones I use for my pool water to get it out. Or just use a steak knife and stab it. I pour it in a small glass of whiskey before bed. The bottle says 1 ml per 75 pounds (swine) to 115 lb (cattle). I'm about 150 pounds so that's about 1.5 ml which is about 1/3 of a teaspoon.
- Nitazoxanide: I am not taking this. I'd love to talk to Dr. Merritt to see if she is still taking this but I don't think it's necessary because I am pretty sure that the chl0rine di0xide will kill this. When I can get an interview with her, I'll ask her.
Kerri Rivera Parasite Protocol
Kerri Rivera formulated her protocol working with Andreas Kalcker... you can see his protocol below. She works mainly with children on the spectrum.
To learn more about Kerri's parasite protocol, follow Kerri on Telegram and check out her website for more info. You can also order her book here.
Andreas Kalcker Parasite Protocol
Well, it's official. I am going to do the Parasite Protocol from Andreas Kalcker's book, Forbidden Health.
In this post I'll give you all the info here so you can get started, too, if you're interested in doing it, too.
Well, it's official. I am going to do the Parasite Protocol from Andreas Kalcker's book, Forbidden Health.
In this post I'll give you all the info here so you can get started, too, if you're interested in doing it, too.Protocol P, or the Parasite Protocol, also called the "Intense Protocol," is from page 144 in Andreas Kalcker's book, Forbidden Health.
Kalcker says this protocol is "indispensible".
I agree! I think most people have parasites, and the sicker they are, the more parasites they have.
As one friend of mine said, "We deworm our cats, our dogs, our cattle and sheep – why don't we deworm ourselves?"
It's also important to note that while the pool water will take most things out of our bodies, everything from bacteria to mold to viruses to heavy metals to most types of parasites, the one thing pool water will not remove is intestinal worms.

I don't know about you, but I want to get rid of any worms that are taking up space in my intestines, eating my food and causing disease with their pathogenic waste material. Yuck!
Also, as I said in this week's zoom call, after 2 months on the pool water, I feel like I am at a plateau and I think it has to do with intestinal worms.
Get A Copy of Forbidden Health
If you plan to do this protocol, I think it's essential for you to get a copy of Forbidden Health if you don't have it already.
You can buy Forbidden Health on Kalcker's website.
If you're in a hurry to get it and don't want to wait for international shipping, you can do what I did and download the PDF from the files section of the Chl0ride Di0xide Testimonies Telegram Group.
Normally I wouldn't recommend this because I believe authors should be paid for their work, but the book is censored on Amazon and all other book stores – and desperate times call for desperate solutions.
Here's how to do it:
- Download the Telegram app for your phone and/or computer.
- Click on their name to go to their profile.
- Click on the Files tab.
- Click the magnifying glass at the top right.
- Search for "Forbidden Health".
- Download the PDF.

When To Start the Parasite Protocol
Kalcker says it is "imperative" to start it on the full moon.
Actually, he specifically says to start on the first 3 days of the full moon.
He says we need to do it during the full moon because that is when most nematodes mate in the intestines. Ugh!
So I'm actually ordering my stuff right now so we will be good to go. Actually... I just looked at the website where I am ordering (see below) and it says shipping takes 2-3 weeks (it's coming from India – how crazy is it that we have to order this stuff from India?!).
So if I don't get it in time, I will start the protocol during the full moon in June. Perfect – I'll spend the whole summer getting rid of parasites.

Haha, I can see it now, sitting around the neighborhood pool with the moms...
"What are you doing this summer?"
"Parasite protocol."
Actually, my mom friends would be like, "Oooh, tell me more!"

How Often Do The Parasite Protocol
Honestly, we should all do this at least once or twice a year.
Maybe we don't have to do the full 90 day protocol every year, but we should de-worm once or twice a year. Ever wonder why we fast for 40 days prior to Christmas (during Advent) and prior to Easter (during Lent)? I think this is the real reason.
That said, people who most especially need to do it are children with autism and chronically ill people. He says in Forbidden Health that more than 350 children have overcome autism with this treatment.
It's probably a lot more than that now, since Forbidden Health was published in 2018.
He says that there is a “parasitical plasma” (biofilm) that is expelled. It looks pretty nasty. I guess this is like a nest that the parasites construct inside our intestines and it's what they live in. Kind of like mucus only it's not human.

Kalcker writes in Forbidden Health:
"Children with autism and most chronically ill patients have excess mucus that is often hard to identify, resembling a dead Ascaris or, according to some, intestinal mucus. Intestinal mucus over 1 meter long have been found, and it is unlikely that these belonged to the patients. The University of Bologna in Italy claims that the mucus is from the body.
However, Dr. Volinsky from the University of Florida, having performed a DNA analysis of the mucus, thinks this is foreign to the human body. My opinion so far is that this is a form of unclassified “parasitical magma,” and hence, it doesn’t show up on lab results. And my evidence comes from results."
Yuck! I don't know about you but I want to get that crap out of me.

How Long To Do The Parasite Protocol
Kalcker says to do it for 3 months.
Sounds like a long time, I know. but considering I'm coming up on a year of wearing my Invisalign, I think I can do this for 3 months. Especially if it means I can get these worms out.
Kalcker says this is effective against most nematodes but less so against tapeworms.

So, if you have tapeworms, or you suspect you do, you may need to do a different or more intensive protocol. I don't think I have tapeworms.
He says Niclosamide is recommended for tapeworms.
Anti-Parasitic Drugs You Need For The Parasite Protocol
There are two anti-parasitic drugs that you need for this protocol. These are pretty basic dewormers.
You can only get Mebendazole in the United States with a prescription. You cannot find Mebendazole on Amazon.
However, a friend told me about a website called All Day Chemist, which she used with good results. Here's the Mebendazole on that site. They are in India, so it will take 2-3 weeks to get it here in the US.
Can't Get Mebendazole? Take Fenbendazole
Instead of ordering from India, I just ended up just ordering Fenbendazole on Amazon. You can order it here.
I am taking a pinch per day on the days it is called for (see below).

From what I understand – and I could be wrong about this; I just did a cursory look into it – Fenbendzole is the same thing as Mebendazole, or very similar – but Fenbendazole is made for animals and Mebendazole is made for humans.
My reasoning for taking Fenbendazole are as follows:
1) I don't want to have to wait 3 weeks to get the Mebendazole by ordering from India. Plus it's pricey.
2) Fenbendazole is cheap and available on Amazon.
3) Fenbendazole works the same or even better as Mebendazole. See articles like this one, that says, "in some diseases Fenbendazole was more effective than Mebendazole."
Pyrantel Pamoate
All Day Chemist does not have the Pyrantel Pamoate. However, I found the Pyrantel Pamoate on Amazon.
Keep in mind that some of these dewormer drugs will interact with some drugs.
So if you are taking any kind of pharmaceuticals, please get the Forbidden Health book and read the entire protocol before getting started. Links above – scroll up.
How Much To Take of the Anti-Parasitic Drugs
Briefly, here's how to calculate how much to take of the different anti-parasitic drugs.
Pyrantel Pamoate
Kalcker writes: "10 mg per kg weight – or 5 ml per kg weight if taking in liquid form."
He also says: "When presented in liquid form, a 5 ml teaspoon contains 250 mg (three 5 ml teaspoons for 60 kg). In the tablet form, take three tablets per 60 kg."
So let's calculate... for me, I'm around 150 lb, which equals 68 kg.
So I will go 15 ml of the liquid (about 3 teaspoons). In the tablet form, I'd take 3 tablets.
Mebendazole or Fenbendazole
Kalcker says to take 100 mg of the Mebendazole, so that's one capsule. '
If you have children on the protocol, I would cut these numbers in half or even to one quarter.
If you are taking Fenbendazole like I am, you want to take 100 mg as well – but we need to translate it to powder.
Each one of the Fenbendazole packets in the one I bought on Amazon has 4 grams, or 4,000 mg.
But it says it has 222 mg of active Fenbendazole per gram, so that means each packet has 888 mg of Fenbendazole.
Which is about 9 100-mg doses. If you want, you can put it in capsules, or just separate it into 9 doses. So a box with 3 packets will provide you with 27 doses. So the cost is $15.50 divided by 27 = 0.57 per 100 mg dose.
I don't love that they don't tell us what else is in the Fenben box – what other ingredients are there? But whatever, I need to get these worms out.
I think I will go ahead and order the Mebendazole from India because it's actually cheaper. You can get 90 100-mg tablets for $24.50 – which is only .27 each.
But I'll use this Fenben in the meantime since I can get it right away on Amazon.

Andreas Kalcker Protocol: Ingredients & Equipment Needed
In addition to the anti-parasitics I talked about above, you need various other things to help with the detoxification and elimination of the parasites and their waste (mucus, or biofilm).
You can get most everything else you need on Amazon or at local stores.
Important note: You need to take the "pool water" or chl0rine di0xide s0lution while doing this protocol.
Why? Because the pool water destroys the mucus biofilm in the gut that the parasites hide in.
Pool water also removes heavy metals and other parasites. So while the other stuff you're taking in the parasite protocol will kill the worms, the pool water will take out the rest of the critters.
Here is the list:
Pool water (chl0rine di0xide s0lution) - my recipe to make it, which includes all the ingredients you need to get.
Fenbendazole or Mebendazole
Diatomaceous earth (food grade)
Castor oil
Enema kit (2 liters, silicone, not metal)
Neem capsules (or infusion of neem)
Epazote tincture on Amazon (or infusion of Epazote leaves)
Aloe vera gel
Other Medicinal Plants
Get a copy of Forbidden Health (see links above) because Kalcker goes into more detail about other herbs and plants you can use in your detox/deworming.

Also, Zeolite
Although it is not in the Kalcker protocol, I am also taking Zeolite.
This is my link to order Zeolite.
This brand is the most pure and best brand of zeolite, even better than TRS or Pure Body Extra (which I used to promote). Which is why I became an affiliate.
I will be writing more about zeolite in the near future so stay tuned...
Wait, Did You Say Enemas? Why Enemas?
In Kalcker's words, "Enemas are an indispensible part of this treatment."
He goes into a lot more detail about why in the book, but suffice it to say, in order to drain the swamp, you gotta flush it out.
To put it another way, when these creatures start dying off, it can become mighty unpleasant (headaches, fevers, mucus) as the body tries to detox them. Best way is to just flush them the heck outta there.
Also, we are doing CD (Chl0rine Di0xide) enemas, not just regular water or saline enemas.
This is important because the parasites and worms will hide in the biofilm (discussed and pictured above). They can even hide from the drugs!
But the CD will find them and it will attack them.
It can penetrate the mucus (biofilm) and it will destroy their eggs and larvae. Yee haw!
But... Enemas? Really?
Right now, you're probably like, "I didn't know there would be enemas."

First of all, calm down.
Enemas are no big deal, and they're actually very easy to do.
You just lie down, insert the tip into the cornholio (haha sorry not sorry -- Beavis and Butthead reference) and squeeze in the water. It doesn't hurt.
Then, after 3-10 minutes (not longer), you sit on the toilet and let it out.
What Kind Of Enema Kit To Get
Kalcker recommends the 2 liter silicone (not metal) enema kit. No metal should be used since we are using CDS (pool water).
You can use the smaller disposable enemas like this disposable Fleet enema. I have used that one before. Just dump out the saline that it comes with, rinse it out, and add filtered water and CDS.
That said, it is preferable to get the 2 liter enema kit because it holds more liquid. The fleet enema only holds a little over 100 ml – which is a fraction of what the 2 liter kit holds.
With more water and CDS, you can reach further into the intestine and attack more of that nasty biofilm where the creepy crawlies are hiding out.
How Often Do You Do The Enemas?
On the second day of the Parasite Protocol, you start the enemas.
You will do it once a day, and then progressively decrease to once every 3-4 days. Kalcker says to listen to your body, and do it as often as needed.
What Should We Eat On The Protocol
In Forbidden Health, Kalcker says we should avoid sugar, sweets, dairy and flour:

That's interesting because when I recovered from Rheumatoid Arthritis in my 20s (after being vaccine injured getting my booster shots for college,) I avoided sugar and gluten.
I was able to still eat dairy; I didn't react to it. I also avoided sweet foods like fruit. I could eat them in moderation, but I couldn't tolerate a smoothie, for example, even if it was just sweetened with honey.
I wish I had known about this protocol back then! I would have been able to get better in 3 months instead of 2 years.
Anyway, get a copy of Forbidden Health (see links above) because he goes into more detail about beneficial foods to eat.
OK, finally... let's get into the full parasite protocol, shall we?
The Parasite Protocol
Here is the full 90 Day Protocol P (Parasite Protocol) from Andreas Kalcker.
You do the parasite killing during the first 2 weeks of each month, starting on the full moon, and then you rest on the last 11 days of each month.
First 8 Days (All 3 months)
Day 1
- Pyrantel Pamoate - One dose in morning, taken orally with liquids. 10 mg per kg weight – or 5 ml per kg weight if taking in liquid form.
- Diatomaceous Earth - One teaspoon in the morning and one in the evening preferably in water, with meals.
Day 2
- 1. Mebendazole or Fenbendazole - two 100 mg doses per day, one every 12 hours. One 100 mg tablet or 1 pinch of the powder mixed in water in the morning and one in the evening.
- Enema. Additional equipment needed: an enema kit with a 2-liter bag or container.
- Diatomaceous Earth - One teaspoon in the morning and one in the evening preferably in water, with meals.
Day 3
- Two tablespoons of castor oil on an empty stomach.
- 1. Mebendazole or Fenbendazole - two 100 mg doses per day, one every 12 hours. One 100 mg tablet or 1 pinch of the powder mixed in water in the morning and one in the evening.
- Diatomaceous earth (two doses): one teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening.
Day 4
1. Mebendazole or Fenbendazole - two 100 mg doses per day, one every 12 hours. One 100 mg tablet or 1 pinch of the powder mixed in water in the morning and one in the evening.
2. Diatomaceous earth (two doses): one teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening.
3. Enema
Day 5
- Pyrantel Pamoate (morning dose only): 10 mg/kg, administered in a single intake with some liquid.
- Diatomaceous earth (two doses). One teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening.
- Enema
Day 6
- Two tablespoons of castor oil (tasteless from the pharmacy) on an empty stomach.
- Mebendazole or Fenbendazole (two doses): 100 mg every 12 hours. One tablet or 1/4 tsp powder mixed in water in the morning and one in the evening.
- Diatomaceous earth (two doses): one teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening.
- Enema
Day 7
- Mebendazole or Fenbendazole (two doses): 100 mg every 12 hours. One tablet or 1/4 tsp powder mixed in water in the morning and one in the evening.
- Diatomaceous earth (two doses): one teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening.
- Enema
Day 8
- Mebendazole or Fenbendazole (two doses): 100 mg every 12 hours. One tablet or 1/4 tsp powder mixed in water in the morning and one in the evening.
- Diatomaceous earth (two doses): one teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening.
- Enema
Day 9 to 18 (First Month)
- Two tablespoons of castor oil (tasteless from the pharmacy) on an empty stomach. Repeat as necessary. Stop in case of continuous diarrhea.
- Diatomaceous earth (two doses): one teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening.
- Neem infusion (Azadirachta indica) (9 days). Three level teaspoons in one liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes and drink throughout the day. Neem capsules can also be used since the infusion is very bitter. (Note: I chose capsules. Kalcker does not say how many capsules to take so I will just follow the directions on the bottle.)
- Enemas: as continuous as possible.
Day 19 to 30 (First Month)
- Rest
Day 9 to 18 (Second Month)
- Two tablespoons of castor oil on an empty stomach. Repeat as necessary. Stop in case of continuous diarrhea.
- Diatomaceous earth (two doses): one teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening.
- Epazote infusion (Chenopodium Ambrosioides) (three days). Boil 1- 2 tablespoons of leaves in one liter of water for 10 minutes, let it steep, then strain. Drink a cup on an empty stomach for three consecutive days. (You can find this in Hispanic markets or grow it yourself. If you can't find the leaves you can find the Epazote tincture on Amazon or other places.)
- On the remaining days, drink aloe vera gel with juice or water on an empty stomach.
- Enemas: as continuous as possible.
Day 19 to 30 (Second Month)
- Rest
Day 9 to 18 (Third Month)
- Two tablespoons of castor oil (tasteless from the pharmacy) on an empty stomach. Repeat as necessary. Stop in case of continuous diarrhea.
- Diatomaceous earth (two doses): one teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Morning and evening.
- Neem infusion for nine days or drink an alternative antiparasitic infusion.
- Enemas: as continuous as possible.
Day 19 to 30 (Third Month)
- Rest
How To Keep Track of What To Do Each Day
I had a little trouble following what to do each day, and honestly, I kept forgetting. I think the parasites (sentient beings that telepathically communicate with us) want me to forget!
So after screwing up and kind of half-a**ing this the first two months, I finally got serious and I put all the things into my calendar so it's easy to see what I need to do each day.
Here's what it looks like on my Apple calendar, which will give me reminders on my phone each day.

How To Know When To Stop The Protocol
In the book, Kalcker says we need to check the stool for parasites, eggs and larvae. Yuck!
Okay, okay, let's man up here. He says you can poop into a bowl and look at it with a magnifying glass.
You have to check to see what's coming out, so you know when it's gone.
But still, this is SO YUCK!
I imagine you will also see a lot of other positive effects in your health.
If, after the third month, there are no parasites or mucus coming out, you can end the protocol.
If there are still parasites or excess mucus, the protocol can be repeated from the beginning.
Again, please get a copy of the book, Forbidden Health, by Dr. Kalcker (link above and instructions to get PDF) for more details and information about this protocol.
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