The B*tch Is Back “If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything.” – Winston Churchill There are a lot of people out there who think I'm a b*tch. But that's just what they heard about me.
Got Clots? Nattokinase Won't Help. What To Do Instead. If you have clots from the shots, nattokinase ain't gonna help. In this post, I explain why, and what to use instead to dissolve the clots. Which will prevent heart disease, strokes, and all kinds of other bad stuff including dying suddenly.
Is Chl0rine Di0xide Necessary for the Parasite Protcol? (Video) In this video, I answer the question, "Is chl0rine di0xide necessary in the parasite protocol?"
Homemade Vermouth In this post I'm gonna show you all the reasons you should make your own homemade vermouth and how easy it is to do it. Did you know that vermouth is antiparasitic? Vermouth is the French pronunciation of the German word wermut, which means wormwood.
No More Cavities with Silica Water (Video) I took my son to the dentist the other day and I was blown away to find that he has no cavities. I also had no cavities at my most recent dentist visit a few months ago. The only thing I have changed in the past few years is adding silica to our drinking water.
Making the Best of the Worst Christmas Ever Just when I think things are finally going to turn around for me, someone comes out of the blue and kicks my sandcastle down. Again.
LED Lights, Heart Attacks & The Human Server Farm In this post, I'm gonna tell you the nightmarish Deep State plan to turn us all into a human server farm, which is being used to mine the cryptocurrency for their CBDC. Stay with me, because we have a cure.