Pool Water Testimonials The pool water testimonials are starting to flow in, and man, are they good. In this post, I'll share with you the testimonials I am seeing among my friends and on Telegram and my private Signal group.
Why Pool Water? In this post, I'll explain why I am making what I call pool water. I'll explain how I found it, what it is, and why I think it works.
Pool Water Zoom Call (March 21, 2022) This is the video replay from the zoom call we did on March 21, 2022 about pool water.
Pool Water Zoom Call (March 15, 2022) This is the video replay from the zoom call we did on March 15, 2022 about pool water.
How to Make Pool Water (Chl0rine Di0xide S0lution) In this post I share with you a simple recipe for how to make what I call pool water. This is the most life-changing thing I have ever done for my health.
War Is Almost Over We are almost to the end of this war. The big finale is about to play out. And yes, we are going to win.