New Giveaway: Pure Body Extra Zeolite Spray ($80 Value) I'm psyched to announce a brand new giveaway. This week I'm giving away a bottle of Pure Body Extra Zeolite Spray, retail value $80.
My Pool Water Testimonial I decided I needed to write an exclusive post with my pool water testimonial. I originally included my pool water testimonial in this post, Pool Water Testimonials. However, I keep updating it as I see more and more benefits, and it is getting so long that I felt the need to move it to its own post.
Winner of The Pool Water Kit + 30% Off Coupons Hey, everyone, just a quick post to announce the winner of the Pool Water Kit! Before I tell you who won, I want to offer a special discount for everyone who didn't win.
How To Do The Parasite Protocol (Revised & Updated) Hey, everyone, this is a revised and updated post all about how to do the Parasite Protocol. In other words, how to deworm yourself.
[OMS 1.3] Success is 99% Mindset In this lesson from Online Marketing Simplified, we're going to talk about the most important thing you need to have to succeed: a positive mindset.
New Giveaway: Win A Pool Water Kit ($126 Value) I'm psyched to announce a brand new giveaway. This week I'm giving away a Pool Water Kit, retail value $126.
Elon Musk Is a Patriot In this video, I walk you through a post I wrote two years ago about Elon Musk, called Rockets Red Glare: Why We Need Space Force.