Video: Biohacking Update: Chl0rine Di0xide and Silica Water 🧬 Good morning! In this video, I want to update you on my biohacking journey with chl0rine di0xide and silica water.
Video: How to Make Chl0rine Di0xide Solution ("Pool Water") In this video, I show you how to make Chl0rine Di0xide Solution, which is what I call "pool water" (to get around the censors).
Trump & Operation Warp Speed Is Trump to blame for Operation Warp Speed? Did Trump push the v@ccine on us? I hear a lot of people saying this so I wanted to share my thoughts.
June: The Month of The Sacred Heart of Jesus Many of us have struggled a lot over the past few years. You may have lost family or friends. Whatever is going on in your life, you may need extra strength and support right now. I want to share this Christian devotion with you for those of you.
Twitter Spaces Are The New Netflix Last night, instead of watching Netflix, I listened to two different Twitter Spaces before bed. In this post, I'll briefly share my thoughts about what I heard.
I Will Not Be Defeated Nothing worth doing is easy. Whatever it is you want to do, break it down into manageable baby steps. Make a list. And then check off each thing as it gets done.
BREAKING: Green Monkey DNA Found in C0VID-19 Shots Welp, they found monkey DNA in the C0VID-19 shots.