New Video: Miss You
Here’s my latest video on Rumble.
I made my last video about one of my least favorite people on Planet Earth, Dr. Fauci. It was painful to make that video; it made me very angry.
So to lighten the mood, I made this video about one of my favorite people on Planet Earth, President Donald J. Trump. And yes, he is still your president.
I hope it makes you laugh and gives you a fresh little whiff of hope.
I am 1000% confident that President Trump is coming back as our 19th president. If you don’t know what that means (19 instead of 46), I’ll try to explain it in one of my upcoming videos.
Please subscribe to me on Rumble and sign up for my email updates to get notified when I post.
These people are monsters. It has to stop NOW. Please help me get the word out.
Note: I am not posting most of my videos on YouTube right now due to the intense censorship. I have already gotten 2 strikes on my channel.
I will post some videos on YouTube but mostly I am posting on Rumble and Bitchute (having trouble uploading to Bitchute currently so I’m using Rumble mostly). Please follow me over on those platforms, and be sure to subscribe to my email updates to get updates whenever I post.
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