Merry Christmas, Now GTFO
In this post, I tell the story of being a single mother and getting thrown out of my rental home during Christmas two years in a row by H-1B immigrants.

Notice: Our Monday night Patches & Prayer call will be postponed this week due to my current circumstances of being thrown out of my home during Christmas (read this post). We will resume our weekly zoom call as soon as I am able. Make sure you are subscribed to my free email updates. Also, I haven't posted the replay from our Dec 9 zoom call yet – I believe there's a reason for that which I will explain later. Can't talk about it publicly just yet for legal reasons.
In my last blog post and the post before that, I told you how I was finally recovering after being sick for almost a year, and that I figured out what was making me sick.
I didn't want to say publicly. Because it's my rental home. The home I rented from an Indian immigrant.
In this post, I tell you the whole story of how my rental home made me sick. But first I need to rant about immigrants and H-1B visas because I am mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore – as we all should be at this point.
This blog post is gonna be a doooozy because I have been pushed to the brink of being so pissed off, I can't even think anymore. And I need to get all of this off my chest.
So I apologize if it's a long read – I did my best to make it entertaining.
I know there are many Americans (and Europeans, Canadians and Australians for that matter) who feel exactly the same as I do right now, because they're all going off on X/Twitter. We've had enough of dealing with immigrants who are making our lives a living hell.
The Day My Indian Immigrant Landlord Kicked Me Out a Week Before Christmas
The day after I published my last blog post, on December 17th, my landlord told me that we have to be out of the rental home by December 31st.
That was the same night my 10-year-old son and I picked out our Christmas tree.

Last year, we were not even able to get a tree, for the first time ever, because I was so busy packing and looking for a home that I waited too long and there were no trees left by the time we went shopping.
My son and I were looking forward to some semblance of a normal Christmas this year. But that didn't happen.
I felt like a total failure of a mother.
Of course, it was not my fault, which I'm going to outline for you in this and upcoming blog posts. In fact, over the coming weeks, I will be dropping many truth bombs.
I've been manipulated and gaslit into staying silent for two years now, since my divorce.
But that's over now. We have officially entered the Jubilee Year.
Maybe this is why we had to wait so long. But this is the year that slaves and prisoners are freed, debts are forgiven, and the mercies of God are manifest. I'm so ready.

I will never ever let anyone trick me into believing that I don't have freedom of speech. Not ever again.
Our freedom of speech is our greatest weapon, and the fact that anyone ever tried to take that away from us is a freaking joke. And they will be punished.
H-1B Visa Immigrants Need to GTFO
So, who throws a single mom and her kid out on Christmas?
Immigrants, that's who. Indians and Mexicans.
Did I mention my landlord who is throwing me out is an H-1B immigrant from India? Well, pretty sure he’s an H-1B. Because he was born and raised in India, and came here about a decade ago for a tech job.
Last year, when I was thrown out of my rental home at Christmas, it was also by an H-1B immigrant – that one is from Mexico.
That guy does not even speak English. Not one word. I had to communicate with his gay "husband" who did speak English, albeit broken English.
My former landlord makes six figures as a "Program Director" at Nokia. So he's a leading tech teams while not speaking any English. Amazing, eh?
It is kinda funny considering that this H-1B thing is blowing up on X right now, with Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswampy, supposedly our heroes who are going to clean up government waste with DOGE, attacking Americans and saying we need to bring in more illegals.
In case you missed it, this here's the assinine and retarded Ramaswampy tweet that lit the fuse and started the war:

This ultimately led to Elon Musk calling Americans retarded.

Really bad move from two sub-Saharan H-1B immigrants. And it kicked off an all-out war, which is still raging over on X.
The H-1B Visa Invasion
The fact of the matter is, the H-1B visa program is an absolute and total scam from top to bottom. It's a New World Order trick to hire cheap labor and replace American workers who cost more.
Here's Steve Bannon, Trump's former campaign strategist and White House chief strategist explaining what a scam H-1B visas are – click to watch the video:

Oh and PS: I still don't think Elon Musk is bad. I think he's a white hat playing a role – to expose the immigration scam. I think Ramaswampy is gonna have his assets seized and be deported.
Still think Ramaswampy's a good guy? Search up his Pharma Pump & Dump scheme on X.

Yeah, there is no way is Trump going along with the BS Ramaswampy & Elon are spouting because we know how close he is to Bannon. This is all a show, designed to get people riled up. It's about f*cking time we all got riled up instead of being so nice while our country is raped and pillaged by invaders.
The Facts About Immigration on X
Anyway, just spend 5 minutes on X and you'll you'll get up to speed on this topic.
That is, if you can get past the simps sucking up to Elon so they keep getting their 5-figure bi-weekly checks. Ignore those newbie MAGA morons.
You can follow me here at my new account, cheeseslave5, and also my backup account, which I have to use when the jeets working at X mute me, which they do on the daily. Some BS excuse about how they think I'm a spammer so I can't like or tweet anything.
Seriously. This is why Big Tech is staffed up with Indians – they are willing slaves who grew up under a caste system and they are more than happy to implement the censorship.
This thread breaks the H-1B visa scam down with pure data:

Check out the H-1B salaries in that X thread.
About 80% of the H-1B jobs are paying under $150K with the average salary slightly under $120K.

I asked Grok what percentage of H-1B visas are Indian. 70-75%.

This is not surprising, considering that a software developer in India makes $9,000 per year on average.
Who wouldn't want to move to the US and 10X their income?
In Mexico, the average pay for a software engineer is more, $50K – but they can double their income by coming here.
And not have to live in a sh*thole country.
Be Racist or Be Replaced
Andrew Torba, founder of Gab, said it best: "Be racist or be replaced."

Torba backs up his based position with this tweet, which is one of the best tweets I have ever read:

Competing With the Third World for Jobs & Housing
The problem is, these H-1B visa holders are competing with Americans for our jobs, and they are taking our homes as well.
The H-1B visa came from the Immigration Act of 1990, signed by Bush, and it was for TEMPORARY protected status. The maximum stay was supposed to be 3 years, which then got extended to 6 years.
Now it looks like they're not leaving. And why should they? They've got it real good.
My former Mexican landlord moved to Austin in 2023. That's over a DECADE ago.

I mean, seriously, who the F do these people think they are?
They come from third-world countries, take our jobs, take our homes, and kick single moms out of our rentals at Christmas.
And the gall of this guy to live here in Austin for over a DECADE and he still can't be bothered to learn a lick of English? I was studying French for 6 months to go on a 3-week vacation the summer before last.
In addition to that, these people are not American, and they don't have American values. They don't celebrate our holidays or participate in our traditions. As you will see when I explain what happened to me this past two years.
Does it make sense to have a gay Mexican couple who doesn't speak English living in a suburban area with families raising children? Or an Indian in his 30s with no children who just wants to buy up homes as rental properties to flip?
Meanwhile, single moms like me get thrown out at Christmas because the landlords feel like it.
My Indian landlord says he's not extending my lease because he's putting the house on the market. Nice timing. (I'll get into that more below... keep reading.)
Last year, the gay Mexican couple didn't extend my lease because one of them had to have back surgery and he didn't want to have to go up and down stairs at the place they had moved into.
The Privileged Class
Gay people really are the privileged class. They don't have to make housing or job decisions based on school districts – they can live wherever they want because they don't have kids. They do whatever they want, and we have to work around their whims.
By the way, the Mexicans withheld several hundred dollars (I forget exactly how much and I don't want to go back and look because it will piss me off all over again) because they said the house wasn't clean enough when I left. I spent two full days cleaning.
They had my ex-husband (who co-signed my lease) sign a separate agreement saying I had to hire professional cleaners when I moved out and I didn't see that. Seems sketchy and a legal gray area to make you sign a separate form like that in addition to the lease agreement.
Anyway they sent me a list of reasons why they were withholding part of my security deposit. All bullsh*t reasons.
It was all normal wear and tear. No real damage anywhere on the property.
Look at these photos they sent, justifying their withholding a large part of the deposit.
Do you see damage?
This is normal wear and tear, according to Texas law.

I remember one of the reasons was that there was "lint in the dryer." Oh, yeah and they said I left trash in the trash bins.
I wrote back to them, saying this is all normal wear and tear according to Texas law:
But they still withheld a large part of the security deposit.
This is how petty and privileged these people are.
They throw a single mother out during Christmas, ruin the kids' holiday, and then they steal money from the deposit based on ridiculous claims of "damage."
And if I complain about it, I'm a racist homophobe.
Okay, fine. I'll admit it. I am a racist homophobe. But I've earned my stripes. They radicalized me with their atrocious behavior.

I can't even post any criticism of them on social media or I will get banned. I'm permanently banned on Facebook, which is what I used to drive traffic to my blog – it's how I made a living.
Actually, the reality is, I'm not a racist homophobe because I am not afraid of gays. I just don't like them. So I'm a racist anti-gay.
All Christians should be anti-gay because the Bible says it's an abomination, so if you don't like it, too bad. I'm Christian, so yeah, I'm anti-gay.
I don't have anything against gays personally. In fact, I was an LGBQT supporter all the way up until 2017 when I went down the "T" rabbit hole and woke up to the Transpocalypse.
Especially the impact on children who were having their genitals cut off and little preteen girls growing beards (yes, people on Facebook were saying I was racist for not being OK with this). And the employees at the Legos stores wearing rainbow badges. And the teachers in the schools pushing pedo porn on kids.
But anyway, that's a whole 'nother blog post. And I don't need to get into it. Most of ya'll who have been following me for a long time already know how bad it is.
So What Was Making Me Sick All Year?
Are you ready for it? Now that I'm being thrown out of my home, I can speak publicly because I'm no longer worried that my landlord is going to throw me out. Since he already did it.
Who throws a single mom and her kid out of her home at Christmas?
People who didn't grow up watching It's A Wonderful Life and were watching Bollywood movies instead. Or gay Mexican illegals making six figures at Nokia, in America over a decade and never bothered to learn to speak English.
Anyway, on to what has been making me sick all year...Drum roll...
The water in my rental home was contaminated.
Super ironic, seeing how he's Indian.
I have been paying $2,350 a month for a 3-bedroom home with water contaminated with Legionella bacteria.
The plumber said, "This is like water in Mexico."
How I Figured Out What Was Making Me Sick
It took me several months to finally figure it out, because as an American, I naturally assume that a rental property would have clean water. This isn't India or Mexico, after all.
I didn't figure it out until just before Thanksgiving. It turns out the water heater was broken (one of the parts) and it was not getting hot enough to kill the bacteria in the water supply.
According to a friend of mine in London who works as a city planner, Indians are notorious for not doing property maintenance. He said it's so bad, it's a stereotype now. Everyone just knows if a property is really run down, it's Indians.
Living in this home has been a nightmare, with everything breaking on me, one thing after another.
The contaminated water, believe it or not, was just the cherry on top of a sh*t sundae.
Bacteria in the Hot Tub
It started with the hot tub. My landlord said he filled the hot tub for us when we moved in which I thought was very nice. Of course I assumed he put chemicals in it. He said he would explain to me how to do it.
So I let me son soak in it one night. The next morning, he was puking out the window on the way to school.
I texted the landlord and asked him if he put chemicals in the hot tub. "You don't need chemicals," he wrote back. "Only water."
My son was out sick for 3 days thanks to the contaminated water in the hot tub.
Rotting Deck
My little brother died in February, just over a month after I moved in. That was another blow, but once I came up for air from that, in April, I called my landlord about the backyard deck.
We had been using the hot tub (which I learned how to keep bacteria-free with Safrax Chlorine Dioxide tablets – works great in hot tubs and totally non-toxic).
Sometimes my son's friends would come over to go in the hot tub. I was worried about them because the deck was rotting and it was unsafe.
The boards were popping up – as you can see in the video below.

So that's why the landlord had cinder blocks all over the deck – it was to prevent the boards from popping up.

Totally unsafe for a rental home.
So I called my landlord and he said, "No problem" and he brought a couple of Mexicans over to "fix" it.
I assumed he would replace the deck. It was only 8 years old but whomever put it in* did not use pressure-treated wood so that's why it was rotting. A deck with pressure-treated wood should last 15-20 years.
But no, instead of trying to fix it or replacing the deck, he had them remove it and put in astroturf.
They didn't even level the ground. Just laid down cheap astroturf over the dirt. I was in awe.
Here's what the deck looked like before (you can see the cinder blocks where they were holding the boards down from popping up - my Indian landlord lived in the house with the cinder blocks like that for over a year):
And here's what it looked like after:
Looks like sh*t, eh?
But I was still paying the same amount of rent – $2,350 a month. With no deck.
My summer was one flying monkey after another.
The Dryer Stopped Working
After the deck fiasco, next thing to go was the dryer. Of course, the home is 8 years old, and that's when modern Chinese-made appliances start to wear out.
The landlord sent an Indian guy to fix it. The Indian repairman accused me of not removing the lint from the dryer.
Of course, I had PTSD flashbacks of my gay Mexican landlords withholding my security deposit.
I said to him, "I'm 55 years old. I've been taking lint out of dryers longer than you've been alive."
The Indian repairman dude said he fixed it but within a week, it wasn't working again, so I decided to replace the appliances myself, figuring that I would just take them with me. I did this because I knew my landlord would most likely get something cheap, and he would complain about having to spend the money.
The Stove Was So Dirty, It Didn't Work Properly
Next it was the stove. This is what the stove looked like when I moved in:
So nasty, right? I could not get it clean, no matter what I did.
And I couldn't understand why it wasn't working properly. I couldn't even cook eggs without burning them. It would go from no heat to super hot.
Finally called my landlord in the summer, after we spent months using a camp stove inside.
I didn't want to call him because every time I called, he would yell at me and get angry about all the money he was spending on the house.
Paying $2,350 a month to live in a crap hole and have someone yell at me and verbally abuse me every time I ask for needed repairs is not my idea of how America should be.
Anyway, the repairman said the stove needed to be replaced. He said that with these new electric ranges with the glass tops, when they are not cleaned regularly and get too dirty, they no longer work.
But get this – that dirty stove was only a year old. I know this because my landlord told me it was still under warranty. So he replaced it with a new one.
Here's the new one they installed:
Anyway, here's my question. How does a stove get that disgusting in just one year? They must have never cleaned it.
Disgusting Filth & Substandard Conditions
Of course it all makes sense now, because the house was disgusting when I moved in last January, even after he had "professional cleaners" come in.
This is what the shower looked like when I moved in:
The shower door looked like this:
This was AFTER they cleaned it.
You should have seen it when I toured the house in December 2023. I have never seen a shower so dirty. Never in my life. That's when I told him I would only sign the lease if he cleaned and he said, "Yes, yes, professional cleaners."
This was the shower mat that was left in the shower after they cleaned it:
Sure looks like mold to me. Who would leave that in a rental home after it was cleaned? Yuck!
I should have known then that this was going to be a disaster, but I was so traumatized from the divorce and having all my money stolen, losing custody of my daughter, having to move twice in one year, and dealing with all the drama from the gay Mexicans that I couldn't think straight.
I also found out that there was dog urine all over the upstairs carpet. He had two dogs. That explained why he had a dog gate in front of the stairs when I toured the home.
I used a black light and found spots like this all over the upstairs. This is why my perfectly house trained dog who had never had a single accident before we moved into this house, started relieving himself upstairs.
I had to spend an entire weekend renting a shampoo vacuum from the Home Depot and using enzyme cleaner – but I still could never get the urine all the way out.
This is what the blinds looked like in the kitchen:
I took them down and put them in the garage because they were so broken.
The door handle was also broken off of the fridge:
No Maintenance on the A/C for 8 Years
The air conditioner went out on the hottest week of the year, in mid-September.
My landlord replaced it. Of course he had to. Because I said I would have to go stay in a hotel since it was 90 degrees inside.
You can see how he talks to me in this text below.
This is how he texts, but I didn't get recordings of him yelling at me over the phone.
Anyway, in a text, he admitted they had never done maintenance on the A/C unit. I spoke to the A/C guys and they said, yeah you're supposed to do annual maintenance. They told me the A/C had never had the annual maintenance in the entire 8 years (Did I mention the people who originally owned the home were Mexicans? Not sure if they were H-1Bs.).
I noticed the A/C was leaking from the roof during the summer. And when I originally toured the property, there was a giant hole in the ceiling upstairs.
I told him that he would have to fix that before we moved in.
He said, "Of course."
And he did have it repaired before we moved in.
However, I don't think he ever had anyone look to see what caused the hole in the ceiling. When the A/C guys came to look at the air conditioner, that's when I realized the air conditioner unit was right above where the giant hole was.
A normal, thinking person would have called the A/C guys after a leak caused a giant hole like that. But he didn't. He actually apparently lived with a hole in the ceiling for almost a year.
How do I know this? Because he told me that the leak that caused the hole happened during the big freeze we had in the winter of 2023. That was in early February 2023. I remember it well because that's when my daughter was still with us in the other rental house.

Anyway, that giant hole was still there in December of 2023 when I toured the house. And when I say giant, I mean it was at least 4 or 5 feet long.
Who lives like this? With a giant hole in the ceiling for almost a year?
Anyway, here's the deal... if he had been doing the annual maintenance on the A/C he would have known that there was a leak and he would have prevented the hole in the ceiling.
I actually spoke to the neighbors (who are not fans of my landlord, just so you know – one of them said, "Do not let him take advantage of you.") and they said there was some faulty part in these A/C units and all of the A/C units had to be replaced since the homes were built. She said they actually did a recall if you got it fixed within the first 5 years.
Anyway, whatever. Just more evidence that Indians don't maintain properties. Which we already knew. That stove alone is evidence – and the shower. How can people live like that?
But are the filthy Indian immigrants any better than the entitled gay Mexicans who stole hundreds of dollars from my deposit because of normal wear and tear, garbage in the trash cans, and lint in the dryer?
They're both equally bad. Bottom line, they don't belong here.
And if that offends you and you think I'm a racist, I really don't give a f*ck anymore.
But anyway... back to how I got sick from the contaminated water in this rental... and how I figured it out.
The Water Heater, Garbage Disposal & Dishwasher Trifecta of Bacteria
I started getting sick in the summer. Excess mucus, respiratory issues, chronic heartburn, suddenly needing to vomit during meals, chronic fatigue.
By the fall, I had constant phlegm and bad fatigue. And the vomiting was getting more frequent. In October, I took my son out for his birthday and had to excuse myself to vomit in the bathroom.
Also, around that time, I noticed that the drains were not draining properly in the sinks and showers and all of the drains started smelling like rotten eggs.
In early November, I prayed to God and asked what was making me sick and I got an image in my mind of the water heater.
I started googling and found out that if a water heater doesn't get hot enough to kill bacteria, it can build up and contaminate the water. The plumber confirmed that when he came in early November.
They said the hot water heater was broken and needed to be relpaced. "Like water in Mexico," he said.
But it wasn't just the hot water heater. It took me a while to figure it out, but it was also the garbage disposal and the dishwasher that were broken and malfunctioning.
When the plumber was there in early November, I asked him to take a look at the garbage disposal because it hadn't been working in months and I had tried to fix it but couldn't. I didn't want to call the landlord because he yelled at me every time I called to get something repaired, and I figured I could live without a garbage disposal since I don't put anything down the garbage disposal.
The plumber said, yes, the garbage disposal needed to be replaced.
So I asked him to let the landlord know. He said he did.
A few days later, I texted my landlord to ask if the garbage disposal got fixed. He said, "I thought it already was."
He came over the next day with a repair guy (not the original plumber – probably trying to save money) and they put in a new garbage disposal. This was one week before Thanksgiving.
Within minutes after they left the house, I got a text from my landlord's realtor saying they were going to put the house on the market and I needed to make it available for them to come and take photos. Did I mention this was one week before Thanksgiving?
I told the realtor over a text message that it was a terrible idea to put the house on the market now, and I said, "He's Indian so he may not understand this but we celebrate Christmas."
I told him to have my landlord contact me directly.
The realtor, who I guess is Iranian, told my landlord what I said and then my landlord called me and started yelling again.
"Ma'am!" he yelled. "Ma'am! You have offended me and my family. I have a Christian fiancée. She is a Christian."
I said, "What has that got to do with me?" I then asked him if he thought it was a smart business move to put a house on the market during the holidays.
He said he wasn't planning to put the house on the market until after the holidays, maybe in February.
I said, "Okay, then do we need to do pictures right now? Can it wait until after Christmas."
He said he would commit to that.
And of course, then I was wondering if he just told the realtor that he wanted to do pictures before Thanksgiving as a form of retaliation because he was angry because I was asking for more repairs. Why else would he need to disturb my holidays with realtors taking photos?
So, my son and I went up to Dallas for Thanksgiving to visit my mother and nephew. I was still sick but was doing a variety of things including chlorine dioxide solution and oregano oil and licorice root (which worked to cure me of an h. Pylori infection I got back in 2017).
Here's my son and nephew playing Cashflow (best game ever) the week of Thanksgiving in Dallas:
After about a week in Dallas, I started feeling much better and even felt well enough to go to the gym when I got back to Austin.
And then, a few days after I came back to this house, I started getting sick again. Mucus, heartburn, fatigue, and now, on top of that, chronic diarrhea.
That's when I realized it was the dishwasher that was still making me sick, which I talked about in my last blog post, so I won't go into it here.
Bottom line, the dishwasher is clogged and it is recirculating dirty water. I called the plumber. He came the next day and confirmed that, yes it was clogged and needed to be repaired.
We let the landlord know and that very evening, December 17th, one week before Christmas, I got a second message from the landlord's realtor, saying that we needed to be out by December 31st.
After he promised he wouldn't kick me out during Christmas.
Absolutely classless and total douche move.
I Have Until the End of January to Move
The next morning, I reread my lease (with the help of a good friend who read it with me) and according to my lease (and Texas law) you have to give a tenant 30 days notice prior to the end of a lease agreement if you don't want to extend the lease.
My landlord had only given me 2 weeks notice.
So I texted him that information and he said, "OK, you can move out by January 15th."
I said, "No, I have until January 31st because you have 30 days to give me notice before the expiration of the lease and after that it goes month to month."
He couldn't argue with that.
He then said he needed me to get the house ready to show the first week of January because he was putting it on the market.
I said, "Sorry but that's not possible. First of all, it's still Christmas until January 6th. We have 12 days of Christmas. Secondly, I am still sick from this house and I need time to recover. You're welcome to have realtors come over and take photos but the house will not be cleaned up because I am sick in bed with diarrhea."
Honestly, after everything he's done to me over this past year, I'm not gonna do jack to help him get the house photographed. I have enough problems. They can come take photos if they want but they'll have to clean it up themselves. I'm going to be busy packing.
I'm still trying to recover from being sick. Which I am – after stopping using the dishwasher, I'm finally recovering. Chlorine dioxide baths and enemas are really helping a lot.
I've also been taking CDS internally, licorice root and ivermectin and Fenben since I ran out of the oregano oil capsules.
It's all helping. I'm feeling much better and I think I will be able to even take the dog on a walk today.
I told my landlord he will be lucky if I don't sue him in small claims court (up to $20,000) for damages due to lost wages due to water contamination.

He asked me to "refrain" from using language about lawsuits and I said, "This is America. We have the first amendment. I'll say whatever I want."

Meanwhile, the dishwasher is still not fixed. Of course. I'm washing the dishes as I use them, and soaking them in chlorine dioxide.
Needless to say, I did not cook Christmas dinner. We went out for pizza.
We did manage to have an okay Christmas – not great, because my daughter is still alienated from me. Her father convinced her that I am crazy. More on that in a future post.
It's one thing to lose your home, your income and career, your life savings, most of your friends and family and all your social media. But losing a child for over a year is the absolute worst thing I've ever experienced. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
So, anyway, I am going to have to pack most of my dishes contaminated because they are all contaminated, I'm sure – and I'll wash them when I get to the next location.
The idea of hand washing all of my dishes before my third move in two years is just too overwhelming.
This is all too overwhelming. But somehow, with a lot of help from God, I will get through it.
What Comes Next?
I'm leaving the tree up until January 6th. That's all I can say for now.
I can't talk about what I'm doing next but I promise to post about it next week or the week after.
Boomerangs, ya'll. And it won't be up to me to punish anyone. That's not my job.
I know God will move His hand. I have been faithful and obedient to Him to the best of my ability, and I know He will not forsake me.
All I can say is I am praying for the people who did this to me, and it's not just my immigrant landlords. It's the ones who threw me out in the first place. More on that later. I can't speak about it yet.
I pray for them all, all the people who turned away from God, and the people who took unfair advantage of God's servants. God is very clear about whom He will punish. Even if they didn't know they were doing wrong, they will be punished if they turned their backs on God.
Retribution is promised and prophesied over and over in the Bible. And it ain't gonna be pretty.
All I want for the new year, 2025, the Year of the Jubilee, is justice.
And I know that God will deliver it. Because He said He would. And, as difficult as things have been for me, I trust the Lord God with all of my heart. He gives me sign after sign after sign that He will not let me down.
I'll end with this... two of my favorite scriptures. These are the ones keeping me going right now, Romans 12 and Deuteronomy 32:
Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
(Romans 12:17-19)
I will heap disasters on them;
I will spend My arrows on them.
They shall be wasted with hunger,
Devoured by pestilence and bitter destruction;
I will also send against them the teeth of beasts,
With the poison of serpents of the dust.
The sword shall destroy outside;
There shall be terror within
For the young man and virgin,
The nursing child with the man of gray hairs.
I would have said, “I will dash them in pieces,
I will make the memory of them to cease from among men,”
Had I not feared the wrath of the enemy,
Lest their adversaries should misunderstand,
Lest they should say, “Our hand is high;
And it is not the Lord who has done all this.” ’
“For they are a nation void of counsel,
Nor is there any understanding in them.
Oh, that they were wise, that they understood this,
That they would consider their latter end!
How could one chase a thousand,
And two put ten thousand to flight,
Unless their Rock had sold them,
And the Lord had surrendered them?
For their rock is not like our Rock,
Even our enemies themselves being judges.
For their vine is of the vine of Sodom
And of the fields of Gomorrah;
Their grapes are grapes of gall,
Their clusters are bitter.
Their wine is the poison of serpents,
And the cruel venom of cobras.
‘Is this not laid up in store with Me,
Sealed up among My treasures?
Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things to come hasten upon them.’
“For the Lord will judge His people
And have compassion on His servants,
When He sees that their power is gone,
And there is no one remaining, bond or free.
He will say: ‘Where are their gods,
The rock in which they sought refuge?
Who ate the fat of their sacrifices,
And drank the wine of their drink offering?
Let them rise and help you,
And be your refuge.
‘Now see that I, even I, am He,
And there is no God besides Me;
I kill and I make alive;
I wound and I heal;
Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand.
For I raise My hand to heaven,
And say, “As I live forever,
If I whet My glittering sword,
And My hand takes hold on judgment,
I will render vengeance to My enemies,
And repay those who hate Me.
I will make My arrows drunk with blood,
And My sword shall devour flesh,
With the blood of the slain and the captives,
From the heads of the leaders of the enemy.” ’
"Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people;
For He will avenge the blood of His servants,
And render vengeance to His adversaries;
He will provide atonement for His land and His people.”
(Deuteronomy 32:23-43)
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I was completely de-platformed on Google in the summer of 2019, banned on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram in 2020, and taken off Twitter in 2021. I have lost 90% of my income. My husband divorced me in 2022 which is when I lost my home, and I have two kids to support. Everything helps!
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