Lions Gate Portal Back to the Future (8/8/8)

Yesterday was August 8, 2024, which is the day the Lion's Gate Portal peaked. It was 8/8/2024.

Lions Gate Portal Back to the Future (8/8/8)

Well, I'm a day late getting this blog post up. I can't help it. Ever since 2020, I've been getting non-stop downloads from God and it's kind of hard to process it all, much less post anything about it. Like drinking from a firehose.

So anyway, yesterday was August 8, 2024, which is the day the Lion's Gate Portal peaked. It was 8/8/2024.

Drop the zero and add 2+2+4 = 8. So it's 8/8/8. A triple 8. And we know spells are done – and reversed in threes.

(Don't get triggered about spells and New Age garbage – everything happens in threes – from story arcs to comedy to making a family, the Holy Trinity – literally everything.)

What does all of this mean? I'm not really sure. It has to do with the alignment of the stars and the planets.

Here are a couple of videos about it that I think are worth watching. If nothing else, it's crazy how the Back to the Future movies were so full of symbolism, predicting 9/11 and Trump.

Watch the Videos

I watched this one first, which is more of an overview showing you the symbolism:

Then I watched the longer one:

In the second one, they delve into all three Back to the Future movies.

The first one is all about 9/11, the second one is full of symbolism predicting Donald Trump's presidency, and the third one is all about San Francisco – which I didn't really understand.

Maybe it hasn't happened yet, I don't know.

Or maybe it has to do with Kamala Harris? Since she is from San Francisco?

Oh, well, yeah... Dan Scavino literally just posted this as I was set to publish this blog post. Thank you, TraderGirlQ!

Anyway, like I said, I don't know. I never actually watched the second and third Back to the Future movies. Only the first one.

9/11 Symbolism in Back to the Future

9/11 is hugely significant. Many people say it's the real birthday of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

That would not surprise me. Why do you think 9-1-1 is the emergency number. These demons like to laugh at their false victories.

So, check this out... Trump's profile picture on Truth Social:

What do you notice?

It was Mike King, author and content creator at Real News and History who pointed that out.

Not only can you see the 9 and the 11 on the flat, but there are also 9 stars. And 3 red stripes for the 3 towers that went down.

Trump knows who did 9/11 and it wasn't the Muslims. They were blamed, but they were not the ones who did it. Use the Yandex search engine and research the "Dancing Israelis."

If you're not familiar with Mike King, I highly recommend following him. He's one of my absolute favorite people. You can watch him on Rumble on the NewsTreason channel (also love NewsTreason).

Here's a recent episode with Mike King on NewsTreason:

Back to the Future

This was also significant because on 8/7, the day before 8/8, we got the ruling on the Ripple/XRP case.

But wait, it gets better.

Trump's pro-crypto Federal Reserve pick, Judy Shelton, literally talked about Back to the Future in 2021, saying that we would be going back to the gold standard, in a cryptocurrency kind of way:

Go read the blog post I wrote about crypto back then: How To Get Started With Cryptocurrency.

And, no it's not too late to invest. (Not financial advice.)

The History of Lion's Gate

If you didn't know, the Lion's Gate is one of the seven open gates in the city of Jerusalem.

The Lion's Gate (called St Stephen's Gate by Christians) is the beginning of the " Via Dolorosa," the traditional Christian observance of the last walk of Jesus from prison to crucifixion.

Lions Gate Portal Syncs with the Olympics

Interestingly, the Lion's Gate Portal opened up on July 26 and it doesn't close until August 12.

Oh, wait, hey, those are the exact same dates as the Olympics this year...

Does anyone really think that is a coincidence?

WW3 Coming After the Olympics?

Trump told us back in 2021 that WW3 won't break out until after the Olympics.

Katie Liane said on X, Trump told us in 2021 that China wouldn't invade Taiwan until after the Olympics. As she said, "Everyone assumed it was the '22 Olympics."

Little did we know... it was the Summer Olympics of 2024!

Great find, Katie, and thank you for sending HotRod! (Follow them both on X: Katie and HotRod.)

Oh and check this out – Monday night, August, 12 is when Trump is meeting with Elon Musk.

What a coincidence. Ha! We know there are no coincidences.

Iran Attack on Tisha B'Av (August 12)?

This is all leading up to Tisha B'Av, which is when Iran is saying they will attack Israel.

Here are a couple of Twitter threads I just posted regarding all of this...

Here's another tweet about the Lion's Gate and Back to the Future from MaeroX:

It's so interesting that Marty McFly travels to November 5th, which this year is election day.

It's also Guy Fawkes' Day.

If you're not familiar with Guy Fawkes, you can look him up on Wikipedia.

Guy Fawkes

Ten Days of Darkness

Now here's where it gets super freaky. We have a Q drop delta on November 5th, 2017. It's drop number 88.

Remember, 88 miles per hour in Back to the Future.

Drop number 88 is the first time they talk about Ten Days of Darkness.

Nov 4/5th was the day we took down the first side of the pyramid in 2017.

Purim & The Book of Esther

This also ties back directly to the Book of Esther, the 17th book of the Bible (Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet).

Juan O Savin told us about the Book of Esther back in 2020. Go back and read my post about Matriarch's Purim.

The day the tables turn is on Purim...

Yom Kippur is on October 11 this year, which is the mirror date of Purim.

I believe that is when the arrests will be made known to the public.

That is the final harvest, the harvest of the grapes ("Grapes of Wrath").

To learn more about the harvests and the Great Tribulation, go and watch my video, The Three Harvests of the Great Tribulation.

Finally, President Trump re-truthed this yesterday, on 8/8:

Follow Me on X

Be sure to follow me on Twitter (X).

Follow me on X

That is where I post the most often these days. I am very shadow-banned but at least I can post the truth on there.

Only had one 24 hour suspension due to being mass-reported by communists a few weeks ago.

Other than that, I can post. I don't get seen much, but I can be found.

And if you like comment and share on my tweets, you will see me more often. That's how the algorithm works.

Stay Tuned for More Deep Dives

Oh, and stay tuned, I'll be posting more paid-members only posts soon. The stuff I can't post publicly. No, nothing personal, just political, but mind-blowing.

Please consider becoming a premium member (just $5 a month – everything helps keep me going – I lost 95% of my income and lost my home and life savings).

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