Let’s Drop a Moneybomb on Monsanto
Hate GMOs? Me, too. Genetically modified crops are the single biggest thread to our environment. Now’s the time to put our money where our mouth is.

Hate GMOs? Me, too. Genetically modified crops are the single biggest thread to our environment.
Now’s the time to put our money where our mouth is.
Dr. Mercola and a handful of other organizations (Nature’s Path, Dr. Bronner’s, Eden Foods, The Organic Consumers Fund, Lundberg Family Farms, Food Democracy Now, and the Institute For Responsible Technology) donated over $3 million to get 900,000 signatures this spring.
The result: a proposition is on the ballot to label GMOs in California. Californians will vote on this in November 2012.
I am SO EXCITED about this! I hope you are, too!
Why This is So Important
This is HUGE, guys! if we can get GMOs labeled in California, it is very likely that it will spread to other states!
Look what happened to rGBH milk. It went away. Why? Because after they started labeling the milk, NOBODY wanted to buy it! The same will happen with GMOs. The truth is, people don’t want GMOs.
This could be the tipping point to get GMOs labeled nationwide. We want to see GMOs disappear just like rGBH milk! Recent pollings show we have about 82% support – which is unheard of for an initiative as most people typically vote no.

We Need Your Help!
That’s the good news. The bad news is the opposition (Monsanto, et al) have already hired the big guns (tobacco lobbyists) to fight us. They have loads of money and will be spending heavily on TV commercials and other propaganda to convince California voters that we don’t need to label GMOs.
According to Steve Rye of Mercola.com:
“It’s going to be a battle, and we can only guess how many tens of millions will be spent in television commercials, radio ads, billboards, MSM buyoffs… We’re going to need to build up a war chest, and gather our coalition.”
What You Can Do to Help
1. Donate what you can! Click here to make a donation now.
2. Spread the word! Ask your friends to donate, and ask them to share this post. Share this post on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.
Note: This fundraising campaign is running through May 26, 2012. Donate today!
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