It's the End of The World As We Know It

This is not an easy post to write. But it is necessary. If you make it to the end, you are a hero in my eyes. Most won't. For those of you who do, God bless you and your courage.

The Beginning is Near

In March of 2020, right after the world shut down on March 11th (3/11, a mirror of 11/3, IYKYK) this song was ringing in my head, REM's "It's the End of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)."

I have a vivid memory of cranking this song in our kitchen and singing it with my 5-year-old son, Ollie at the top of our lungs.

It was Sunday, March 15, two days after Friday the 13th.

I was swinging him around in the air and we were laughing, singing along.

"Tell me with the rapture and the reverent in the right, right
You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light
Feeling pretty psyched… 

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine"

I saw Michael Stipe on Instagram on St. Patrick's Day (March 17) 2020 and he was singing that song. I can't find the post anymore. He said, something along the lines of, "The key phrase is AS WE KNOW IT."

Fast-forward to almost-October, 2024. The song is on repeat in my head again.

And I know why. I know without a doubt, that this movie is coming to an end. It will be a climactic, gripping ending. Like Hollywood movies always do.

And this will lead us to a new beginning.

And this new beginning is so monumental, I can't even really put it into words.

We're going back to the garden. I'm talking about the Garden of Eden. The world before the fall.

The Garden

Our priest at my parish where I live now played this song a few weeks ago at our parents retreat, "Garden" by Matt Maher.

Every time, I hear that song, I cry. Not tears of sadness. Tears of happiness. Because I know the whole world is about to change.

We are finally going back to the garden.

"All the broken are mending
The mournful rejoicing
Seeing through tears
Of peace overflowing

And You walk with me
You never leave
You're making my heart a garden"

The Storm

I'll never forget the day my son Ollie and I went over to the church a couple of weeks after the lockdown.

It was raining almost every day that week, which is very strange for March in Los Angeles. That never happens. I remember having to wear raincoats and get out umbrellas to go for our daily walks.

Looking at these photos from four years ago seems like a lifetime ago. We had a nice home we were renting. We had just moved down to Torrance (next to Redondo Beach) after selling our house in Los Angeles.

I was a stay-at-home mom, working part-time from home. The kids were in school. My marriage was fine. We were relatively happy.

Of course, the reality was, underneath the surface, our whole life was a lie. It was okay on the surface, but we were fighting for our lives. We were constantly being threatened by evil people who were getting more and more control in the world.

I had lost my business – my blog network in 2014, the year Ollie was born. I lost everything I had spent half a decade building. We were attacked by the 3-letter agencies (FTC, IRS) and they destroyed my business.

In the spring of 2018, my now ex-husband (divorced in 2022) had been hacked – his SIM card stolen – and we lost our life savings. And the criminals were getting away with it.

He even had a copy of the chat logs – irrefutable proof that the hackers bribed a supervisor at AT&T who gave them his SIM card. It had been over a year and we hadn't gotten a penny of our money back.

The Conspiracy Theories Keep Coming True

You can call me a conspiracy theorist... I don't care. People have been calling me that for four years now. My friends, my former colleagues. Almost everyone. I can count on my fingers the people who have stuck by my side. You know who you are.

Imagine going through a divorce, losing all your income and life savings and having to move twice in a year, and then not seeing your daughter for over a year, even though you have a court order. And imagine nobody being around while you go through that. Not friends, not family.

Most people don't even know if I'm still alive because I'm so banned, I can't even get back on Facebook if I try.

Anyway, I'm the one who knew that COVID was a hoax when they first rolled it out in 2020. I'm the one who has known since 2007 that all the v@ccines are poison.

I tried to tell everyone, but people didn't listen. It was like they were under a spell. And then I got completely censored in the fall of 2020 and no one could hear my voice anymore. I became an outcast.

And as a result, tens of millions of people died and many more were injured.

How many deaths from the shots is it now? I just saw Alex Jones tell Francis Collins it was 20+ million.

And how many more from the hospital deaths – the drugs and the vents? My friend Laura Bartlett calls the hospitals "the killing fields."

Anyway, call me a conspiracy theorist if you want to but you're wrong. I know what happens to everyone who becomes too successful and is actually helping people. I've seen it happen to so many of my friends.

Our bloggers were telling people how to get healthy. They couldn't let that happen before their big 2019 COVID / v@ccine rollout. Which is why they had to shut us down.

March 24th

Anyway, back to that day in March of 2020, when we went to the church. We had just eaten breakfast. It wasn't raining.

I wanted to go over to my church to pray and get some holy water and blessed candles. I brought 5-year-old Ollie with me.

I was trying just now to remember what day it was that we went to the church. I was just scrolling through my Photos app to find it.

Saint James Cathedral, Redondo Beach, California

Finding what day it actually was brought tears to my eyes. It was my brother's birthday, March 24th.

My sister, my brother and me when he was a baby

That date has very special significance to me. My brother died this past February 25th, one month before his birthday.

I know the exact date and the time he passed away, at 11 am. I always remember because I was just leaving Sunday mass.

I had gone to church by myself. I'm the last Catholic in our whole family, a long line of Catholics that spans back thousands of years, Polish on my dad's side and French on my mother's.

Me, my brother and my sister when we were in college

No one in my family invited me to come up and see my brother in the weeks before he died. My mother, my sister and my aunt were all there at the hospital with him. I knew they didn't want me there.

Ostensibly, they didn't invite me because they think I am crazy. My sister and my aunt have not spoken to me in years. My sister stopped talking to me when Ollie was a baby in 2014. My aunt unfriended me on Facebook back in 2015.

I didn't know why she unfriended me back then, but looking back, that was when I was posting on Facebook about California pushing for mandatory v@ccines in order for children to go to school. I was saying innocuous things like, "I'm not anti-v@ccine, but I don't think they should be mandatory."

She's a retired nurse. Of course, she thought I was crazy. Anyone who speaks out about v@ccines must be crazy.

Doesn't anyone think it's crazy that I can't even write the word v@ccine normally – because of the Algorithm Police?

I know why my family members didn't want me seeing my brother in the hospital before he died. It was because they were afraid I would "cause trouble."

They knew what I would say: "The emperor has no clothes."

He died, pumped full of drugs, on a ventilator. One month before his 52nd birthday.

They said it was liver failure. They didn't do an autopsy. Nor did they bury him. No funeral. Not sure what happened to his ashes.

I Am Not Afraid, for God is With Me

"I am not afraid for God is with me. I was born for this." – Saint Joan of Arc

God put me in the middle of this battlefield decades ago. I was v@ccine-injured at age 25, when they gave me multiple booster shots when I switched schools.

Months later, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I also had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

It took me two years of independent research and making changes to my diet (avoiding gluten and sugar) and taking supplements and seeing a chiropractor, but I healed myself completely. I've been eating gluten and sugar for the past 30 years with no problems.

I really don't think my family believes me about any of this.

For years, my mother said, "You didn't have Rheumatoid Arthritis." When I told her the doctor diagnosed me, she just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Not sure if she believes me even now. All I know is I'm 56 years old, and probably one of the healthiest people in our entire extended family. Not on any medications, No health problems whatsoever. Normal blood sugar, normal everything.

I'm not even overweight like most people – and I eat whatever I want. Pasta, sugar, wine. Actually, right now I am 153 – about 3 pounds over a normal BMI due to all the stress these past few years.

It's funny because in 2020, just before the lockdown in March, I was meditating every morning after I read Joe Dispenza's book, Becoming Supernatural.

I dropped 15 pounds in 6 weeks, effortlessly.

This photo is of my scale in February, 2020:

Sure, I was walking every day, but I always do that. I didn't change my diet or do anything. I just envisioned what I wanted and stepped into the reality.

The Emperor Has No Clothes

When we got to the church that afternoon on March 24, 2020, it was completely empty and silent.

We saw this sign on the front door:

Looking back, it's so ridiculous that they shut down the mass services.

Not only was it ridiculous, it was morally wrong. Because it led to so many deaths. Millions of people. Gone.

But I know that it had to happen this way. Why? Because you can't tell people the truth. They're under a spell. The walking dead. You have to let them find out the truth for themselves. Like I said, I told everyone. I was very vocal.

They called me crazy. Told me to stop tagging them in my posts. Said they "didn't know who I was anymore."

Yes, I still have the screenshots. I told them all they would apologize to me later. And I know that they will. Because when all of this plays out, there will be no way to deny that I was right the whole time. Not like it's any great prize to be right. I've paid a much higher price than the vast majority of people.

Anyway, whatever, it hasn't been easy. It's not easy being the one who knows and nobody listens. It's not easy being the one who is called insane and shunned from society. Not easy at all.

But I wouldn't change a thing. Why? Because I was obedient to God. I spoke the truth, even though it destroyed my life.

And this is why I am fully alive. I look at the other people in my life – friends, family members – and they seem lifeless. Like zombies.

I believe this is what Jesus meant when he said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3)

It was a little kid who said, "The emperor has no clothes."

When you say that out loud, everyone gets mad at you, calls you crazy, says, "Stop tagging me in your posts," and ultimately blocks you and unfriends you.

And none of those people ever once tried to find me or call me or text me, four years later. I could be homeless or dead. They just forgot about me, I guess. Like I never existed.

Saints & Feast Days

Anyway, I went back this morning to look at the photos I took that day on March 24, 2020, when Ollie and I went to the church to get the holy water and blessed candles.

And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. How amazing it was that we went to the church on that day of all days.

I was shocked and deeply touched by what I found. This is how I know God is guiding my every step.

Ollie putting money in for the candles

Not only did I remember that it was March 24, my brother's birthday, but this is especially relevant because of what I just realized the other day.

It was only two days ago that I realized what an important – no not just important, monumental – that day that is. About whose feast day is on that day...

Blessed candles

You see, in the Catholic church, we remember the saints. And we do that by celebrating their feast days.

Saints in the Catholic church are people who fought for Christianity. We remember them and honor them and we ask them to pray for us.

No, we don't pray to them. We ask them to pray for us. Because it is more powerful when we ask people to pray with us.

That's why we ask the saints to pray for us. Because even if we are alone, even if our families and our friends have abandoned us and left us to die, we can still ask the saints for help.

Remember, Jesus said, "For where two or there are gathered in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20)

I keep quoting Matthew.

Did I mention my brother's name was Matthew?

St. Simon of Trent

Anyway, one thing I have learned about Catholicism is that feast days are really important. God always plans all sorts of miracles for these days – and it never ceases to amaze me.

Today, in fact, the day I am writing this, is September 29, the feast day of Saint Michael. My patron saint. Yes, my last name is Michaels.

So here's the miracle... this connects to what I just realized the other day...

In 1475, there was a little almost three-year-old boy named Simon who lived in a village called Trento in Northern Italy.

You can read about him and what happened to him on this website: stsimonoftrent dot com.

I won't link to it because I don't want to be further punished by the Algorithm gods – or let's call them what they really are, demons.

Just like I can't spell out the word v@ccines, I can't link to anything about St. Simon of Trent.

Saint Simon of Trent was never canonized, and they said it was a "cult."

I believe he was a saint but the church won't recognize him. Just like they didn't recognize Saint Joan of Arc for almost 500 years. Can you believe that? It's true.

They made us Catholics stop talking about Saint Simon in 1965, during the whole Vatican II debacle.

I'll write a whole post about Nostra Aetate. Google that. And Yandex it. Sickening.

They are sickening – how they have silenced us.

"They Eat Babies"

Roseanne just said last week at the Tucker Live show in Texas that "they eat babies."

Here's what she said:

"You know they eat babies? That is not bullshit… It's true. It's not just the dogs and the cats. They're full on vampires. And everybody still thinks I'm crazy but I'm not crazy. They're full-on vampires they love the taste of human flesh and they drink human bl00d...

So many kids that I was in mental institutions with over the years, they are all from those cults. And they've covered it all up.

I just pray to God that he opens everybody's eyes in this country. By the time we go into vote for Trump, that He will open up everybody's eyes and they will stop pretending to be asleep...

Please wake up even those who are pretending to be asleep with the irrefutable truth of what the worst people on this planet are really up to...

There are so many victims... The epidemic in America is child s3xu@l abuse and I just want people to see it. I want people to open up their eyes and see how prevalent and horrible it is.

One of 3 girls, one of 4 boys, in this country today. It's just horrible. And you just can't la-la-la it away anymore. It's gonna get more and more apparent and you gotta choose your side."

Roseanne: "They eat babies."

Click here to watch.

She's right, child s3xu@l abuse is the real epidemic in America. My little brother, born on March 24, was a victim.

And I know who is running the whole thing. The puppet masters.

"Bl00d Libel"

This is where we get to the bombshell part of the blog post. So buckle up...

Writing this post has been very difficult. I started this morning and had to take a break because I started researching this meme.

Like I said, buckle up... I'm gonna post and then send this out because I can't work on this post anymore. It's just too much.

Someone shared this meme with me a few days ago.

Like I said, I knew about St. Simon of Trent. One of my good friends told me about him months ago.

So today, tried to make it through this list of victims on the meme above.

What I did was this... I searched each name on the list.

First on Google. Then on Yandex, the Russian search engine.

What happens when you do that is you see the lies. The propaganda. I could post it for you but I think it's better if you do the research yourself.

Try it. You'll be stunned. And disgusted. And then heartbroken.

Not just because of the abuse to these children. But what really disgusted me and broke my heart was the way they lie to us.

Okay, I'll just walk you through a couple of them.

This one, Gabriel Belostoksy, he was completely scrubbed off Google. Like he never existed.

But I found him on a Russian website on Yandex, which I had to translate:

Here's another one, Andriy Yushcinskyi... again, had to use Google Translate:

Guys, I only got through 6 out of 16 of the names and I had to stop.

I started crying and didn't want to get out of bed.

March 24th, 2020

Back to that day on March 24, 2020. When I took Ollie to St. James to get the candles.

Which I burned today, St. Michael's feast day, while I tried to write this blog post.

And yes, that's my coffee cup from Ohio, the state where I was born. On the 4th of July.

Where they are now eating and sacrificing cats and dogs.

Here's what I wrote on the guest list thing at St. James in Redondo Beach on March 24, 2020:

It's the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT. And I feel fine.

Today was the first time I noticed what it said at the bottom of that page:

Enjugará toda lágrima de sus ojos. (Apocalipsis 21:4)

Translation below...

And then, this afternoon, when I was crying and broken and feeling like I couldn't finish this post, I noticed that President Trump posted this on Truth Social:

On St. Michael's feast day.

My patron saint. My last name is Michael. Which is why I am a warrior for Jesus Christ.

And then I got another label on my Twitter account.

How to know when someone is telling the truth? They put a label on it.

Or maybe you just disappear.

Wiped off the internet like a leper. For telling the truth.

And then no one can hear your voice.

As Roseanne said last week on the Tucker show, it's time to get in the fight.

Stop trying to pretend it isn't happening. It is happening. And when we wake up to it and speak the truth, that's when it ends.

"One of 3 girls, one of 4 boys, in this country today. It's just horrible. And you just can't la-la-la it away anymore. It's gonna get more and more apparent and you gotta choose your side." – Roseanne Barr

God bless you all. We will win.

All glory to God, our Lord Jesus Christ.

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That is where I post the most often these days. I am very shadow-banned but at least I can post the truth on there.

And if you like comment and share on my tweets, you will see me more often. That's how the algorithm works.

Stay Tuned for More Deep Dives

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I need to ask for your help: Please share this post with your friends.

I am invisible, since I am so censored and blacklisted. I am device-banned (banned to the device level) on every major social media channel. This means I cannot even get on Facebook or Instagram – even with a VPN – because they can see it is my device. They also use facial recognition and they have banned me by name.


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