It's Darkest Before the Don

I have to start packing today. No idea where I will be living 3 weeks from now. Maybe in my car?

Not joking. I am being kicked out of my home for the third year in a row. No idea where I am going or how I will even pay for another move and a place to live.

I can hardly believe how insane it is to have to pack up and move an entire house 3 years in a row, after having my home stolen, my income and life savings money stolen, my child brainwashed to hate me... but more on that in my next blog post. Sign up for my free email updates to get notified when I post.

In fact, I am going to start posting a whole series of videos telling my story and what happened to me and how you can help on TikTok and maybe also on YouTube and Rumble – here's the link to follow me on all the things. I was under a gag order from the divorce but then I realized my constitutional right to free speech speech supercedes all other laws, mandates and contracts. So Happy New Year, everyone, I'm about to let it rip.

Anyway, before I start packing, I wanted to get this post up as a belated Christmas gift to my friend, Celia Farber. Started writing it last week but I've been distracted with all the life chaos. Facing homelessness is a bit of a distraction. After I was poisoned by the water in my own home (see my previous posts).

On New Year's Day, I had lunch, alone, at one of my favorite taco places, Torchy's, here in Austin. I was alone. It was the loneliest Christmas ever, thanks to the enemies who have been trying to ruin my life. Be assured, they will not succeed.

Anyway, I was sitting there, one week ago, enjoying my favorite taco, the Trashy Trailer Park (fried chicken with queso and green chiles) and I realized I needed to write this post.

Why I'm Writing This Post: A Belated Christmas Present for Celia Farber

As I ate my taco and drank my Arnold Palmer, I read the latest couple of substacks by one of my favorite journalists, Celia Farber.

If you're not familiar with Celia, see my blog post from a few months ago about how much I love her: Note to Self: Be More Like Celia Farber. Go subscribe to her Substack.

In this open letter to Celia, I want to respond to Celia's substack article, which she wrote on New Year's Day: 20 Days Before Trump's Inauguration, Chaos Erupts: Morale Plummets, Fog Rolls In.

I'm not writing this to challenge her or disagree with Celia. She's right on the money about everything she is noticing.

I want to write this post to have a dialogue, out in the open, to show people, that yes, things seem really bad, but that is because it is always darkest before the dawn. In fact, this is the way it always is right before the end of every great movie.

At the end of the Hero's Journey, right before the final battle, you enter the Innermost Cave. Go see the new movie, Mufasa: The Lion King and you'll see what I mean. Great movie, by the way – very inspiring.

In this post, I'll go over the reasons why I think we need to be optimistic about the new incoming Trump presidency. Because as Q told us, "This is not another 4 year election…."

And the greatest time in human history that is about to play out before our eyes.

I'll even number them for you. Because I like things to be orderly.

Falling Apart at the SEEMS

Many people in the comments called Celia's article depressing and "doomer," and I can see why they are saying that. And they are not wrong. I have been picking up on everything Celia was putting down in her blog post.

I've been waking up every morning with anxiety (not like me at all – anxiety is never an issue for me; I'm the chronic optimist).

We just came off this amazing high with our MAGA/MAHA victory in November, hoping to enjoy a lovely Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and friends (well, it wasn't that great for me – I was called a "conspiracy theorist by one family member and ignored by the rest of my family – I was shunned a long time ago,) and then we would coast right into our next 4 years of a Trump presidency with RFK Making America Healthy Again and Elon Musk's Department of Governmental Efficiency (DOGE) kicking ass and taking names.

And now it seems like everything is falling apart at the seams. Ha! I started to write "falling apart at the SEEMS" and that is definitely apropos. Because all is not what it seems.

In this post, I share with you four reasons to be very optimistic about the future. In fact, I will venture to say that I am convinced that we are headed into the greatest time in all of human history.

I can't take Celia out for tacos and sweet tea since she's all the way over in Spain. So I'll send this post over the wire in hopes I can shed some light her way. And shed light to others who happen to read this. Love ya'll – thanks for following me.

Oh and by the way, Christmas ended 2 days ago. So I'm a bit late with this gift for Celia. Been busy ruminating about how to not end up homeless. That said, for now, the Christmas tree is still up.

Darkest Before the Don

Before I get into the reasons to be optimistic about the future, I want to share the first line from Celia's post:

"6:40 am and this post has been in the making on and off for 14 hours. New Year’s is for metamorphosis, and renewal."

Spot on. New Year's is for metamorphosis and renewal. That's totally how I've been feeling this past few weeks. I'm a caterpillar in a cocoon and about to break out of it as a butterfly.

So yeah, it's darkest before the dawn. Because we are all starting to feel cramped in this cocoon. We are waking up. The butterfly that is humanity is getting ready to bust out. So let's drop a few more truth bombs and see if we can crack out of this shell.

Reason to Be Optimistic # 1: There Are No Viruses. It's a Hoax.

There are no viruses. Virus means poison or toxin in Latin. Look it up. In other words, there is no boogieman virus. They are poisoning us.

They made up a boogieman to try to confuse and scare people into thinking we need a specific antiviral drug to kill the virus.

So all you have to do to fight a "virus" (poison or toxin) is to detox.

So, like I've been teaching, drink chlorine dioxide solution, take zeolite, drink silica water – these are all ways to easily and safely detox heavy metals, pesticides and other toxins.

They poisoned the wells, and are still poisoning our wells – with chemtrails and vaccines and "fog"– all modern-day versions of poisoning the wells.

So please don't be scared about the mysterious fog sweeping the nation. It's just a hoax. Easily beaten with the things I mentioned: chlorine dioxide, zeolite, silica water, etc.

This is not rocket science, people. I have scores of evidence to prove that these things work. And it works for everything. there is nothing we can't cure. Because all we have to do is detox.

If you want to learn how to detox, sign up for my free online course, Detox & Heal.

I am taking a hiatus from teaching right now due to the fact that my enemies took my home and most of my property and I am now being thrown out of my home for the third time in 2 years. But I'll be back on teaching ASAP.

But next, let me explain to you why a second "plandemic" is actually a good thing.

Reason to Be Optimistic # 2: The Bird Flu Boomerang: Title 42

And did you know that Trump knows that they are planning this new plandemic? And he will use it against them.

Yes, as Celia said in her post, Fauci and his minions are all out on the talk circuit, pushing the Bird Flu and whatever other BS they can pull out of their sleeves to try to get us to wear masks again, lock down again, etc.

Well what if I told you that Trump already knows? What if he is actually planning for them to bust out the Bird Flu so he can use it against them?

I posted this video of Trump speaking at a rally on Jan 21, 2024 on my Telegram – it was pinned to the top of my page for the longest time. Because I knew it was important. Click to watch the video.

Click to watch the video.

What is Title 42?

Trump used Title 42 against the Deep State in March of 2020 to throw the illegal migrants out.

According to the AP:

"Title 42 is the name of an emergency health authority. It was a holdover from President Donald Trump’s administration and began in March 2020. The authority allowed U.S. officials to turn away migrants who came to the U.S.-Mexico border on the grounds of preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Before that, migrants could cross illegally, ask for asylum and be allowed into the U.S. They were then screened and often released to wait out their immigration cases.

Under Title 42, migrants were returned over the border and denied the right to seek asylum. U.S. officials turned away migrants more than 2.8 million times."

And will you look at that... outbreaks in India...

108 countries... isn't that interesting.

Look up 109 countries on Google. 😂

Who is ready for the biggest mass deportation campaign in American history?

[Raises hand.]

So let's get it straight – Plandemic 2 is a good thing. It will be used against them.

Let's move on to my next point...

Reason to Be Optimistic # 3: The MAGA Meltdown on Social Media is Not Civil War; This is Actually the Final Battle of the Great Awakening / Digital Information War

In her post, Celia writes, "MAGA has imploded into civil war, Trump has betrayed his entire base and movement, MAHA has mostly imploded—it’s all very depressing, though people are yet again “waking up."

Is that really true though? Have we imploded into civil war? I'm not seeing anyone fighting in the streets.

Sure, there are the false flags popping off around the country. But we know those always happen when the people who control the banks and the media start to lose the narrative.

And just to be clear, when I say false flags, I don't mean people aren't dying. I just mean it's a psyop. An inside job.

And the H-1B visa war on X is, in my opinion, also orchestrated. By the white hats. Why do I say that?


General Flynn just retweeted this the day after New Year's:

Click to watch the video

This is the video clip in which he says, "We have an army of digital soldiers" (click to watch the video).

The thing that a lot of people don't realize is this war is all about exposure.

We've been lied to about everything for thousands of years. When people find out the truth, you can't, as comic Leonarda Jonie says, "You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube."

The more that gets exposed about the enemy, the more they lose. And yes, we are living through the Book of Revelation right now – the end times. No doubt in my mind.

Revelation means to reveal, disclosure of information by a divine or supernatural agency.

Apocalypse means the same thing – revelation or disclosure.

And Armageddon means the final global battle on Earth – which takes place in central Palestine.

That tells you a lot about who the real enemy is (as Trump says, "The Enemy Within,") which I promise to talk a lot more about in future posts. I can't talk about it much on social media right now because every time I do, I get banned and censored.

How to know who is in control – the people who are censoring everyone. Not too hard to figure out.

I believe Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk started calling people stupid and retards because they are being exposed.

Ramaswampy is a pharma shill, as many of you already know.

I also think Ramaswampy is in the evil bloodline. This really is a biblical battle between the people of Earth – the people from the bloodline of Abel vs. the people who came from Cain.

Ahem, Cohen and Khan both come from Cain. But w'll talk about that more later.

They bred with a lot of Indians – that's how they go undercover. It's a nepotistic global bloodline that rules the whole world from the shadows.

Like I said, Trump calls them "The Enemy Within." If you want to know who they are, I'll give you a hint. Henry Ford wrote a series of articles about them and he called it "The International BLANK." (Word left blank on purpose.)

You can figure out what I'm saying by searching online. And yes, this is why "they" destroyed the American auto industry and Detroit and Dearborn, turning Dearborn into the city with the biggest mosque and more Muslims than any city in America.

Anyway, here's my point... if you were a general leading an army of digital soldiers, would you want everything to be hunky dory leading up to Trump's inauguration, everyone just happy and looking forward to another 4-year presidency, or would you want those soldiers to be red-pilling harder than ever?

Remember, this is a war all about EXPOSURE.

Do most people know who the Hidden Enemy is yet? No, no they don't.

How do you get them to wake up to who the Hidden Enemy is as fast as possible? Red pills.

Which means truth bombs.

Right now, the Groyper War on X is exposing the enemy one thousand times harder than they ever have.

Sam Hyde's video letter to Elon on Dec 30 garnered 20 million views in 4 days.

Watch the video on X

To give you some perspective, that's a sh*t ton of views. Like way more than any legacy media channel.

So maybe, just maybe, Ramaswampy made a deal to play a role in this Great Awakening Wag the Dog movie.

And maybe Elon is also playing a role. To piss people off and make them fight to expose the real enemy.

If you haven't seen Wag the Dog, you must watch the trailer if you want to understand what is really going on:

Watch the trailer

The net net is this: most of what we have been seeing online is not real. Many body doubles, and as Trump says frequently, "Central casting."

As Q said repeatedly, "You're watching a movie."

Reason to Be Optimistic # 4: Elon is a White Hat / Quadruple Agent

I can tell you for a fact that Elon is not one of the evil bloodline.

How do I know? Because I have spent a tremendous amount of time researching him.

And it does not make sense – there is no evidence to support it other than how he behaves but that is what someone would do if they were infiltrating enemy lines.

Space Force, Guardians of The Blockchain

I started researching in 2020, thinking that he probably was a black hat, but wasn't able to find evidence of that, and I subsequently wrote this article: Rocket’s Red Glare, Bombs Bursting In Air: Why We Need Space Force. It's a long article (I can't help it; I'm thorough adn all about laying out all the evidence) but if you take the time to read it, you'll see that logically, it makes zero sense that Elon would be a black hat.

Space is the most important thing to Planet Earth's future. Literally the final frontier. If you are a flat earther, I'm sorry but you've been massively psyoped.

It isn't just about the resources in space. It's also about the satellites. So much about the satellites.

If you have a cursory understanding about the blockchain and what it does and what it will do and why it is critical to our freedom on Planet Earth, you will know that this is one of the main reasons that Trump started Space Force, who are called the GUARDIANS.

Why? Because it is their job to guard not only Earth in space, but also the blockchain, which is a digital ledger of everything.

If the enemy controls our currency and our media and all of our information, how do you take that control back? With the blockchain.

If you don't understand the importance of the blockchain, I highly encourage you to watch this video with John McAfee from 2018 – he breaks down why it is literally the answer to all of our problems.

Click to watch the video

And yes, Space Force has been locked down under Cheyenne Mountain this whole time – since war officially broke out against what Trump called then "The Silent Enemy" in March 2020. They even changed the name of it.

You Know Like You Know About a Good Melon

Oh and by the way, I met John McAfee and got to see him speak at a private event when I lived in LA. This must have been back in 2015 or 2016.

I also met many other people, including Elon Musk's brother Kimbal, as well many others on and off the red carpet. Back in 2006, Mark Ruffalo was my next-door neighbor. I also met Jeff Bezos, Ricky Gervais, David Miscavige, the head of Scientology.

The Scientologists are absolutely white hats – I can prove that with hundreds of pieces of evidence. I've said this so many times online and people always tell me that I'm a conspiracy theorist and they are a cult to which I say, "Right... they've been fighting human trafficking, drug traffickers and Big Pharma for decades... and the IRS tried to destroy them." Sure.

Don't believe me that I have met all of these people?

Here is some proof – just a few pics from my Photos app. I have so much more than this but this is just to show you that I'm not making it up.

Me with then White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer (I had something in my teeth 😂) at the Emmys in 2017
Me with Lori Greiner of Shark Tank at an Emmys party in 2017
With John Turturro at an Emmys party
With Jon Hamm in 2015 at the Governor's Ball at the Emmys
On the Emmys red carpet. I didn't realize this was a man at the time. "She" is a well-known TV actress who now I realize is so obviously a man. Those triceps! 😂

So, anyway, I'm not telling you any of this to brag. In fact, I rarely show anyone these old photos of my time in Hollywood. Because it doesn't mean anything to me. They are just people. Some good, some bad. It's a business, like any other.

I'm probably one of the least star-struck people you'll ever meet because I have been around them for over two decades – I lived in Los Angeles for 18 years, and prior to that I lived in Silicon Valley for 7 years, and prior to that I lived for a year in New York City where I worked in the publicity department at Universal Studios when I was 23. My first client in Silicon Valley was Steve Jobs at Apple.

The reason I'm telling you all of this is because if you have been around people long enough, you can start to tell who has good vibes and who has bad vibes. I mean, it starts to become freaking obvious.

"You know like you know about a good melon."
– When Harry Met Sally

There are many, many good people in Hollywood. And there are also many bad people. You can literally feel it when you meet them.

You can lie to people on TV and in movies, and on the internet, but when you see the whites of people's eyes and shake their hands, they can't hide their true nature. That's why I flew to DC to go to CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) in 2017 right after Trump was elected the first time. Got to sit in the press pit with all the other journalists, and boy did I learn a lot.

When I saw Trump speak for the first time in person, that's when I knew he was legit. I've never seen anyone else speak like he does – no teleprompter. Just honest and real. Totally different than any other president I'd ever seen... other than maybe Ronald Reagan or JFK.

Anyway, Elon's brother, Kimbal Musk, when I met him, had really good energy. His eyes crinkled up when he smiled and laughed. So did John McAfee. So did Ricky Gervais. Jon Hamm, Lori Greiner. Actually all of the sharks I met had good energy – but I did not meet Mark Cuban or Barbara Corcoran, so I don't know about them. The rest I got a good vibe from.

Oh, and Mark Ruffalo, really nice guy. I really don't think he's as liberal as they make him pretend to be on social media. I think that is an act. He and his wife were very nice and not creepy. We used to hang out a lot when I lived at that house in the Hollywood Hills.

The "illuminati" (for lack of a better word – when I use the real word for what they are, I get censored) people in Hollywood do NOT have good energy. They are inauthentic and they act weird and shady. Jeff Bezos, when I met him in the VIP room at the Emmys, he hardly made eye contact. Extremely creepy and weird guy.

Wag the Dog

Okay, so I think I have shown you some tangible evidence to counter the narrative that Elon Musk is a black hat.

There is one more thing... and it has to do with the fact that wars are just fought with guns and bombs and trench warfare. Wars are fought with information.

I think Elon is a quadruple agent because I think he was always a good guy, whose mother was also good. They are in a good bloodline. In other words, they are not one of "them." But she married a bad guy, whom she then divorced, and whom Elon hates.

Here's my more recent post – written last year – about Elon's bloodline: Elon Musk is Not Jewish.

In that post, I talked about the fact that Elon's grandfather, Joshua Haldeman was an "antisemite" and he supported apartheid in South Africa, so in other words, according to the mainstream media (which is run by our enemies) he was a racist.

If you wonder why it is important whether or not Elon is Jewish, it will make more sense when you realize who the Enemy Within is. (Is it starting to become clear yet?)

The "Pedo Guy"

I have one other rabbit hole I dug on Elon which I haven't published yet other than on Telegram, but the short version is Elon called this guy, Vernon Unsworth a "pedo guy," the guy sued him with Lin Wood as his lawyer, and Elon won. Here's the story from the CNN: Elon Musk testifies that ‘pedo guy’ tweet was meant to be an insult, not a statement of fact.

After that all played out the, British and Thai royals gave the "pedo guy," Unsworth medals. That should tell you a lot right there. The Thai king is a creepy weirdo who lives with a harem, and we all know about the British royal family.

Why did Elon call this guy a "pedo guy" when he didn't have to? That's back when Elon was still pretending to be in with the illuminati.

Do you remember when he crashed the rocket that Zuckerberg paid him to

Encirclement & Infiltration

So how does it make sense for Elon to be good, pretend to be bad, then pretend to be good and then pretend to be bad? Like I said, Quadruple Agent. If he's from the good bloodline (there are only two bloodlines at war – Cain & Abel,) then he's on our team.

The oldest military strategy is called encirclement. This is when you surround the enemy, even infiltrate their ranks, and eventually they run out of ammunition and they can no longer retreat.

Encirclement on Wikipedia

If you think about it, this is basically how chess works.

As my 10-year-old son said the other week, "Checkmate is when the King can no longer move."

Our country has been infiltrated for decades now – really, centuries.

And now here we are in this final battle of Armageddon that has been playing out for the past 7 years. Yes, 7 years, just like in Tribulation.

With the Groypers on the front line on X/Twitter, battling a fake enemy (Elon) who has cleverly tricked them into doing exactly what he wants them to do: red pill the sh*t out of everyone. Expose the enemy. And put the King in checkmate.

Who is the King? The people who have all the money and power. That's who controls us.

Who has all the money and power?

Q told us a long time ago. See drop # 133.

Remember, I said Cohen and Khan are the same bloodline. Guys, it's the exact same name. Just different spelling. Cohen = Khan = Con.

Remember, I said they breed with different groups in order to infiltrate.

The Pyramid Was Already Taken Down

In conclusion... we already won the war. The pyramid was already taken down.

The House of Saud was the first side of the pyramid. The Rothschilds the second, and George Soros was the third.

The House of Saud was taken down by the white hats on Oct 28, 2017. The exact same day Q started posting. What a wild coincidence.

October 28 is also the anniversary of Nostra Aetate, and when you find out what that means your head will really spin. All the dots connect.

The Rothschilds had their assets seized back in 2018.

And Soros was the last to come down. That took the longest, because Soros was the side with all the media and NGO control.

You see, these people are all related. They are all "in the family." A global crime ring.

Connect the Dots

What if I told you that the people with all the money and power no longer have that money and power.

Look up Executive Orders 13818 and 13848.

Read what they say.

Notice that both EOs were extended multiple times by Joe Biden.

Now, ask yourself this... if Elon Musk were a black hat and he teamed up with other black hats to buy Twitter in 2023, why is he posting videos by Ken O'Keefe talking about notorious pedophile Jimmy Savile?

Do you know who Ken O'Keefe is? Did you watch Europa yet? Or Stew Peters' Occupied?

Search those movies on X and watch them.

Why would Elon be telling us that it was George Soros who flooded America and Europe with migrants?

This is a digital information war. If Elon were a black hat, why would he be sharing this kind of stuff? He wouldn't.

Like I Keep Saying: It's a Sting Operation

It's like I've been saying for years now. It's a sting operation. Nothing else makes sense.

Did you even know that Diddy, Saudi Prince Alwaleed, Jack Dorsey, Larry Ellison of Oracle, all invested in X with Elon Musk?

According to the Reporters Commitee website:

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey. Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al Saud. Hip-hop mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs. These are among the names listed in a newly unsealed corporate disclosure statement showing the investors who helped billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk buy Twitter and later turn it into X Corp. The statement was made publicly available on the docket of a federal court in California this week after tech journalist Jacob Silverman, represented by attorneys from the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, successfully sought to make the records available to the public. Attorneys with Jassy Vick Carolan LLP also served as co-counsel for Silverman.

Here's the court document with the unsealed list of investors.

What if it's a sting operation? How do you catch criminals in a global racketeering scheme? What if Diddy, Larry Ellison, Alwaleed, Dorsey, et al were forced to invest in Twitter with Elon Musk – by the white hats?

Link to my tweet

Oct 28, 2017, the date of the Saudi Purge (and the first Q drop,) when Alwaleed was arrested & detained for 3 months.

Guys, they seized his assets.

Executive order 13818 was signed by President Trump on Dec 21, 2017, less than a month later.

If Prince Alwaleed had his assets seized in 2017, how could he invest in Twitter? Unless it was the white hats and it is part of a sting operation.

And like I said, it is still in effect. Biden renewed it multiple times. Why would he do that?

Trump is Commander in Chief

Because Biden was never in charge. It was a psyop.

Trump has been Commander in Chief this entire time.

We have seen multiple service members confirm this. Here's just one of the many videos I have seen with confirmation... one of my friends on TikTok asked this service member (he's in the US Army) if Trump is currently his CIC (Commander in Chief). He touched his nose.

Watch the video

Sealed Indictments

Next, ask yourself why there are almost 500,000 sealed indictments on the website. Go look for yourself. I did, and I saw them back in 2020, back when there were over 200,000. You have to open an account to look at them, but if you do, you'll see them.

Diddy's arrest happened after the sealed indictment got unsealed this past September.

Pizza, Burger & Shake Gate

Go back and watch the video I made right after the Diddy arrest in September: Pizza, Burger & Shake Gate.

Watch the video: Pizza, Burger & Shake Gate

It's a global sting operation. It's the only thing that makes sense.

And come January 20th, the world will know what we anons have known for 7 years.

The end of the Great Tribulation is almost here. Rejoice. Dawn is coming.

I am rejoicing, and praying I land safely. In a home, with my children again. I really can't see any other outcome.

Es muss sein - Beethoven

Deus vult (God wills it)

I have been a health blogger since 2007. I've been censored on all platforms since 2019, when I lost 90% of my income. My husband divorced me in 2022, took my life savings and left me without a home.

Cash App:$cheeseslave

Thank you for your support and prayers.

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I need to ask for your help: Please share this post with your friends.

I am invisible, since I am so censored and blacklisted. I am device-banned (banned to the device level) on every major social media channel.

This means I cannot even get on Facebook or Instagram – even with a VPN – because they can see it is my device. They also use facial recognition and they have banned me by name.

Thank you for following me.