How I Got My Period Back at Age 56
I went through menopause in 2021 at age 53. Three years later, at age 56, I got my period back. Not only that, but I got my sex drive back...

I went through menopause in 2021 at age 53. Three years later, at age 56, I got my period back. Not only that, but I got my sex drive back, which was pretty much non-existent for years. I thought it was just my bad marriage – but nope, turns out it was my hormones. Probably the marriage, too, TBH. Ha!
As a biohacker who has been testing lots of different things for years, I can't say for sure how I achieved this miraculous result, but in this post I'll tell you the things I've been doing, and I'll ponder whether these various things could have caused it.

Can You Get Your Period Back After Menopause?
Is it even possible to get your period back after menopause? Most people would say no. But those are the same people who tell you viruses are real, v@ccines save lives, and the Federal Reserve is part of the United States government.
I'm not saying this can happen for anyone else. As always, your results may vary. I'm not writing this post to make any kind of health or medical claims. I'm just telling you what happened to me personally.
Not making any promises or predictions... I can only tell you all the stuff I'm doing – and you can experiment for yourself.
Jump down to the bottom of this post for my full disclaimer.
I Did Hear of One Other Person Who Got Her Period Back
Have you ever heard of someone getting their period back after menopause? In my 56 years on Earth, I never heard of this happening until a couple of years ago.
A friend of a friend who is on the Lifewave patches. I heard her story when I started on the patches in June, 2023.
What Causes Infertility?
I started thinking about the concept of extending fertility ever since I started menopause back in 2021.
It just started to occur to me that men produce sperm and can have babies until they die. Why would a woman lose the ability to produce viable eggs?
Possibly for the same reason men go bald so early in life these days? And why women get cellulite now when we never did before?
As a health blogger who has been researching food, nutrition, and health for almost two decades, I realized years ago that we are being poisoned on every front. Fluoride and other toxins in our water supply, pesticides on our food, aluminum in v@ccines and pharmaceutical drugs, etc. etc. etc.
Does this mean I'm going to be able have babies again? Haha... not saying that.
But who knows? With the work David Schmidt of Lifewave is doing with copper peptides / stem cells... anything is possible.
People are regrowing their hair, their grey hair is growing back dark... all kinds of stuff is happening. So who knows what the future holds.

Longevity in the Bible
Also, I was thinking about how people had babies when they were hundreds of years old in the Bible. David Schmidt, founder of Lifewave, was talking about this at the conference in October 2024.
I will find the video and share here on the blog... make sure you sign up for my free email updates and I'll post it in the coming days.
I'm going to start posting a bunch of clips from David Schmidt's speeches on my social media so be sure to follow me on TikTok and Facebook. Here's a list of all my socials.
Why The Heck Would You Want to Get Your Period Back?
I have had a few post-menopausal friends ask me, "Why would you want your period back? I don't want mine back."
That's understandable. But honestly, our periods help us stay young. Functioning hormones are necessary for a healthy body.
And so why wouldn't you want it? Yes, it's an inconvenience, having to buy pads and such, but having your youth and health back is priceless.
How Getting My Period Back Helped Me
Here are some of the things I experienced that have been revolutionary in terms of my health...
My Hair Became Less Dry & Damaged
One of the things that changed after I went through menopause was my hair. It got very dry and frizzy and looked and felt damaged.
I had never had this problem my whole life – I always had oily hair. This only started happening after menopause.
You can see in this picture below, before my period came back, how my hair looks dry. I had to ask my hairdresser to keep cutting it short because the ends looked so damaged.
It actually got so bad that I was convinced my hairdresser was doing something wrong and was damaging my hair.
I switched to like 4 different hairdressers in a span of a few years because I was convinced they were messing up my hair.
But it wasn't the hairdressers' fault. Turns out it was, once again, just my messed up hormones. Or, I should say, low hormones.
Amazingly, when I fixed my hormones and got my period back, my hair became normal again – not frizzy, dry and damaged.
I haven't taken any selfies recently but I'll try to get around to it so you can see how much better my hair looks.
In fact, I'm going to grow it longer again, now that it looks so good.
Higher Sex Drive
By the time I reached menopause, I had zero sex drive. This has been dwindling for years. I had gotten used to it, and who cares, I was divorced.
But I was unsure about dating again because I didn't care about that stuff at all. How could I start dating and get married again if I had no interest in sex?
I think a lot of women go through this – we just lose interest. And it turns out this doesn't have to happen – it's actually, once again, hormonal.
Heck, this one benefit would be worth doing this stuff, don't you think? Ha!
Increased Confidence
And apparently, according to Dr. Yoho, another one of my symptoms, which I didn't even know I had, was a profound lack of confidence.
I didn't even realize I had this. But after talking to him on the phone (we're planning to do some podcasts together – he is truly a brilliant man) he told me that I had the same affect as someone with low hormones.
He said in his practice as a doctor, he saw it "thousands of times." He said he could often see the change in women's personalities within minutes when they started on hormones.

How I Got My Period Back at Age 56
So anyway, last summer, in 2024, my period started again. Out of the blue. For a while the flow was very heavy, going on for weeks. Then it normalized, lasting only a week. It's not as bad as it used to be when I was younger – no really bad cramps.
And when I do get cramps, I just stick on a couple of the Icewave patches and boom – the cramps are gone within minutes and stay gone for like 24 hours.
So... what was I doing health-wise when my period came back? I won't say "what I did to get my period back" – because I'm not claiming that I did anything to cause this to happen.
Maybe it's just a coincidence. Wink wink.
I'll list the various things I did below, in order of when I started doing them, starting with the most recent one first.
1) Bioidentical Hormones
I started on bioidentical hormones in the spring of 2024 after reading this blog post and then reading the book, Hormone Secrets, written by my friend and fellow health blogger, Dr. Robert Yoho (retired).

You can get a free copy of Dr. Yoho's book by clicking here.
He says you have to send it out to 5 friends, but you don't have to. And trust me, once you follow the advice in this book and start feeling better, you will start telling everyone.
Two of my friends have already read his book and started on the bioidentical hormones – and I have hardly told anyone about this yet (because I was so busy with my personal traumatic life events this past couple of years).
I promise to write a whole 'nother post about bioidentical hormones, what they are, how they work – but I'm not gonna do that here because you need to just read Dr. Yoho's book.
You can go to this blog post and listen to him read chapter one of the book.
Follow his Substack, too: Surviving Healthcare. He posts great stuff. His is one of the few health blogs I read.
Where Do You Get Bioidentical Hormones?
Use Google and/or Yelp and look for biodentical hormone clinics in your area.
I found a place in Austin, called Hormones By Design, that has been wonderful.

The consult with you, and help you get the right dosages of hormones.
I highly highly highly recommend that you read Dr. Yoho's book first, though, because it will help you understand how and why all of this works.
Was It Just the Bioidentical Hormones That Made Me Get My Period Back?
Again, I can't say if any of this caused it – because, you know I'm not making health claims.
But I wondered, was it just the bioidentical hormones that caused my period to come back?
I don't think so.
Here's why... I spoke to the doctor at the bioidentical hormone clinic – you have to meet with them frequently in the beginning, to get the dosages right. Then over time, you meet less often.
Anyway, I spoke to her and I asked her if she had ever seen this before. She said, "If you notice intermittent bleeding or spotting, we can increase your progesterone."
I explained that it wasn't spotting – it was actual full-on periods.
She didn't seem to be able to process that. She didn't say anything in response, just kept saying we could fix the spotting.
Given that I had heard of a postmenopausal woman who got her period back on the Lifewave patches, I wondered if that could be part of it... maybe the combo of the Lifewave patches and the bioidentical hormones?
And maybe some of the other things? Maybe it's a combination of things?
Here's the list of the other stuff I've been doing...
Again, not making health claims here. Do your own research and your results may vary – all that jazz.
2) Lifewave Photherapy Patches
I started wearing the Lifewave patches in July 2023. I have worn the X39 and X49 every day since then.
In the beginning – for the first six months, I was wearing 5 Lifewave patches during the day (X39, X49, Aeon, Glutathione, and Carnosine) and 1 patch at night (Alavida).
Now I'm just wearing X39 and X49 during the day and Alavida at night – because I'm still very censored by Big Tech and am in the middle of a lawsuit to get my property back from my ex, so I have very little income right now.
Once I start making money again, I'll be on all 6 of the patches listed above.
Enter the Lifewave Patches Giveaway
I'm doing a giveaway right now for one free month's supply of Lifewave X39 patches – click here to enter.

3) Chl0rine Di0xide Solution (What I Call "Pool Water")
I started making CDS (Chl0rine Di0xide S0luti0n, AKA "Pool Water") in February, 2022. Since then, I drink a liter every day of water with CDS added to it. I have noticed very profound health benefits.
Tons of energy during the day, sleep like a baby at night, and almost never get sick (except when I forget to drink my pool water).
I also take chl0rine di0xide baths, do chl0rine di0xide enemas, use chl0rine di0xide toothpaste, and chl0rine di0xide nasal spray.
I even use it to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables and remove mold and pesticides from coffee beans.
Get the Recipe for Chl0rine Di0xide Solution
Here's my recipe for how to make what I call "pool water" (I call it that and change the spelling to get around the censors:
How to Make Pool Water (Chl0rine Di0xide S0lution)

4) Zeolite & Fulvic Minerals
Zeolite is another thing I've been using on and off since 2021.
After almost two decades of researching health, I personally believe what is making us so sick and aging us is toxins like fluoride, aluminum, mercury, etc. These toxins get stored in our body and we have to detox them to get them out.
I've been using the Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra Zeolite Spray since 2021.

Just a few sprays in the mouth a few times a day, whenever I walk in the kitchen to sip my CDS (more on CDS below).
I also add the Touchstone Zeolite Drops to detox the gut) and their Fulvic Minerals to my bottle of silica water (more on silica water below) every day.
I usually order the Fulvic Detox pack on my autoship (which you can pause at any time), which includes all three: Pure Body Extra Zeolite Spray, the Pure Body Liquid for gut detox, and the Fulvic Minerals.

Get a $50 Gift Card from Touchstone Essentials
If you are interested in ordering any of the products from Touchstone Essentials, click my link and use my coupon code P8HBVCT-426443-7 and you will get $50 toward your first purchase.
NOTE: This gift card expires tomorrow – so if you're reading this after the fact, email me at annmarie at and I will send you a code.

5) Silica Water
Finally, silica water... This is the thing I've been doing the longest. Since 2018 or 2019.
Back in 2016, when I did a deep dive on the dangers of fluoride, which then led me to learn all about how toxic aluminum is, I learned that silica helps to detox aluminum.
You can drink Fiji water or other types of high-silica bottled water, or you can easily make silica water at home.
When I drink one liter of the silica water and one liter of the chl0rine di0xide water each day, I notice that I only have to sleep 5 hours a night and I have tons of energy. I haven't been doing both lately because I just moved. But will get back to it soon.
Here's my post on how to make silica water at home:
Silica Water Recipe: How to Add Silica to Your Drinking Water

Like I said... I don't know if it's all these things I'm doing that brought my period back... but all I know is that all of these things are helping my health immensely in multiple ways.
From rarely getting sick, to looking and feeling younger, not gaining weight and eating anything I want, I feel great at 56.
Got Questions?
Ask me in the comments. You can also email me if you prefer at annmarie at
You can also join my online class, Detox & Heal.
It's free. I'm just asking for donations of any amount.
I'm not teaching bioidentical hormones in that class but I am teaching everything else I talk about in this blog post.
I had to stop teaching for a couple months because I had to move again but I'll be back to teaching lessons any day now.
Please Donate to Help Me Stay Alive
Here's the link to my GiveSendGo to donate.

There are more links below to other pay platforms.
Also, please share this. I have almost no reach. Thank you!
Cash App:$cheeseslave
Help Support Me & My Work
I was completely de-platformed on Google in the summer of 2019, banned on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram in 2020, and taken off Twitter in 2021. I have lost 90% of my income. My husband divorced me in 2022 which is when I lost my home, and I have two kids to support. Everything helps!
For just $5 a month (or $45/year – $3.75 month,) you can become a premium member of my blog and help keep me blogging.
Thank you to everyone who has continued to follow me, share my work, donate, and pray.
You mean the world to me and I will never forget what you did for me in my time of need.
Enter My Giveaway: Lifewave Patches
Click here for a chance to win a month supply of Lifewave patches.

Join My Detox & Heal Class
Are you in pain or suffering from health issues? Do you know you can heal naturally?
Click here to sign up for my online class, Detox & Heal.

Need Help with Your Health or Finances?
If you're experiencing hardships physically or financially, or you have family members or friends who are, this post is for you.
- Are you suffering from chronic pain or other health issues?
- Are you struggling to make ends meet?
- Do you wish you could do more to help the people you love?
Click here to learn how I am starting over with my health and finances and how I can help you, too.

Information found on this site is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.
I have marketing and business connections to brands, topics and/or products on this site. Through the use of affiliate links on this site, I may collect fees from purchases made.
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