
Farmageddon is a brand new feature-length documentary directed by Kristin Canty. She’s a mom, just like you or me. She’s also a Weston A. Price Foundation chapter leader.

“Between 1970 and now, the U.S. has lost 88% of its dairy farms.” — David Gumpert, author of The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle Over Food Rights

Isn’t that a scary quote? Scary and sad.

Why have we lost 80% of our dairy farms in America? How did this happen? Why did this happen?

If you want to know why, you need to see this movie.


Watch the Trailer

Director, Kristin Canty

Farmageddon is a brand new feature-length documentary directed by Kristin Canty. She’s a mom, just like you or me. She’s also a Weston A. Price Foundation chapter leader.

Kristin Canty

When Kristin started learning about what’s been happening to our family farms in America, she was so horrified, she felt she had to do something.  So she made this movie.

The thing that’s so amazing about Kristin is she is not a trained director. She never went to film school. But is was passionate enough about protecting our food and our farms that she did whatever it took and she made a movie. It’s a stunning achievement.

What’s even more stunning is how good the film is. I haven’t seen the whole thing, but I’ve seen enough to know that it’s fantastic.

Read more about how she made the movie in this excellent post by Kimberly Hartke at Hartke is Online!

See Farmageddon

I believe that everyone in America should see this film. You won’t believe it until you see it. What’s going on across our nation is shocking and our citizens need to know about it.

For those of you in Washington D.C., Los Angeles or New York City, you can see it in the coming weeks in a theater near you.  Click here for more about tickets and showtimes.

If you live in the LA area, please come and join us for the premiere LA screening on Friday, June 24th. After the screening, we’ll do a meet and greet event at Fig Restaurant with director, Kristen Canty, Mark McAfee from Organic Pastures Dairy, and Sharon Palmer from Healthy Family Farms (two of the farmers featured in the movie). To attend the screening, please RSVP here.

If you don’t live near L.A., you can still see the movie. There will also be other screenings in California — in Santa Barbara, Chico, and San Diego. And then in New York City. Click here to visit the screenings page on the Farmageddon website.

But don’t delay — this movie is only showing for a week in New York, D.C. and L.A.!

Not close to any of those cities? Click here to request a screening.