Want More Abundance? Learn to Dress Your Truth

For those of you who’ve been reading Cheeseslave for a while, you know that last year I lost almost 40 pounds which is something I’m very happy about. And let me tell you, after you lose 40 pounds, you really get excited about going shopping for clothes.
The only thing is, I’ve never been very good at dressing myself. In fact, I’ve always hated shopping because I never know what to buy, never know what looks good on me. It just makes me feel like a failure, and so I avoid it.
Until now.
Carol Tuttle
Enter Carol Tuttle and Dressing Your Truth. Carol Tuttle, MRET (Master Energy Therapist), is an energy healer who has devoted her life to helping people rise out of deprivation into abundance.
I was introduced to Carol by a friend, Cathy Raymond. An advocate for real food and small farms, Cathy works with the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund.
I see Cathy every year at the Weston Price conference. This year, I noticed a major change in Cathy. She seemed lighter, brighter, happier and really gorgeous.
There was something about Cathy’s energy that had been lifted and transformed. Whereas before she always seemed tired and faded into the background, now her energy popped like a firecracker. It was like being around someone in love. She seemed 15 years younger.
Carol had taught Cathy that she was a Type 1 and she started dressing that way. She went from wearing harsh stripes and lots of black (Type 4) to wearing lighter colors, more pastels, clothes that were happier and peppier and more cute (Type 1).
Dressing Your Truth
Carol’s program, Dressing Your Truth, helps women learn how to “dress their truth” to feel more authentic, empowered, more beautiful, and to attract abundance and success.
Carol teaches that there are four different types of women. Once you discover your type and start dressing your truth, you’ll see how much better you feel — and everyone around you will see it, too.
The 4 Types
The 4 types are:
Type 1: Bright and Animated
Type 2: Subtle and Soft
Type 3: Rich and Dynamic
Type 4: Bold and Striking

My Experience with Dressing Your Truth
I was blown away when I recorded a podcast interview with Carol last month. She told me I am a type 4, which she calls “The Bold Striking Woman”.
I realized that my whole life I have been trying to dress like a 1 or 2 type — and this is why I’ve always felt tired, dumpy and frumpy in my clothes. I also never felt like people took me seriously. I never felt heard or listened to. I felt like I was not powerful, like people did not notice me or respect me.
Since I started dressing like a Type 4, I feel so much more confident, so much more beautiful. I finally feel like the successful, beautiful, enterprising woman I am.
I also feel like I am attracting more opportunity and more abundance. And of course this makes sense when you think about it. When you feel powerful, beautiful and successful, you radiate power, beauty and success, and you attract more of it.
Watch the Video
Here’s a video that will give you a quick overview of the 4 types.
In this video, Carol tries on all 4 types so you can see what they look like — and how impactful the right and wrong types are for women. If you are dressing in the wrong type, it makes a huge difference.
When you learn to dress your true type, you will feel so much more centered, enlivened, beautiful and empowered.
Want to Learn More About Dressing Your Truth?
The hour-long interview I recorded with Carol will be broadcast for free as part of the New Year, New You Summit kicking off the week of January 20th.
This is a FREE online conference you can watch from the comfort of your own couch.

I know you are going to love this interview with Carol Tuttle (happening on Day 5 of the Summit).
Carol has completely changed my life and I know she can help you, too.
Whatever your New Year’s Resolutions, you don’t want to miss this Summit! Whether you want to lose weight, get in shape, learn how to attract more abundance, or start a homestead, you will find something for you in the Summit.
Sign up now to get access:
Click here and SIGN UP NOW to get FREE access to the Summit.
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