Let's Cut to the Chase
If you are like me, you're perseverating a lot about what's going to happen this year. Specifically, how is Trump gonna come back?

If you are like me, you're perseverating a lot about what's going to happen this year. Specifically, how is Trump gonna come back?
Let's face it: we know he is going to come back. And we know it's going to happen this year.
I mean, that is just obvious at this point.
But HOW will it play out? Will we have an election? What will happen if there is an election with all these illegal immigrants voting? Will there be martial law?

This is just a quick post to do a shout out and recognize a very excellent blog post by one of my very favorite anons, Mike King.
Here's Mike King's prediction of what will happen this year.
And I think he is right on the money.
I'm just sharing a few screenshots from his website here, but go read the whole blog post – and make sure you subscribe to his email updates.
He is the G.O.A.T.!

He absolutely nailed it:
"Trump has the authority and already has deployed the military. But to bring the military out of the shadows and into the public eye would still require a visible "crisis" of some sort."
I concur – 100%. It has to be this way. In the words of Beethoven, Es muss sein (It must be).
So hang in there, ya'll. It won't be long now.
Less than nine months and we give birth to the brand new baby America – which will then spawn the New Earth.
Click here to read the post by Mike King on his blog, Real News and History.
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