Coconut Flour Blueberry Muffins

These coconut flour blueberry muffins were absolutely delicious. Seth gave them two thumbs up.

Note: This is one of the posts that got nuked when I moved my blog after I got deplatformed – I will be updating this recipe eventually. Thanks for your patience.

And, amazingly, they are gluten-free and grain-free. They are made exclusively with coconut flour. So if you are following SCD or GAPS, these muffins are totally legal.

I ate my muffins with extra butter along with a hot mug of Dandy Blend with raw cream and stevia. They would also be good with extra butter and hot tea with cream. Perhaps a little marmalade. Don’t forget the butter and cream.

The recipe is from Bruce Fife’s new book, Cooking with Coconut Flour: A Delicious Low-Carb, Gluten-Free Alternative to Wheat. I cannot wait to get my own copy of this book.

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