Christopher Columbus Was Not Jewish

On Columbus Day this year, the mainstream media started pushing a new story that Christopher Columbus was a a Jew from Spain. This is false.

Yet another lie about our history from the media, which is, not so coincidentally, run by Jewish people. (Don't believe me that the media is Jewish? I covered that below. Keep reading.)

In this post, I'll walk you through the facts. First of all, I'll show you that there is no evidence that Christopher Columbus was Jewish. Secondly, I'll also show you why they (the Jews) want you to believe that he was Jewish.

It's these lies that keep us stuck. They spin the lies that turns into a web. And that web is what we call The Matrix.

We're all caught in this Matrix of lies that keeps us enslaved. However, it's easy to get out and get unstuck.

Just open your eyes and start noticing the patterns of lies, and who is behind them. Once you can see the patterns of disinformation, and who the enemy really is and how they lie to us to control us, they lose all their power.

Once you see the man behind the curtain, you realize that, like Dorothy, we the people have had the power all along.

By the way, I really tried hard to get this post done for Columbus Day. But it took me all weekend to research it. I kept being led down rabbit holes (God speaks to me) about Christopher Columbus starting the week before Columbus Day, before I even realized Columbus Day was coming up...

And then the news outlets started pummeling us with stories about Columbus being Jewish on October 12, which this year was the Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur. (And that is significant. I don't have time to cover that in this post, but I promise to talk more about it later.)

Note: This blog post may be upsetting to some people. You may find yourself getting triggered. One thing I have always been committed to is telling the truth. I share facts and evidence.

Don't like it? Don't read it. If you want to stay asleep because it's more comfortable, that's up to you. But the price you pay for comfort and ignorance is your freedom. I choose to live in honesty and truth, even if it's not comfortable or even painful.

Who Is Saying That Christopher Columbus Was Jewish?

A news story about Christopher Columbus came out of Spain on the weekend of Columbus Day, seemingly coincidentally on National Day of Spain, which is celebrated in Spain every year on October 12th.

In America, we celebrate Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Americas every year on the second Monday in October, and most people take the day off as a holiday.

But in Spain, they remember Columbus on October 12th, which was the real Columbus Day – the day he discovered America.

Anyway, this news story got picked up and appeared everywhere in the press on Saturday October 12th, on the same day a documentary aired in Spain, called DNA colon. Its true origin (In Spanish: Colón ADN, Su Verdaero Origen.)

Click to watch DNA colon. Its true origin

Needless to say, this was a planned and orchestrated media collaboration.

I haven't watched the documentary because it's in Spanish. However, I did read several articles covering it and got the gist.

The documentary is a very weak attempt, obvious propaganda, to try to prove that Christopher Columbus was not an Italian Christian, but rather, a Spanish Jew.

The movie tells the story of a coroner, José Antonio Lorente, who did DNA testing on some bones that are claimed to be the bones of Christopher Columbus.

Whose Bones?

We don't know if they really were his bones. They claim that they got the bones from the Seville Cathedral, however, it turns out there is a lot of controversy about where he was buried. Apparently his bones were moved around a lot.

So, are the bones they did the DNA testing on really the bones of Christopher Columbus? We don't know.

Anyway, the guy, José Antonio Lorente, tested the bones with DNA testing, and said Columbus was a Jew from Spain. Like I said, there is controversy regarding whether they were even his bones.

In the El Pais article about the documentary, they repeatedly use the words, "alleged" and "supposed" to describe the bones that were tested.

El Pais article about the documentary
El Pais article about the documentary
El Pais article about the documentary

The Science Doesn't Hold Water

But even more damaging than the fact that we don't know where the bones came from is the fact that anthropologists and genealogy experts online are saying you can't determine ethnicity this way. I'm not a geneticist  but I saw many people saying this same thing.

For example, in this article, Antonio Alonso, former director of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences said, "My conclusion is that the documentary "Columbus DNA" does not show Columbus' DNA at any time."

Another example:

Note: Pay attention to what Gusano said above about "chicken ritual days." Bookmark that for later. I'm coming to that at the end of this post – it connects to Yom Kippur.


It is also important to note that José Antonio Lorente is very likely Jewish himself. His full name is José Antonio Lorente Acosta.

In Spain, the second surname is the maternal line.

Acosta is a Sephardic Jewish name.

Forensic anthropologist on the project, Miguel Botella (the website translation is translating his name to Bottle, but it is actually Botella), could also be Jewish.

I searched, and found out that his full name is Miguel C. Botella López.

So López is his mother's name. And yes, López is a crypto Jewish name.

You have to learn all about the surnames of what are called "crypto Jews" or "conversos" (again, use both Google and the Yandex search engine to research).

These were Jews who were forced to convert to Christianity in the middle ages. Lopez is one of them.

The director of the Colón ADN documentary is also named López – Regis Francisco López. So he is probably also Jewish.

So, Why Does The Jewish Media Want Us to Believe That Columbus Was Jewish?

It should be a glaring red flag for anyone paying attention to the narrative that when the mainstream media outlets and political pundits all start pushing the same story at the same time, they are always lying.

Orchestrated Onslaught of Mainstream Media Coverage

When you typed in "Christopher Columbus" into the Google machine on Columbus Day weekend, this is what you saw:

You could see their agenda on full display.

They want you to know that Christopher Columbus is a Jew from Spain, and they want you to know that we are now calling Columbus Day Indigenous People's Day.

I'll have to write a whole 'nother blog post about Indigenous People's Day – can't fit it into this post. But it's part of a plot I touch on below, when I talk about Henry Ford.

By analyzing propaganda and lies, you can figure out what the truth is.

This Fake News Story Has Been Pushed for Decades

This fake news story about Christopher Columbus being Jewish keeps being pushed by the Jewish media, and this has been going on for decades.

Look at this CNN article from 2012:

2012 CNN Article: Was Columbus Secretly a Jew?

I actually scrolled through that article and didn't do a deep dive, just a cursory check. I highlighted just a few of the factual errors.

And it isn't just the fake news mainstream media companies (owned by Jews) who have been pushing this "Columbus is Jewish" narrative for decades.

Check out the Wikipedia page – it's actually kind of hilarious:

Notice how they use a fake "posthumous representation of Christopher Columbus" with a big Jewish nose.

I could to into this in more depth if I had more time but I want to get this post up.

Research it yourself. I recommend using both Google and the Yandex search engine and compare the results you get. Very illuminating when you use them together and see how different the search results are.

Yes, the Mainstream Media is Jewish

If you don't believe me that the media is Jewish, it is. Just google it. You don't even need Yandex.

However, if you do use Yandex, you can find memes if you click on the Images tab.

To shortcut the process of your research, here is a meme that sums it up:

There are lots more memes like this online – but usually they are hidden on Google. You can find them by using X and the Yandexsearch engine.

Here's another one that's particularly shocking:

Sorry if you are Jewish or have loved ones who are Jewish, but these are just the facts.

I love people of all all races and religions. I married into a Jewish family and one of my best friends in the world grew up Muslim in Iran. This is not about prejudice or malice against any group of people. I'm just presenting facts.

And if we can't discuss facts without being called names like "antisemitic," then we don't have freedom of speech. Calling someone antisemitic or racist is an ad hominem logical fallacy. Debunk the argument, not the person.

And by the way, according to some people, Jews aren't even semitic in the first place, so that argument is ridiculous on its face.

Jewish Telegraphic Agency: Jews Are Hittites, Not Semites, Says Professor

The whole Hittite thing is very interesting, and I promise to get into that more in a future post. But for now I will leave you with a few images to whet your appetite...

About 5 years ago, the "Number 17" (17th letter of the alphabet) asked us about the temple on Jeffrey Epstein's Island (yes, he's Jewish). They asked us about the architecture and the design of the building. I've been thinking about that every since.

I found this the other day:

I did a Google Image search on that photo and look what I found...

It's the Ancient Citadel Gate of the ancient city of Aleppo.

Who lived in Aleppo at that time? The Hittites.

More to come on that... more and more evidence is revealing that the modern-day Jewish people are the original Baal-worshipping Babylonians, Canaanites, Edomites. Same sh*t, different century.

Now, I'm not saying that all modern-day Jewish people are Baal-worshipping Canaanites. I think most Jewish people today have no idea what the elite cabal members are up to.

But as Roseanne Barr said in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, what those Hollywood and DC elites are up to is pretty nasty. Yes, we're talking pedophilia and cannibalism.

Watch the video:

Roseanne Barr on the Hollywood Elites

Anyway, more on that later, I promise. Future blog post. There is actually genetic reasons for this.

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But back to Christopher Columbus...

There's a Lot of Evidence That Columbus Was an Italian Catholic

So, now I have shed doubt on the documentary, the flawed science behind it, the bias, and the suspicious orchestrated mainstream media campaign.

But I'm not done yet. The fact of the matter is, we have scores of documentation showing Columbus was raised in Genoa, Italy.

Like, guys, we have actual notarized property deeds.

I found this statement online from someone named Maurizio Tagliattini:

Link to PDF of statement

So how could Columbus be Spanish if he grew up in Italy? If we have documented evidence that he grew up in Genoa, Italy, then he was Italian, not Spanish.

And if Columbus grew up in Italy, and we know that he did, based on documented evidence, how could he be Jewish?

The fact of the matter is, there is no way he could have been Jewish.

Jews were not allowed for more than 3 days in Genoa from 1165 through at least 1492.

If he was Jewish, how did his family live there? How did his family own property there?

Some people say they were Jews living in Italy who were "conversos" but now the stories aren't adding up. Was he a secret Jew who grew up in Italy or was he a Jew from Spain as the new documentary claims? Which was it?

And if he grew up in Spain, where's the evidence of that? Where are the property deeds? Who were his parents? Where did he go to school?

We have records on his parents. They lived in Genoa, Italy. And like, I said, they owned property.


If they want us to believe this story of Christopher Columbus being Jewish and from Spain, where is the evidence that he grew up there? And who were these other people who claimed to be his parents in Italy?

What Is the Media Covering Up?

There are so many holes in this story, it's like Swiss cheese.

So why is the mainstream (Jewish) media pushing this false narrative and what are they covering up?

That is what I find especially interesting. And why I've been going down rabbit holes for the past few months, really since May of 2024, when Candace Owens started posting again after she got kicked off of Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire in March, and Nick Fuentes was allowed back on X (Twitter).

I started noticing patterns in what they were saying, and what Kanye is also saying. Also what Michael Jackson was saying.

Since then, it's become very clear to me how they have lied to us, and how all the lies form a pattern. And that reveals who the real enemy is, or as Trump calls them, "The Enemy From Within."

Back in 2020, Trump also praised Henry Ford, and he was called "antisemitic" for doing so.

Now I want you to go to Google and Yandex, type in "The International Jew" and see what you find. Compare results.

I'll give you a sneak peak...

Here's Google... what do you notice?

Now here is Yandex:

If you use Yandex, you can easily find free copies of Henry Ford's collection of articles, called The International Jew. These links are buried on Google – you can't find them.

Why would Google not want us to read these articles?

Kinda makes you wonder why Dearborn, Michigan, Ford's birthplace, became the city with the most Muslim migrants in the United States.

That's another blog post, but I think it was intentional. Of course, that's just a conspiracy theory.

Research this "conspiracy theory" next – again, use both Google and Yandex:

Columbus Was Not Jewish

It's crystal clear, based on facts and evidence, that Christopher Columbus was not Jewish. Nor was he from Spain.

So either the historical evidence is lying or the media is lying.

Have we learned nothing from the lockdowns, the qu@ckzines, the fake propaganda coming out of Israel & Ukraine?

We know one thing for sure: the media lies.

I'll go with factual evidence. Christopher Columbus was Italian & Catholic. Not Spanish and not Jewish.

But this rabbit hole has only led to more rabbit holes. Now we have to ask ourselves, why the cover story? What are they trying to hide?

In fact, the realization I came to this summer is every single rabbit hole leads to the same place: the Mother Of All Rabbit Holes (MOARH). Once you go down that final rabbit hole, everything makes sense.

More to come in future blog posts and videos. Be sure to sign up for my free email updates so you never miss a post.

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