Checkmate: World Liberty Financial

Anyone complaining about Trump being aligned with the cabal bankers is not paying attention to what he's actually doing. Our boss just made his final play: checkmate, the chess move that makes it impossible for your opponent to win.

Checkmate: World Liberty Financial

Anyone complaining about Trump being aligned with the cabal bankers is not paying attention to what he's actually doing.

He's about to shut down the global banking system and give it back to we the people.

Our boss just made his final play: checkmate, the chess move that makes it impossible for your opponent to win.

The Launch of World Liberty Financial

Tomorrow's launch of World Liberty Financial will take power away power from the banks & stabilize the USD as sound currency.

World Liberty Financial

President Trump posted a video on X yesterday to let us know about the launch of Liberty Financial. Click to watch the video:

Click to watch the video

According to the NY Times,

"Former President Donald J. Trump said on Thursday that he was preparing to unveil a new cryptocurrency business, as his presidential campaign aggressively courts the multibillion-dollar crypto industry in the run-up to November’s election.

In a video posted on X, Mr. Trump said he would introduce the crypto platform, World Liberty Financial, in a livestream at 8 p.m. on Monday. “We’re embracing the future with crypto, and leaving the slow and outdated big banks behind,” he said." (Source)

NY Times: Donald Trump Prepares to Unveil a Cryptocurrency Business

This is as Big as the Signing of the Constitution

Guys, this is YUUGE. As big as the signing of the constitution.

You may think I'm exaggerating but I'm not.

World Liberty Financial will not only allow us to get loans, independent of banks or other middlemen, but it will also allow us to issue loans and make passive income. 🤗

Not only that, but it will use a stablecoin tied to the US dollar.

This can, and I predict that it will remove the power from the cabal banksters. 

Federal Reserve Board, 1917

Just think about what will happen to mortgages, auto loans & small business loans.

People have no idea how revolutionary this is.

This is we the people, taking our power back. We will become the banks & our dollar will be tied to the blockchain, a digital ledger.

In other words, this kills the Fed.

Which is the checkmate move.


Trump posted "#" on Truth Social Friday the 13th. (I think he has since deleted it.)

The symbol # is code for checkmate.

Friday the 13th was the same day Elon moved X to Texas.

Elon moves X to Texas

And remember when Trump said he was suing Big Tech in a class action lawsuit back in 2021?

Trump Sues Big Tech CEOs

And Texas AG Ken Paxton just won a billion dollar settlement against Meta.

Ken Paxton just won a billion dollar settlement against Meta

Red October

This is all happening right on time, as we knew it would... heading into Red October...

Is it just a coincidence that Congress is poised to take the month of October off?

Take a look at the Congressional calendar...

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With a looming government shutdown the same month...

According to NPR:

MARTIN: So Republicans want to attach a plan to the stopgap bill that would require voters to prove their citizenship, obviously, to prevent noncitizens from voting. But I thought this was already against the law in federal elections.

GRISALES: Right. That's correct. They want to attach what they call the SAVE Act, but Democrats and even some Republicans think it will not save anything when it comes to funding the government. But House Speaker Mike Johnson compares it to underage drinkers accessing alcohol.


MIKE JOHNSON: It is against federal law, but so is minors buying alcohol, but we still require identification to do it.

GRISALES: And former President Donald Trump, the GOP nominee seeking reelection, weighed in yesterday to say Republicans should not agree to anything unless this provision is in this temporary funding plan. And the deadline to sort all of this out is September 30, so there's less than three weeks to go. (Source)

Government shutdown looms

Ripple Kills Swift

Trump just posted on Truth Social this morning, "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!"

Swift is the global banking exchange system that controls transactions worldwide.

Guess what is poised to replace Swift?



If you're not familiar with Ripple, you may have heard of the cryptocoin connected to Ripple, XRP.

Ripple on Wikipedia

Ripple is what I believe will replace the Swift banking system.

Taylor is Deep State

Sorry, Swifties, but Taylor Swift's grandfather, Archie Dean Swift, was a Federal Reserve banker.

I just posted this proof on X a few days ago:

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Drop 1044

We know that it's important to pay attention to when Trump posts things, because timestamps correspond to Q drops.

Trump posted that about Taylor Swift at exactly 10:44 Eastern, which corresponds to drop number 1044.

This is one of the things we anons are waiting to happen – the kill switch that will shut down the net.

Which will lead to the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) announcement. And that is when we have the reset of the global financial system. When we take our world back.

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