My Big News: I’m Pregnant and Moving to Greener Pastures
Some of you have been asking after me on Facebook. I haven’t gone away — just been hibernating and getting ready for some big transitions.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. — Ferris Beuller’s Day Off
Some of you have been asking after me on Facebook. I haven’t gone away — just been hibernating and getting ready for some big transitions.
I have big news. On a couple fronts. First, I’ll share the personal, then business.
1. I’m Pregnant
I am pregnant! I’m 18 weeks along. At the last ultrasound appointment (at 17 weeks) they measured the baby at 7 ounces. The due date is October 29th. We are thrilled and really looking forward to welcoming the newest member of our family.

2. I’m Moving to Village Green Network
While the baby grows in my belly, I am dedicated to growing my other baby, Village Green Network.
A little background…
Over the past 5 1/2 years, we built Village Green from nothing to a profitable business that supports my family and a few other families and an entity that has changed the lives of thousands of people for the better.
I created Village Green Network to make a bigger tent where more people can connect and discuss our shared values. What we focus on expands, and what we share together expands even more.
This is what I am committed to: creating a collective voice that supports and grows our movement. A movement for health, a movement for natural living, a movement for happiness and community. Village Green Network is the place where people can gather and share these ideas.
There is a paradigm shift happening on this planet. Journalism needs to change to reflect that. We need a voice in the world. And Village Green will be that collective voice. Like Horton Hears a Who, when people join together to make noise, it creates powerful change in the world.
The name Village Green originated to mean grassland at the center of an agricultural or other rural settlement, which was used for grazing. The village green also provided an open-air meeting place for the community. (Wikipedia)
Village Green has been through a big shift in the past 6 months. We’ve moved from where we started (as a blog network) to a destination site.
Incidentally, did you know that Flickr started as a MMORPG (Massively-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game) — think la World of Warcraft or Everquest.
This has not been an easy transition, but it’s absolutely the right direction. As much as I have loved working with bloggers and helping them to grow their traffic, I found (by doing) that it was not a business that would scale. While I’m very grateful for all that I learned from the bloggers, Village Green is a business that I can really grow into something huge. And if you know me, you know that once I set my mind to something, it WILL happen!
Village Green will be much more than a destination site, though, because it’s not going to be just me producing content.
I’ve been talking to people all over — sustainable farmers, energy healers, nutritionists, holistic doctors, political activists, cookbook authors and more. They are all excited to start producing content (articles, interviews, videos, and more) on Village Green.
Think “The Huffington Post of Healthy Living”.

But What About Cheeseslave?
I started Cheeseslave as a fun little hobby in 2007 after my first child was born. In 7 years, I’ve taken Cheeseslave as far as I want it to go. Cheeseslave was my personal blog but now I am ready for a world-class website. It was my bike with training wheels. Now I’m ready for a motorcycle. (OK, not really — you won’t see this pregnant lady on a motorcycle — but you get the idea!)
So the bad news is you won’t see any more blog posts on Cheeseslave. I won’t be updating the Cheeseslave Facebook page or Instagram account.
But here is the really good news: I’m putting all my energy into creating and curating content for the Village Green website. I’m Village Green’s Editor in Chief and am currently doing most of the writing — so if you want to read my writing, that’s the place to go. I’ll be posting lots of new recipes and new articles. I’ll also be curating content from all the thought leaders in the real food/health/green living movement.
I’m also starting a new weekly Village Green podcast in June. I’m super excited about it! I can’t mention any of the upcoming guests just yet but I know you are going to love them. We’ll be talking about real food and health, sustainable agriculture, nutrition, green living, and all the other stuff I’ve been passionate about for years.
Oh, and did I mention we’re kicking off a 2nd Annual FitBit Challenge in June on Village Green? Click here to join in the fun!
So, really, this is a good thing. I’ve missed blogging and podcasting and now I get to do a whole lot more of it. I’m not going away, just moving to a bigger platform where I can reach a lot more people. As much as I love cheese, not everyone does. 😉 And it’s not just about cheese.
Village Green Network is the place where we can all join together and really grow this movement. I hope you will join us!
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