Announcing Eden Revival and Detox & Heal (Video)
I'm excited to announce the launch of two new projects, a new online network and my new online class, coming in March 2024. We are going to save millions of lives. At least that is what God is telling me. And I believe Him.

I'm excited to announce the launch of two new projects, a new online network and my new online class, both coming in March 2024.
Without reservation, I can say that these two projects are the biggest and most important efforts in my lifetime thus far.
We are going to save millions of lives. At least that is what God is telling me. And I believe Him.

Are ya'll ready to get to work? I am.
Ready. To. Kick. Some. Big. Pharma. Ass.

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Time to March
March is when we march. To arms!
It's the month of war (March = Mars,) in the constellation of Aries (the god of war).
I am coming back in this final month of the year like a lion, and I'll head into April (the new year) like a lamb.

Wait, what? March is the final month of the year? April is the new year?
Yes, April is the beginning of the year. I promise to explain the dates below... and I'll go into more detail in an upcoming post.
Because this is Biblical, ya'll.
My New Network, Eden Revival
My new online network, called Eden Revival, will be launching on March 24, on my brother's birthday.
My brother died two days ago, and I want to honor his life by launching my new company on this day.

The network will be my second, after the Deep State destroyed my first network, Village Green Network, the biggest health blog network in the world to date.
I started the company on my coffee table in 2008 and built it to 1,000 blogs and $1.3 million in annual revenue in 5 years.
This new online digital network will not just be for bloggers, but will be for everyone.

This is a way for everyone to connect and do business online, including consumers, natural health practitioners, sustainable farmers, healthy living brands and content creators.
This will be a place where you can find like-minded people who want to collaborate to rebuild America, and ultimately Planet Eart.
We are committed to restoring the Garden of Eden here on Earth, as God intended.
The Final Battle to Save America
This is our final battle, ya'll.
Like that scene in The Messenger – if you haven't seen it, rent it. One of my top 10 favorite movies of all time.
Saint Joan of Arc was shot in the chest with an arrow. She yanked the arrow out and took a nap – and then in the morning, she woke up and launched the final attack on Orléans.
It was the battle that saved France.
See my recent post, The B*tch is Back for more about that...
To Arms!
If I could be anyone in a past life, it would be Saint Joan of Arc.
But it's even better because I get to be a soldier in this life, in this great final global battle at the end of The Bible, The Book of Revelation.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. If that's true, and I believe it is, just think about what we can do with thousands of keyboards and mobile phones.
In this post I'll tell you all about what I'm launching... and how working together, we are gonna crush the Deep State and take back America from our enemies.
LFG, baby! Let's DO THIS!

Just Keep Swimming
When I was a little girl, my godmother gave me a book called Swimmy, just before she died of cancer. God must have told her what I was born to do.
Fauci means "jaws" in Italian. The jaws of an animal. Like a shark.

Jaws. LOL! Predictive programming, eh?

Watch this short retelling of Swimmy – it just takes 3 minutes – and you'll understand my battle plan:
An Army of Digital Soldiers
I didn't realize it when I started my blog network over a decade ago, but I was playing the role of Swimmy, the little black fish (ahem – yeah you know it, the black sheep) and the bloggers were the red fish.
By swimming in a school of fish together, in a coordinated way, we managed to scare the ever loving sh*t out of Big Pharma. If they weren't so scared, they wouldn't have come after us the way they did.
And I'll be honest, it was not easy. Bloggers are some of the most independent people I've ever met. The are not joiners and it was herding cats...
But in that battle, in the end, we had great success.

In fact, we were so successful that those tyrannical three-letter agencies launched an attack on us, and they didn't stop until they destroyed us in 2013. That was ten years ago.
Anyway, I started the blog network on the living room couch in 2008, a year after my first child was born and I started my blog, Cheeseslave, which was all about how to eat healthy and raise healthy children on traditional food.
I named the blog network Real Food Media, and in the beginning, there were only five of us. The original Real Food Media bloggers were Jenny of Nourished Kitchen, me (Cheeseslave,) Kelly the Kitchen Kop, Kimberly Hartke of Hartke is Online, and Kimi of The Nourishing Gourmet.

We were just an innocent group of moms spreading the word about the healthfulness of traditional foods like butter and cheese, grass-fed meat, coconut oil, and bone broth.
When I started blogging in 2007, most people had never heard of bone broth, coconut oil, grass-fed meat, pastured eggs, or raw milk.
Within five years, these things became household words.
All because of us.
And within five years, this little group of five moms became an army of over a thousand bloggers, generating over a million dollars of annual revenue.
The Shot Heard Round the World
In reality, we weren't just a group of innocent moms. We were actually digital soldiers. Digital soldiers on a mission for God. We just didn't know it yet.
This will make even more sense in a minute when I talk about the Book of Esther and Matriarch's Purim.
A few years later, I had to change the name from Real Food Media because we couldn't get a trademark. And one day, my friend Angelique (who was helping us name it) came up with Village Green Network.
Honestly, it wasn't until years later that I connected the name Village Green to the Battles of Lexington and Concord.
The beginning of the American Revolution. The shot heard round the world.

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.
− Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Concord Hymn"

(Damn, Angelique is a great namer. She truly is one of the best marketers I know. Her last name is Little. Little but MIGHTY.)
We moms really were the ones who started this fight with Big Pharma. They knew they had to crush us because if they let us keep going, nobody would have ever taken their stupid shots.
Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword, and an army of "Doctor Google" moms with laptops is the death knell for the Medical Industrial Complex.
Guess Who's Back?
So anyway, that first battle of our second American Revolution lasted six years.
You can read about how the Deep State destroyed Village Green Network by sicking the FTC and IRS on us in this post: What I Learned Building – And Losing – A Million Dollar Company: How Failure Set Me Free.
But guess what? We're back.
Cue the song, ya'll...
So the FCC won't let me be
Or let me be me, so let me see
They tried to shut me down on MTV
But it feels so empty without me...
Now, this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
'Cause we need a little controversy
'Cause it feels so empty without me
I said this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
'Cause we need a little controversy
'Cause it feels so empty without me
– Eminem, Without Me
It's time. The shot heard round the world was in April. The first month of the year. (I'll explain more about that April thing below.)
Which means, like I said, it's go time.

Rising from the Ashes
Holy Father, it's time for us to rise again from the ashes.
I know I was born to do this. I was born on the 4th of July in 1968.
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14)
Why was I born on the 4th of July? Well, that's obvious. Over these past several decades, there has been a war on America.
And I was born to fight. I'm a firecracker and I can't help it. It's how God made me.

And 19 is for courage and trusting in God (Joshua 1:9) and 68 is my commitment to do God's work.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)
Palm Sunday and Purim
March 24th, my brother's birthday, also happens to be Palm Sunday, the day our Lord Jesus chased the money changers out of the temple.

You know who the modern-day money changers are, don't you?
That's right, the Federal Reserve bankers.

The people funding Big Pharma, Big Tech, etc. In other words, the enemy.
They fund the megacorps that stock the shelves with toxic products in the big box stores, they weaponize the doctors and nurses against us, they brainwash us and censor us with Big Tech and the mainstream media.
But guess who decides who buys their products, sees their doctors, watches their media?
Yep. Moms. And we're pretty fricking pissed off right now.

Matriarch's Purim
Amazingly, this year in 2024, March 24th this year is also Purim, which is the day we fight our enemy and settle our debts.

March 23-24 in 2024 is Adar 13, which is the 24 hours we get to overpower our enemies.

On the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, the edict commanded by the king was to be carried out. On this day the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, but now the tables were turned and the Jews got the upper hand over those who hated them. (Esther 9:1)
It's the day the tables turn.
Oh, and yeah, did you notice that it says in Esther 9:1, "the thirteenth day of the twelfth month"?
That's the month of Adar in the Hebrew calendar.
Normally, the twelfth month (Adar) is in March, but this year we have two Adars.
Anyway, as I said in my original post on Matriarch's Purim:
"Roseanne Barr calls this war we are fighting the Matriarch's Purim, because it is a world war of women, mostly moms, waking up and fighting for our children and our children’s children.
You’ve seen the hashtag #savethechildren — this is why.
We are fighting for our children’s future, and for their children."
Detox & Heal
Oh and also, I'm launching my new online course, Detox and Heal on March 4th.

We're gonna learn all about:
- How to make chlorine dioxide and homemade silica water to kill parasites, detox aluminum and other toxins
- How to order and take zeolite to bind and neutralize the toxins
- How to do detox baths
- How to use photobiomodulation patches to naturally rebuild stem cells & increase glutathione
- How to do the parasite protocol
- How to heal using prayer and meditation. It's all about frequency!
- How to eat like a normal person and still be healthy (and how to reverse food allergies)
- And much more...
Literally everything you need to know to rid your body of these bioweapons – graphene oxide nanoparticles, other heavy metals, and parasites.
During the first 2 months of the online course (March and April) we will be doing weekly private zoom calls so I can answer all your questions.
Stay tuned because I'm going to be launching a giveaway any day now.
And I'll be offering a launch discount for everyone who enters.
Make sure you sign up for my free emails so you get the updates.
Enough talk... I gotta go get to work.
In the meantime, you can watch the video below...
Watch the Video
Jump down to read the transcript.
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Video Transcript
Hey everyone, I just want to do a quick update. I am it's Ann-Marie from annmariemichaels. com and I haven't made a video in a while because of everything going on in my personal life.
I just had to move again. This is the third time I've moved in three years. My landlords decided to move back in to the house that I was renting.
I got divorced and my husband kept the house in 2022 and then in January of 2023, I, had to move into a rental and then right before the holidays, they decided right two days before Thanksgiving, they decided that they're going to move back in and they were not going to renew my lease. So I had to go and find another house.
So that's what I've been doing. House is full of boxes. It's crazy. It's been crazy.
So, needless to say, quite a bit of stress, but the good news is, just a quick update, I am going, I am launching a new company, it's called Eden Revival, and the goal is to launch it in March, which is interesting because I just realized, biblically, the new year really happens in March or April, in spring, it makes sense this whole January New Year thing. It doesn't really make sense.
I'm very excited about Eden Revival. I think it's going to help a lot of people.
I'm also launching a new online course called Detox and Heal.
So that's what I've been busy working on. That's why you haven't seen any videos from me. I am going to put this on YouTube.
I'm also going to be starting a new channel for Eden Revival where I'm going to be doing interviews with various people. And I'm really excited about that. I'm really excited about doing interviews again. I love interviewing people.
And it'll be people in the health, field, natural health field, but it'll also be freedom fighters. All kinds of people.
Really looking forward to starting everything this spring and relaunching, not just my life, but my entire career.
And, it's time. It's really time. And I think that this is gonna be the biggest, the reason, we're calling it Eden Revival because It's a revival of the Garden of Eden.
It's the last chapter of the Bible. In some translations, it's called Eden Restored. And I feel like that's what we're going back to.
This has just been the worst. I've talked to many people and it's been the worst time for them. The last, anywhere from a few years to the last decade has been really, rough for many of us.
And what's coming is just the most unbelievable, awesome time in history. I truly believe that. I truly, believe that because people are waking up to the truth. And I just when you realize that there are cures for pretty much everything and you realize that they've been suppressing all this information, it is just so exciting. What's ahead for us.
So if you're going through a hard time as I have been, I just want to say hang in there.
Because the best is truly yet to come and it's not that far away.
I'm gonna post on my blog a new blog post I'm gonna I'm gonna make some of these blog posts for members only just because, you know as I become more out there, in the public I want to keep some of this stuff still just for members only, just because you still get these crazy brainwashed people who are very angry and I just don't need the attacks from them. It's a lot of It's not a lot of people, but it's a minority and they're It's just wild.
I posted something on LinkedIn the other day about James O'Keefe and Tucker and Trump, which I don't even know if I can say those words on here if I'm putting this on YouTube, but I just posted something someone's opinion about that and one former I wouldn't even call him a friend, he's just a associate. who's a former New York Times reporter and now he works for Google Cloud.
He was just like, those are all horrible people. Those are horrible people. And I'm like, wow. Yeah, the Allegory of the Cave, Plato's Allegory of the Cave is real.
People are really, those people are gonna be really angry and scared when all this unravels, because it's unraveling.
The the apocalypse means unveiling. It means a revelation. So that's what's happening.
And some people are going to have a hard time with it. So anyway, I'm going to keep some of my stuff private.
So just, all you got to do is join as a free member.
I'm also working on a book. And I'm working on a couple books. Those books, I will be releasing on my blog over time and I think it's like, $3 a month to become a paid member and that does support me, helps to support me. So you can also, I have I'm going to have to sue big tech. I've got I'll put a link below to my Give Send Go, which people have started to donate to.
And, yeah, anything helps. Anything helps. I'll put my cash app and my Venmo and all that as well PayPal anything helps guys really appreciate it.
It's been a tough. It's been a tough time I am completely still very censored and I've been cut off of all support almost all support not completely, but almost all support so it's okay because I'm gonna rebuild my business and stronger than ever and this has been going on for a decade my original blog network got shut down In 2013 was when they, the FTC came after me.
So we're going to do it again, but it's going to be way, way better because it's not just a blog network. It's going to be a network for everybody.
And we're going to have local chapters, chapter meetings. We're going to have an annual conference and just a way for Eden Revival is going to be a way for people to connect and find each other and support each other.
I'm so excited.
Anyway, that's my update and I will be making more videos soon. I've got to get my office, my home office set up. I've got to get my lights set up. Once I do that, then I can start doing interviews and I've got a lot of people to talk to.
And I'm really looking forward to supporting people, not only with Eden Revival, but with my online course, Detox and Heal.
And if you are a member, you're going to get a discount. If you're a paid member on my blog, you're going to get a bigger discount.
So go ahead and join at least as a free member ann marie michaels. com and you just click the subscribe button and you can become a free member. If you want to be a paid member, I'm going to give you guys an even bigger discount on my courses.
And this isn't the only course I'm going to be doing my online marketing course soon as well. I haven't been able to do it for the last, since I was launching it in 2020, right before the lockdowns.
And then I got censored everywhere. So I couldn't really teach social media when, I was banned. Anyway. Thanks for all your support.
And I love you guys and I'm looking forward to many years together. Great times ahead.
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